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Everything posted by Vegashd

  1. barely missed it. Caught it at the very early stages. My buddy watched it happen
  2. DAMN!! fat people? did OGP tell you about my girl scout cookie order? :gayboy:
  3. It was not the beer.... It was I was planning on being at Coles.... I was going to go pick up a quad this weekend which would not allow me to be there. But since plans changed I will now be there. better for you? Mtn dew livewire tonight... LOL
  4. huh, I listen to NFL, Patriot, Fox News, ans Sirius hits and NONE of my channels have been touched. Guess I listen to the good stuff
  5. I am in on this..... any pics of this burrito?
  6. Ya I have heard all about getting in on poker.. LOL I was gonna go buy a new YFZ this week but with the price of a used quad yyou can build a bad a$$ YFZ for less then half of a new one. I scoped out a YFZ in northern Ca, ya.... Northern Ca for less then 3k. clean, paddles, etc. I am gonna try and get it this week.
  7. i did not want her near my lap let alone up my sleeve...
  8. Just a few more days........ WE can see some midget Do a little and some We can see that little thing and wonder if it is indeed a :blonde: We will watch her do a little of this and post pics like this we can watch all the guys do this :dance: and a little of this Ragdoll will be off in the corner doing this :hatdance: acting like a while we our off. Some will stand there like this and yell while away. some might even go and play with their :bert: others might drop their :moon: for some of this :porn: :poop: we will never have another stripper...... LOL
  9. What a rip off, you should buy mine. I am doing a buy one you can clean up my entire yard for free..... hell I wont even charge you for the first one. I just want my yard cleaned...
  10. T Minus 6 days and counting!!!!!
  11. DUDE I say it EVERY freaking day. The guy is half white. SO why is it all about "black" which IT IS.. FIrst this, First that.... Did anyone forget he is also white? Which means cant we just call him a WHITE president. If it is not about color........ then why did so many of his votes..... I cannot recall off hand how many first time minority and colored voters there were but it exceeded 30%
  12. Pretty sure it blew it for him alright!!! I do think it would be cool to do this but not trying to buss the bridges and mountains
  13. Nothing better then that vid....
  14. He did say he has a trick in the works that is BIGGER and BETTER then both this years and last years jumps... :hungry:
  15. I do a lot of rockcrawling and like the duning sport a lot of people thing it is just so bad for the environment. Well if you look at the cover of their book on their webpage you see a nice sand rail. Stacie Albright is an advocate to keep lands free for trail riding and whatever else we want to do. Just an FYI for those who may not know about him. Here is a e-mail I got from Stacie today & something I encourage all to check out. Stop Thrillcraft - it's deceptive & looks like the usual BS of emotional based plus a lot of lying with statistics. Hey at least for once they are being honest in that there goal is complete ban on Thrillcraft aka OHV use on all public lands. "I’m sure you’ve already heard about “Thrillcraft”. If not, here’s the info (and prepare to get mad): www.staciealbright.blogspot.com Stacie Albright Life Member BlueRibbon Coalition Friends of the Rubicon (FOTR) Friends of Eldorado (FOE) Motherlode Rockcrawlers CA4WDC www.staciealbright.blogspot.com " MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2008 Thrillcraft I'm sure that most of us have already heard about the dastardly 'thrillcrafts' that are out there destroying our public lands. The book "Thrillcraft" goes above and beyond pushing the environmental agenda and bashes any sort of off road vehicle use. Be prepared to get mad. Go here for more: http://www.stopthrillcraft.org/index.htm
  16. btw....he may not be the sharpest tool in the shed...but once he gets his mind to something......its set!!!
  17. belive me i have had this conversation with him....he is off his rocker...and he plans on doing all that and more....iam trying to talk him out of the propane tiki's that have a 75 shot for his flame throwers out of the tiki's..... the boy just aint right
  18. Do not try to bring your fully insured, licensed az rhino to nevada either. They will pile on as many tickets as possible.... Now If i could stop scraping my plate while doing wheelies in the rhino.
  19. lol....everyone is a critic...lol (cole typing)
  20. LOL. Ok Now I am cracking up. this is like the guy who mentions his girlfriend on an internet forum only to find out his wife got on the forum. What are we married now? If I do not log on the forum enough you think if you neglect to mention you got f*cked with a Sharpie that I cannot rag on you about it cause ill never know?
  21. that aint no joke there.... That is my del taco stop now that they have them there.
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