well it wouldnt idle but today i was out there putting in my new fuel screw and i tightend up all the clamps around the carb and messed with the idle screw and now she purrs like a kitten
well i got the cam mod done about a week or 2 ago run perfect went home changed oil ran perfect went out to ride today and wont stay running i have no idea what the hell is wrong with it
yea man that would be awsome if you could get ahold of him i live on rainbow and twain and i can bring it to you just let me no when would be a good time weekends are good for me and how much
ill be there ill try and bring my quad gotta clean it all up if you see me ill be in a clean silver ranger with black wheels and a 06 yfz 450 in the back names kyle if you see me say hi
if your glowing you need to re jet they run lean from the factory but as for the cam mod id feel more comfortable if i had some one whos done it before do it for me any one wana make a 100$ thats done the cam mod before pm me