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Everything posted by aceisback

  1. You've made perfection the norm Erick. Casey is ready to make "The Beast" King of the Hill down at Glamis! Hopefully the case is the only issue.
  2. Awesome weekend for duning. Smooth as silk on Friday, started getting rutted and torn up by Saturday evening, and today was still choppy but it was fun nonetheless. Must also say that the road in and out were the best I have EVER seen them. 25mph and almost felt like pavement. Now a litttle bit of water to hold the dust down and to help it pack better and longer would be very beneficial. Good deals going on from most of the vendors. Good dunes, good peeps, no political debate=great weekend. Back to work on Tuesday so then we can pick up on the misunderstanding and misconceptions about the War of Northern Aggression and Mr. R E Lee. :rant_on:
  3. My what a sensitive bunch some of us have become. :flatbiller: If you think the system is fine with all of the handouts and welfare to those too fuggin' lazy to work :B then I'm dumfounded. I work hard for my living and don't care to see Osama hand it over to his type. Just me... You pay my salary anyway seeing as to how I'm a Gubment employee so if you're content then I'm satisfied for you. Semper Fi Let's ride Nuggas! :freakin_nuts:
  4. Being out there with a trailer means that you would have ample opportunity to haul out much more than you haul in. I know we all hate picking up after those who don't respect and enjoy the desert as much as the majority of us do, but it's easier to contribute with a trailer at hand than it is on a quad, bike, or rail.
  5. :freakin_nuts: And therein lies why it's not so great sometimes. Just because someone doesn't share your point of view they have to be stupid. It's the land of the FREE because of the BRAVE. However you wish to celebrate and enjoy it, whoever you wish a firey eternity upon, whomever you call stupid because you don't see eye to eye with and grew up with different life expereiences than , may you just partake of the festivities in a manner that returns you home safely. Happy holiday ya'll, from the few the proud , not the select few.
  6. Different folks take this opportunity to celebrate several different occasions. Malcom Lucifer King Day, James Earl Ray Day, Robert E. Lee weekend. Different strokes for different folks. Ain't America great. Atleast we all have one reason or another celebrate. Until Borat Osama takes that away from us too...
  7. THIS Friday! Race 3 of the FourStrokeChallengeSeries, Rumble in the Desert. The day before the races is set aside for grudge racing and usually the hill is kept nice and smooth of test and tune. I do get your e-mails so keep me posted on Curtis and them coming down. Last I rode with him was DS Days at Little Sahara. Nice little car he has now, and quite a story that goes with it. Some of the Utah crowd along with some NorCal guys are coming down to Glamis the 28th and staying through the 1st of Feb. I'll make the Pres Day trip too. Sorry to hijack your post.
  8. FourStrokeChallengeSeries on Saturday for the Rumble in the Desert. Nobody will be there! I want to see if I can rent some seat time in yours or Tim's S for a cruise. I've been in a stock RZR and a slightly modded one but haven't experienced the S yet with the HO and suspension. Tired of waiting on Can Am to release their SXS so I'm getting an S by Labor Day if they are close to the hype. We'll be in the NoMercyRacing camp but I'll swing by the DDR camp if that's where you guys are going to be.
  9. Is all of this taking place on Grudge Race Friday? While they're grooming Banshee? We're rolling in Thursday and I'm not sitting at the hill all day Saturday when I can be out DUNING, but I would swing by to see a race with this much build up. More hype than Danica coming to NASCAR going on right here. If Bud takes the For Sale signs off he'll pick up an extra horsepower or two! See ya'll there.
  10. Good Lord Free Agent, that music is ghey as all hell and slows that RZR down like you wouldn't believe. Edit that video with some Disturbed and look how much faster it will rip up the dunes! I enjoyed it much better after I gouged out my ear drums with ice picks. That noise was worse than gansta rap, look how violent it made those dogs. They were trying to kill eachother. Nice vid sans the music... Semper Fi Ace
  11. Oh boy, I give it until Robert E. Lee weekend before it's all jacked up like the North Pole mailbox was a few years back before it got it's armoured treatment! I bet we could find a former service member to hide out up in the hills near the South Pole and exhibit some marksmanship skills on the first person to vandalize the box. I'll stop by and check it all out on the 15th when we roll in for Rumble in the Desert. I'm guessing it won't look like it does now, too many assbags in the world today who just can't leave things that aren't theirs alone...
  12. Hell Yeah! Everybody likes a little South in their mouth! Just did three trips to Glamis and I'll be at Dumont for Robert E. Lee weekend and the "Rumble in the Desert", but back down to Glamis shortly thereafter. Maybe we'll run into eachother...
  13. I was droolin' until you said collad greens. That sounds like something from New Hampshire. But if yer whippin' up some collard greens then I'm down. And Budan??? C'mon ya'll if ya gotta little Dirty South in you then atleast get this stuff right. It's Boudin for crimminies sake! Cain't beat Southern cookin'. Why'dya think Alabama and Mississippi are the most obese states in America? American by birth, Southern by the grace of God.
  14. Three day trip to Glamis and 117 miles of duning my fingers are damn near too sore to type, along with the rest of me. Hurts to breathe... Getting old sucks but ya can't beat ridin' and chillin' with old friends and making some new ones along the way. Hope everyone stays safe through the holiday season.
  15. We should alternate this every other year between Glamis and Dumont... Kinda like DS Days alternates between St. Anthony's ID and Little Sahara UT. There's only two or three of us that have made this a tradition so it shouldn't be a major decision making process. Coin flip???
  16. Bored at work huh Don? Guess ya'll are as bsuy acroos the street as we are over here. Can't believe I came in at 6 only to get off at 10. But get paid for ten hours. Gotta love the Gubment!
  17. So are you bringing this bag o'dicks out for Super Bowl weekend??? Crazy azz teachers nowadays!
  18. Blank white box on four different computers here. Must not be available in SoCal...
  19. Alls I know is that Can Am needs to get off of thier arses and get thier SXS on the streets before I have to take my faithfulness over to the PoPo side...
  20. Damn that looks like some wet, heavy sand. Would've made for some fast riding. So keep us posted when this video comes out... looks to be strange. Who's the artist??? Awesome set of pics by the way. Diggin' those night shots.
  21. This is the weekend of the "Rumble in the Desert", race 4 of the FourStrokeChallengeSeries. Should be WAAAAAY more than 50 people. See everybody there.
  22. We could always make a quick run into Barstow and partake of the festivities. Don't really know the time frame for a Barstow to Dumont run, if much over an hour or so then maybe not. Hate to miss the show of support at BLM but would hate to break up the Super Bowl tradition more. See ya there gigilo.
  23. Sure doesn't seem to be such a great loss. So much pent up anger and frustration.
  24. There's a little black spot on the sun today....
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