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Everything posted by Luvdunes

  1. That was nice of you to support his son, fundraising for your kid sucks and it probably meant more to him for you to buy candy than to pay him for the job since it was so small.
  2. Sorry it didn't work out for you, hopefully you can figure something out.
  3. I just might have to do that! Checked my husbands schedule and he has to work, but I just might pack up the moho and load the quad on the trailer and head out. I know my 15 yr. old is up for it.
  4. Looks like I won't be going, everyone is complaining it will be hot Bunch of woosies I really need to go to the S.A. meeting.
  5. Hopefully the owners of the recovered stolen items get them back. Hope the f**kin theif gets what is coming to him!
  6. It sounds like you guys are having a great trip. That is one of our dreams to travel around the States and see the sites and get to meet the people.
  7. Glad to hear they got everything back Hope it all is in good shape. :praying: Congrats to the Dumont Duner that recovered the stolen trailer.
  8. Like your new avaitor BuggyChick. It will be a friendly reminder for BudlightBob.
  9. On another post "Pics from Seattle" Ragdoll tell you to go his myspace to view more pictures.
  10. Going to my Mom's tomorrow afternoon to help her with some stuff. Finish cleaning the Moho and boat. Start packing for our big summer vacation from Thur. to Sun. Can't go any longer since our son decided that English wasn't that important during regular school so now he is going to summer school. He says he won't do that again. Plus football practice Mon-Thur.
  11. That was just MEAN! I know you were really excitied at work and then to go come home to a toy, that was just wrong. Funny, Budlightbob "Can I drive it?" :fro:
  12. When I first saw your post I thought oh good a funny story from Dani. Got a heartfelt one, thanks. I know what you mean about this site. I am on this site everyday and look forward to see what everyone is doing or done and feeling like a part of it even though I have never met any of you. We all have something in common the love of Dumont and other dunners. We feel like we can go on here and talk about anything even if it isn't about dunning. Thanks to all of you that have made it possible for us to reach out to each other no matter what topic. :shoot_head:
  13. My check was returned as "Undeliverable" by the P.O. They couldn't locate Bumphuck, Egypt
  14. Congrats!!! It was worth the wait for the pictures, nice looking boat. Have fun.
  15. Where are the pictures? (It is after 8:00 PM) Great pictures Pete.
  16. How are we going to know it's you if it's not GREEN!
  17. You guys are bad , funny but bad! It is like an accident you just have to look to see where it has gone now.
  18. Looks like you all had a great time! Glad you had fun at your party Pete, except for this part. Thanks for sharing your B-Day pictures, good times
  19. Happy 30th Birthday Pete! ENJOY
  20. Just hanging out at home. Maybe go to the high school to watch the big firework show. Real exciting huh!
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