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Everything posted by OneInd450

  1. To all of you who care, I shattered my right ankle, compound fracture of right femur, fractrured right radius (arm), and lacerated liver. I am doing fine now and am ou of the hospital with no complocations with the liver or right arm. The ankle will take about 9 weeks before i can put weight on it again. I would especially like to thank all of the people that came to help up on the hill that day. It means a lot that there are so many great people thet still ride out there. Thanks again.
  2. ]I just wanted to take a minute and respond to your quote about the guy you thought was jumping his 2 wheeler. The guy was me and i was not jumping my bike at the top of Comp Hill. I've been riding at dumont for years and had the misfortune of crashing for the first time. Pleas get your information correct before you start telling people what happened. thank you
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