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Everything posted by Foxysandchick
No, I am not illiterate. You could have edited your original post regardless of it was quoted or not and simply made a notation that you misunderstood the post . Maybe you should take your own advice and go have some coffee before you start posting . And yes I do have plenty of time to do a search, it took me maybe 10 minutes to find those all old threads while enjoying my . Sorry to upset you Jodie, we are all just here to help eachother out and I'm glad to help you remember to add some hygiene gear to your list, wouldn't want you to have to stop by our trailer to borrow anything .
Hmm....body wash/soap, shampoo Looks like you wash your hands and dishes while out in the dunes, but maybe you don't shower or is that what the wet wipes are for? For such an "excellent" list it seems to be missing some of the basics... and you said its so you "never" forget anything so that means it is all inclusive. And some of the other threads covering similar things are here..... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...pid=185578& http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...pid=185579& http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...pid=185580& http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...pid=185581&
Earplugs or the IPOD So another TIP if you are a light sleeper and hate being woken up at 3am by quads revving, don't forget to pack some earplugs!! Jim does the dishes, he is pretty good at it, ya know putting paper plates and plastic utensils in the trash is pretty easy. Another TIP, buy the economy sized box of plastic spoons, knives and forks and it lasts a couple dune seasons. Got that tip from Pauly and Angela. We use paper and plastic since our grey water tank seems to fill rather quickly. If us, Bert, the Kllms or you guys don't have it then it isn't needed. But you guys always have the best late night pizzazz food . Tina, where did you get those pretzel roll things??
Yup, I make him sleep in the back thats the real reason we have extra bedding .
EXCUSE ME MS. PISSY .....I was in no way complaining about anything! I was giving a TIP, which was the point of this thread right?? Do I need permission to post in YOUR tread or comment to YOUR post? I don't know what your problem is, so get over it, nothing was directed at you personally. Nope we never run out of anything in the hauler, we replace anything that needs to be before its gone and before the next trip. Excuse me if I don't have to make a reminder list to refresh the daily use items back in, don't forget toilet paper . Yup, everything gets washed and as soon as it is finished in the wash it gets put right back into the hauler so nothing is left behind ....not hard to do when its parked in the backyard. Sorry if it wasn't made specific enough for your understanding..let me clarify for you.. Whatever we take from the hauler we replace asap and before the next trip, so that the same things are always there and we don't forget things. When we 'borrow' something from the hauler we put it back when we are finished with it, I don't need a note to remember to put it back. Maybe I should make a list so I don't forget anything... 1. Take out dirty laundry/dishes 2. Wash laundry/dishes 3. Replace items in hauler Anyway, for those actually looking for tips. We used to use dishes from the house and spare bedding and towels from the house, etc. and had to load everything in and out each trip and we hated it. So we decided that we would have a 'hauler set' of everything that is used on every trip. Since it can get expensive to completely stock the hauler with items all at once, we have added a few things at a time until we are no longer 'borrowing' items from the house for each trip. We started with bedding and towels, then added dishes/cooking items, and then tools and emergency fix-it items. Then we added extras like 2 sets of towels, 2 sets of bedding in case we have company or someone needs to borrow an item. We can add food, clothes and toys and head out for a weekend anywhere and have everything we need.
Nice list, but if I had to load all of that in and out each trip ....so our tip is to leave as much as possible in the hauler. We are working on having a full set of 'hauler' items that we never have to take out. We leave cooking/eating utensils, bedding (2sets), towels(2sets), hygiene items, pet items, some cold weather gear/clothing, all riding gear, canned food/spices (non perishables), tools, extra fluids/parts for the rides, chairs, bbq, air compressor, etc.... We only have to load food and a few misc items in and out each trip. 1 thing we tend to forget is the shovel, so that is added to the list of things to buy specifically to leave in the hauler.
If you are going to call someone out then go all out....What laws does Capt break at the dunes?? When and how many times for each offense and how did you know/confirm that it was Capt?? Cause I've more than just "seen" him at the dunes, I've camped with him or near him many times and been on numerous rides with him.
Law Enforcement Officers have the right to use discretion "The Power of Discretion", meaning they can choose what actions they want to take with each individual that breaks the law, to a certain extent. For what ever reason they choose to give 1 person a warning and another a citation and to not even stop someone else, that is just something they are allowed to do as a LEO, fair or not, life is not fair. If you don't want to take the chance then obey the laws and you won't have to worry about any interaction with the law. People who complain about the LEO's tend to have no understanding or respect for the law or the job that the Officers do.
Oh yeah....leaving in 7 hours right after I get off work
Tri Tip and Pulled Pork :freakin_nuts: awesome...I want one of each!
Petes Upholstery Shop on Sunset east of the 95 in the center where the old 4 Wheel Parts was located.
http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...2&hl=nascar Why tell everyone how to find it...just post it up, the damage has been done.
I shouldn't do this...but hey if your info is public then its not my fault I found a pic...
Why would you think that someone would be thinking about a person when they fire a gun? I don't understand that at all . I own 2 guns and have experience shooting many types of firearms. My personal reason for having guns (and other weapons) is to be able to protect myself and others. I have spent many hours training to be able to use my weapons in various situations effectively and safely, not for thrills or entertainment. Have you ever been a victim of a crime? I've spent a few years working directly with people who have been victimized, it changes a person. I want to be capable of preventing myself from being a victim. There is a lot that goes into being a responsible gun owner, just to start you have to be familiar with the weapon for safety and you have to understand the situations where you can legally use a firearm and you have to be willing to do it or it could be used against you. Firearms are not for everyone, but its good that you are actually asking for peoples reasons instead of just bashing gun owners because you don't like or understand it. How did I become a gun owner, well I had to for my work since I use to work on the police department. But as a child I shot archery and air rifles, so I guess I was predisposed to the experience of guns and weapons.
He finally figured it out! Start convincing Jim......
awwww Ryder is a lil cutie :hungry: Can't wait to see him and of course Whit and Randy
Last season was 4th and 5th gear runs on the z400's, kept up on the usual runs, but no thanks to 5th pinned the entire time . I led a few, usually prefer to be towards the back so I can see where the line is headed before I get there. I don't much like riding in the rail, but driving it is fun . My favorite dune rides are following JoeDuner . This season we will have to see if Sand~~Snake can keep up with my LTR on his YFZ .
I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - I have nothing worth adding to this post!! - x2...ODI grips are awesome, have them on all the quads. I use dish soap if I have a hard time getting them on, never had a problem with grips staying put.
I'm a girl and girls can't ride fast.
I have stock bars from a z400 with a high bend and I have fly racing bars with a low bend...I'm not sure what the stock bend on a yfz is like, but you are welcome to either or both pairs for free.
I'm not letting you touch my bikes!!! :ah:
I'm in the market for some parts, I'll stop by there soon and check it out. Would be nice to have a quality quad parts store in town. Thanks for the info.