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Everything posted by Cracker

  1. I'm still waiting on all my paperwork to arrive.
  2. Congratulations man- hope mom is doing well!
  3. I've got my Memorial Day reservations for Pismo. Rubicon is planned for August and Moab in October.
  4. The pig ears don't last long enough so I get the hooves. I'm trying to price rawhide because I typically get the bones at Walmart. They come out to $2 a piece but they are thin and don't last too long either. At PetCo, I believe they sold a bag of thick 11" bones (don't search that phrase) for $20. They lasted longer but I don't know if they were worth the extra $3. Online I found what sounds like the PetCo bone for the Walmart price. But I haven't priced shipping. Maybe we can do a group buy.
  5. You're right, BOTH were extremely well done. Therefore, I nominate myself to be an unbiased driver for all rails that wish to be in the contest each month. I alone will cast the single vote to determine the winner. I've thought about it for some time and this is the only way to have a fair contest. Contestants need to drop off their rigs with their rails in tow at my house each month in order to be eligible.
  6. Leaving children alone really depends on the child. The 5 y/o in the above story seems bright enough, but this is a sick world and a creep could have easily "helped" the little dude out. If I see children running amok or more often having the people in the next camp becoming unruly, do what I do, have the wife tell them off. Then if things really start to get out of line I can step in and be a hero.
  7. I sit on a pool floaty in the Colorado River below the dam.
  8. I bet he was pissed when he found out his girlfriend didn't turn the video camera on.
  9. Just imagine the roosters.
  10. How much for a big bag of rawhide bones? I'm trying to find cheaper ones and considering ordering them offline. Which Petsmart do you work at?
  11. Another Rocco. Our lover boy. At least Sadie uses the books.
  12. First come first served unless I'm not first. Then gimme what I want.
  13. Hahahaha. Reminds me of bringing this home. I didn't think it would work, I was right.
  14. I like this more. http://www.king5.com/sharedcontent/VideoPl...54&catId=80
  15. I posted the link on the SinCity 4x4 board- http://sincity4x4.org/viewtopic.php?p=777#777 I'll be finishing my exams on Friday and hope to be conscious enough on Sat. to make the trip.
  16. Thanks. I might be able to make it Saturday but I may be working on the truck rather than tearing it up. Working on it would be a smarter but since it'll be my wife's day off I think I'll be able to get a dune pass before a garage pass. It really depends on the weather. Since I'm window-less I may just stay closer to home. We froze when we went to Calico in November.
  17. Go back and pull off the center cap off that 4Runner. I need one for a Sport Edition. Sorry about your wreck.
  18. Take pics of Sperry. I've never been out there but from what I've read I'd like to take the truck through there and see those little towns.
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