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Everything posted by randyvw

  1. hmmmm. if you bought since about 2002 you probly don't have the 20 percent equity required to refi........... just sayin'. oh, and the fico score better be around 800 too.
  2. got a feelin there will be a lotta monkies out there this weekend.....and the dawgz(ran and sand) too! sounds like a great time. should be there with the boyz by meet n greet time. don't know if it's the rubicon or the sanrail with no clutch this time. may you all be blessed with interesting times!
  3. a recession is 2 quarters back to back of negative growth in gdp. we will see "stagflation" before this is over, meaning the prices of things you need goes up and the prices of things you want goes down(just look at the sandrail classifieds). "real" (not the official lies the gubmint puts out) unemployment is now roughly 13 percent and will rise to around 25-30 percent in the next year or two. hope yuh got popcorn peeps! pull up a chair and watch things get mighty interesting THIS year.
  4. yup, yer right about it being the medias fault.......they let the housing bubble inflate without so much as a peep about how we were paying triple for our houses at one point, and that was unsustainable. here's all you need to know about where we are in the economic cycle...we make less $ than we did in year 2000( before the start of the bubble)....yet we are still paying 50 percent more for our houses than we did in 2000. we got a ways to go down still. the banks were leveraged 30 or 40 to one on their loan portfolios(fannie and freddie mac are 150 to one), and when you lose even 5 percent under those circumstances, you are bankrupt......but here in inland empire we are down 50 percent!!!! our banking system is insolvent peeps. we as a nation are bankrupt, and no help from our graft taking politicians.our system of government is broken too. ben bernanke gets up every day wondering how the heck he can keep the banking system from imploding.....we will pick up the pitchforks and torches before this is all over, but there aren't enough of us cold and hungry yet to make that happen. what just happened to our banking system has NEVER HAPPENED in the history of the u.s.....how can you think it won't last for a decade at least is mind boggling to me.( three and a half years so far, and counting). go spend an hour or two reading patrick.net and educate yerselves. all yuh gotta do is read the left side of page and follow links to why we are in such deep doo doo. over the last 70 years or so we paid 25 to 30 percent of our incomes to buy a house. at the peak of the bubble in june 05 we paid 50-60 percent(if we even had an income) we will return to what we used to pay for a house and people will realize a house is just a place to live, not an investment or a source for drawing money out. sorry if i sugarcoated this too much for y'all. rant over....you may now go back to watching american idol or flip this house.
  5. bump this suckuh, so you don't forget i want a cam......
  6. start lookin for a fish ridin' a bicycle....they're easier to find. :clown:
  7. like ace said, coos bay is the best dunes by far for what yer gonna do. you can have a lot of fun with a grizz in the dunes in spite of what a lot of peeps think. coral pink in utah is second on my list. sand is sand until yuh git to coral pink tho....that sh*t is hard to get around in, and it's 5000 feet so jet them bikes for it. as for pismo, it's fun to vacation....a break from the summer heat but the dunes will dissapoint you. lots of other things to do in the area though. like that famous somebody er other said "go north young man, go north".
  8. i'm down for one....nice videos. # 2 was good once i realized i had to turn off the sound(laughi'n in my hand)
  9. one guy i dune with has a renegade with pipe, fullerton sand tires,cdi box, and a buncha other stuff i don't know what. when he first got it i tried it box stock, (including tires) up steepest/longest part at comp...way off to the right, and it went up about as good as my ds650baja does WITH paddles. it's my favorite bike, hands down. yup, it's heavy....so what? thats what makes it ride like a caddilac. i agree with the freak, you will ruin it for the dunes if you replace those tires with anything but the RIGHT paddles. when i run comp with my other friends yfz, i beat him by several bike lengths every time. be careful out there and enjoy, oh master
  10. ummm...speaking of avatars, whats with the monkey?....looks like it fell face first into a tackle box!
  11. watch out who's gift card you give, a lot of retailers may.....no, wait...WILL be out of business shortly after christmas....i'm just say'in.
  12. oops...typo in that last post. i was gonna fix it, but i know how you like those pete.
  13. ..........................nope, i'm talking about going out to the pavement and parking at salt creek campground and walking maybe......... 1 or 2 hundred yards to the remnants of the cabin and their trash heap....it's fun for me to look at a hundred plus y/o pile of antique trash. am i :freakin_nuts: ? point being it's closer to campground than riding quad to end of trail and waking up that way.....i don't EVER ride out of bounds.
  14. thanks for making my sat. daytrip a memorable one! can't remember the last time somebody took off and ditched me on a hard azz run through the dunes....and you did it 3 times on one run! sore here too...holdin on for dear life! maybe i'm gettin old....what did you say your real name was again??? clark kent?...those damm dunes were toreup from the floorup by sat afternoon!!! next time you go to the little dunes you gotta see the mines...just follow along the hills past the little dues to the end of the trail and park your bike and walk a few hundred yards ....there's a cabin there and plaques to explain how miners were killed by injuns back in the 1800's a couple times. you can get there easier by going to salt creek campground probly. lookin forward to the next time!
  15. i been pounding the table about the ds for years....it's a caddillac, for sure. just don't get on a renegade.you will throw that ds in the trash heap. they are very expensive, but the ride is incredibly smooth and the power of that 800cc's...woo hoo!! my opinion on why they don't make race ready out of the box.....only a small percentage of the bikes sold go to "racers". if they made them "race ready" they would have to add a bunch of stuff that would drive up the cost for everyone buying the bikes, putting them out of reach for many buyers. "different stokes for different folks"
  16. i don't know, but she sure is purtty.
  17. heres a free bumpity bump for curiousitys sake
  18. someday....maybe someday..... i will contribute something to a thread...naw, probly not......
  19. hunh??by jan 2005 we were already paying triple for our houses with a DECREASE in income, inflation adjusted. what happened next you could chisel in stone....as we enter the fourth year of the downturn there is no end in sight. houses are still priced about 50 percent over what they were in y/2000 and the rise in oil and food makes our inflation adjusted income WAY less than it was in 2000. bottom line greenspan held interest rates low too long and the bankers created their fuzzy math collateral debt obligations with no oversight by any gubmint body....congress, the fed, the prez,....wait a minute, why is a retard trying to explain things to a buncha rocket scientists? this thread is officially closed(for me anyways) :clown:
  20. probly done with smoke and mirrors hee hee.
  21. if you knew anything about the housing bubble you would know the tippy tip top was july 30 2005...barely 6 months after they got control of congress with a president with veto power.i am not a democrat either. our system of government is broken..the truth is, a lot of politicians on both sides were taking money from lobbyists and others. so i doubt we will see any frog marches from the s.o.b.'s. .........everybody got stupid. if obama is the man you all think he is, he will start with some arrests the day he takes office to make some of those responsible be held accountable for their part in this mess. there's plenty of blame to go around. lots of people lied... mortgage people, applicants, real estate salespeople....and many more. all thought the party would go on forever, when a monkey coulda seen the end was near. :ah: oops, almost got off topic there! what WAS the topic again?
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