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About randyvw

  • Birthday 01/13/1954

Profile Information

  • Name
    randy wellman
  • Sand Toys
    04 jeep rubicon rock crawler.........purple mid travel subaru buggy. 250 honda...50 predator. rock crawlin 84 toyota pickup w/v6 astrovan motor
  • Location
    hesperia ca
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Randy's European Auto....vw repair shop
  • Hobbies
    sand, my kids, rock crawlin, slot machine collector.

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  1. don't forget the toilet paper!....don't ask me why i say that...BTW, why DO we need clean shorts if we are going for an ambulance ride?
  2. in hesperia now.....you know what to do if you want to claim them...describe 'em.
  3. must have rolled quite a few times, because i found his flag sunday morning way up the hill.
  4. TRINITY Racing and IMS stickers, nice condition, almost new
  5. yellow and aluminum ..trinity and ims stickers say from banshee or some kind of 2-stroke
  6. damn, pete! you get around more than my first WIFE. you got pics of every one of my highlights of the weekend, and a whole lot MORE!...definitely got to save this one. thank you for GREAT pics...got to dune with you guys one more time before i die....oh, speakin' of dieing, i hear FBI director james comey died tomorrow. seee yuh!
  7. closer to B/R 4...campin' with lee, i hear. run2it
  8. we will be there near B/R 3. i haven't had the sandrail out in 5 years, sooooo lookin' forward to shakin' out the cobwebs! wade, brendablue, grandma, and my sons zach and joe will be along.
  9. i see i put this in the wrong place....it's been a while.
  10. talked to wade today and he says he's going, so i most likely will go for a daytrip or sumthin'....sat nite is victor valley 4 wheelers christmas party....and that's where i spend most of my off-roading times lately....miss the dunes and have been out twice this year already, and planning to get there more...might even pick up a longtravel with V8 or honda power if i see one too cheap to pass up....hope to see you there pete...and several OTHERS too!
  11. as far as hearing the starter working while it was burning, that could have been caused by wiring(starter and power wires) melting together within SECONDS of the fire starting. hearing a starter cranking over on a burning engine should in no way be a SURE thing that there was a "bad starter"....but it DOES warrant investigation.
  12. i will be out there with wade in his blue and yellow desert dynamics LS7 powered buggy and a couple renegades. he camps at bathroom....5 or 6 is it?...the one across the road from where the camp hosts used to park....that one's 10 i think...so the bathroom across the entrance road from 10.....been a while since i been out, but sold another house, so will have MONEY AGAIN for awhile. we will look you up pete, hopefully we can do some duning....can't take too many chances with a hunnerd thousand dollar rail that aint MINE though...hee hee
  13. came upon the rangers working on a guy sat night nov 2, saturday afternoon. saw he had been riding a black banshee. looked like he had stuffed it into a dune on a very abrupt bottom and it got on top of him. one guy had seen the bike and by the time he got there it had been on him quite a while and he couldn't breathe during that time the guy thought......just guessing, but i think probly broken ribs and brain damage from no oxygen for too long. he was labored breathing and they had to transport him to the copter on his side...probly cause his lung was full of blood? didn't look like he might make it? i sure hope for the best outcome for him. that's about all the info i can come up with....oh, yes. they did find his celphone so they could notify his family. so there's a lesson here.....always carry your ID with you when riding, or at least a celphone so they can find family.
  14. looks like i will make an appearance for at least saturday, but probly fri nite thru sunday afternoon.
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