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Everything posted by mrmotard

  1. how bout a late night baby sitter camp!!! then the 3am runs to the north pole wont be so hard!! a few bucks an hour per kid!! and mabe some ice thats a little cheaper than 1$ a lb.
  2. i will be there for the day on sat.!!! look for the rhino and say hi!! it now has true fire paint and bright green cage!!! u cant miss it!
  3. thx to all for the info-- im gonna lower the ball about 2 inches-- see if that works!! thx again!!
  4. the rhino goes over the axles- forward just a little-- just light stuff behind it, and coolers in front of it-- ive been loading the same way for years-- the tires are BFG all terrain, and tire pressure is good!!
  5. thx for the reply guys- to answer a few------ i have a sway bar sways at any speed over 60 when passed,or passing i tried coming home without the weight dist. at all-- no difference only had my rhino in it-and a trx250 before i had my dully i towed this trailer with a lowered V6 f150- and never had swaying issues!! the truck dosnt sway- it holds pretty true- but the trailer!! argh-- im thinking the best thing to do is what was stated in the previous post!! invest in a longer shank to lower the front end and get a little more tounge wieght!!
  6. ok- need a lil help from you guys- i just sold my 97 chevy 3500 dully- and purchased a 2001 dodge 2500 4x4 cummins deisel-- hooked up my 20ft hauler to the new truck and headed out to marysvale a few weeks ago- and anytime any bigger car or truck went by me on the highway the trailer would start rocking,back and forth--- and when a semi went by -(pucker up) it was scary! :poop_hittin_the_fan: -- i have been towing this same trailer since 01 and it has never swayed at all-- no mater what was going by me or at any speed!! im using all the same stuff on the new truck- ball,weight dist., sway bar-- nothing has changed but the truck!! i had lowered the ball to the lowest seting on the hitch, but im thinking it might still be a little to high- it still angles back a little bit on flat ground!- so what do you guys think?? can any of you do a measurement from the ground to the ball on your trucks for me-- i guess i should have measured where it sat on my old truck before i traded it in!! thx for any help or info in advance!! -
  7. heres a cool pic i took from the event -- i believe it was 2 years ago!!!
  8. i knew you would appreciate that dooner!!! LOL
  9. geeeze !!!! the rich get richer!! LOL- yeah- that thing is gonna fly-- looks fast just sittin there!! what motor you runnin??? honda 250ex???
  10. HONDA reliability is the best IMO !!
  11. ^^^^ that would be the easiest way-- just screw some "L" brackets into the box, and then the floor!! good luck
  12. thats great news!! thanks for the update- its about time we saw some of our cash at work!!!
  13. flags came from sammys cycle shop in las vegas-- the pics were takin at the top of the rockmountain trail-- !!! you can see the trail going up the mtn. if you look south of the dunes!!!
  14. very nice-- for some reason i really like the cars design-- enjoy it!!!
  15. just figured it out!! no you dont want to use a clamp-- the actual piston itself turns, and rotates itself back into the caliper-- im assuming its threaded on the inside-- but its all back together now!!! thx though!! BRAAAAPPPP!!!!!
  16. im in the process of changing the rear brake pads on my 05 rhino-- ive got the new pads on, but there isnt enough room between the pads to slip the over the rotor -- do any of you have suggestions on how to spread the brake piston a bit so i can get the disc between the new pads??? any help would be greatly appreciated!!! BRRRRAAAAPPP!!!
  17. good vid ms.dooner-- amazing i didnt see itsstock in the video-- riding with his girl-- LOL
  18. had a blast-- missing a bottle of bacardi-- hmmm... ken and craig??? rhinos are a friggin blast the new rhino rollcage held up great-- cuts through skin quite nicely to!! theres alot O trash in the dumpsters!!
  19. im there!!! look for the orange rhino with the custom cage and aluminum panels,-- lookin forward to meeting other duners!! ive been going to dumont faithfully since the the early 90s-- but just signed up on the forum recently!! hope everyone has a fun safe weekend!!! BBBRRAAAAAPPP!!!!
  20. i will be there with the orange rhino!!
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