I am just glad I wasn't on it since it was partially filmed on halloween!! :beer_bang: :mischevious:
Richie and Barefoot were though! TWICE!
It was actually kinda S T U P I D!!
They really focused on how dangerous it was cause we all drink and drive!! So I think it painted a pretty crappy pic of duners but what ever I knew it was going to be that way anyhow! So no surprise. I was a little surpirised that they focused more on the accidents rather then the partying and they really made the rescue guys look kinda dumb, cause they can't even locate someone in their OWN area! If thats the case, then maybe the rescue workers need to know their areas better! By the way the guy was describing the area, I would have said he was on the back side of the Super Bowl!
I figured they would have focused more on the partying!