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sand chick

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Everything posted by sand chick

  1. Ha! Ha! WHOOPS!! Target!! Better quality crap! Comedy or Drama??
  2. MANGO all the way!! Comedy or Drama?
  3. garbage truck, cause the smell will always go away, but a rock can cause damage, which in turn will cost you money, so yeah garbage truck! Mojitos or Mango Margaritas?
  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Enjoy every moment that you have with him, they grow up so fast!! Mine's about to turn 18 and was already emanciptaed in March
  5. Has ta ta ta too much time on his hands! He loves Styx ALMOST as much as Celine! :argue:
  6. is a little slow on the uptake, but can make a rhino run like a champ! :argue:
  7. Is the guru of Honda quads!! And likes to flip people off when passing them!
  8. Anyone see Chuck and Larry?? Is that a good one??
  9. Loves his Mogs, has DDR sighting's in 4 miles of freeway and won't give me any crap, cause he doesn't know me YET!! Hello back SandSoulja!!
  10. He's Brian :argue: and get funny pics taken of him at DDR TT hits Fremont Street!!
  11. Kayla likes puppies and Amargosa! And can tear it up on a quad! :argue:
  12. Soft or crunchy ???? Hmmmmm.................what are you actually refering to there??????????? If we are talking along the same lines as tacos, then it would HAVE to be soft! Other things...........oh nevermind!!! Rhino or Razor????
  13. ISBB is a very very funny guy and likes to drink alot of beer!
  14. I would have to agree with above statement! :beer_bang: Think about how much havok we could reign upon the world if we we neighbors!!
  15. Thats my girlie right there!! But ya'all better watch out though cause if ya say the wrong thing she may smack you!! :beer_bang:
  16. Pete makes the best cheese and has the best looking sand car :beer_bang: (next to Barefoot's, but thats a deep obsession with the car!! )
  17. Sorry to hear about that! You would think parents would do a better job raising todays youth! But then again you have the jackazz's that treat thier kids like adults and practically help them out! Dada was prob drivin the getaway car or is takin them to the hock shop sometime today! :mischevious: :beer_bang: My kid ever did something like that and it woulda been....... :porn: :porn: :porn:
  18. I 'll be there Might bring someone else as well, but we'll see :mischevious: Only person I can count for sures is myself! :beer_bang:
  19. I am just glad I wasn't on it since it was partially filmed on halloween!! :beer_bang: :mischevious: Richie and Barefoot were though! TWICE! It was actually kinda S T U P I D!! They really focused on how dangerous it was cause we all drink and drive!! So I think it painted a pretty crappy pic of duners but what ever I knew it was going to be that way anyhow! So no surprise. I was a little surpirised that they focused more on the accidents rather then the partying and they really made the rescue guys look kinda dumb, cause they can't even locate someone in their OWN area! If thats the case, then maybe the rescue workers need to know their areas better! By the way the guy was describing the area, I would have said he was on the back side of the Super Bowl! I figured they would have focused more on the partying!
  20. Come AFTER work! DRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowers:
  21. PARTY'S ON!! Like Donkey Kong!! :moonwalk: :moonwalk: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Can't believe I just said that!! :chug: :swim: :porn: :swim: :chug: :chug: :chug: I have to get a new margarita machine now! Ahhh shucks!
  22. THANKS!!!!!! Let me know how much I owe you! CAN'T FREAKIN WAIT!!!!!! :fro_smokin:
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