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  1. We did this last Thanksgiving and had a blast! We headed there Fri morning around 9am, made it to Primm around 11:30 for gas and a buffet lunch at Whiskey Petes then headed home! I don't know the exact route we took, but this sounds familiar. The first part was along the old RR grade that had several washouts and was fairly slow going. Then we got into the mountains on some powerline roads that eventually dropped us down in the valley on the West side of Primm. Headed to the gas station and pulling up next to tourists in their 4-door sedans was priceless! The best part was handing the valet $20 to watch the cars for an hour or so while we ate lunch!! It was a blast. One of the guys we went with had a GPS file of the trip. I'll see if I can get it from him. Here's a crappy cell phone pic of our cars @ WP's
  2. I did get to take a couple pics while I was out there that weekend.....came out so so after a little photoshop action. (and yes I did have a whip, it just got pshop'd out!)
  3. I'd say overall it was a pretty damn nice weekend for the middle of April! I was out there Thursday thru Sunday. With the breeze blowing most of the time, it kept it nice if you weren't standing in the direct sun. I didn't even use the air in the moho until around 3pm on Saturday. All in all a good trip, no problems with our group but we did have to help a kid that broke his leg/ankle pretty bad over in Little Dumont. He wasn't wearing boots and his ankle decided to turn about 90 degrees to the side....not good. Tough guy though, hung in there for probably an hour and a half until he got taken out of the dunes to the ambulance. Sunday was a different story though.....loading up the trailer at 9am and it was getting hot quick. No breeze at all.
  4. I'll be heading out there Thursday afternoon staying until sometime Sunday. I'm heading out with some friends of the wife, with mostly quads, so I may be lonely being the only LT car (that I know of). If you see me, stop by and say hey!! Kevin
  5. I've never seen it done with electrical tape.....I think you're thinking of friction tape, which is usually a black cloth type of tape that looks like electrical tape. Put a spiral wrap of it around the bar, hit it with some contact cleaner (only a little, but I guess gas would work too) which softens the glue in the tape, and slip the grip on. Safety wire it and you're done. It's probably the most common method of the factory mx/sx mechanics.
  6. Kbach

    New Rail

    Haha....the never ending ritual of upgrading!! It's never endinng isn't it!
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