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About predu

  • Birthday 05/11/1977

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  • Sand Toys
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  1. ride now in chandler az has 2 new 08's for 3800 otd i would not believe it if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes
  2. i did read it .does that mean it is accurate??? i camped for years with richie and never once did i see him with shrooms. as far as the dumping he said he stopped to dump fresh. do you have actual proof otherwise. so if you actually knew more than a report you might be more informed
  3. not worth my time ....... glad to hear danny is doing good
  4. your glad someone wrecked????? how fast was he going??? you can go fk yourself, matter of fact why don't we meet up so i can beat a dumbshits like you a$$ he has been going to dumont for 20 + years and knows how to drive, thats why it's called an accident. its people like you that should not be at the dunes,your prob. the guy who will complain and try to get a speed limit in the desert.
  5. true , coming back from comp area on the woop road he went off the right side dune, the hill climb one. either outran his lights or thought it was the ridge before the edge of the flats.landed nose down into the flats. it happened at about 7:30 friday night after a dune run
  6. i don't think he is a member,if so not a regular
  7. danny is a friend of mine. he is at umc in vegas in critical condition. details are scetchy right now. heard lung damage,broke ribs, aorta torn??? on a breathing machine. it was coming back from comp friday night. not sure how or why it happened. i believe it was raspadoo's old car 2 seat black turbo honda that he bought
  8. i know what dune stars look like. i have a set. i was refering to the PADDLES ,sand stars i believe. the little part of the v goes on the inside not the outside.
  9. are the paddles supposed to be on the wrong sides??
  10. predu

    bent frame

    my old one was like that, i never worried about it never got worse. it can be pulled though and then gusset both sides
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