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Everything posted by aceisback

  1. So how are the DS's doing out there today? I hear that there is a mighty bad one ready to lay the smack down. Good luck Annihilator, it's time for Bombardier to reclaim the King of the Hill title. BigRay800 ought to have his DS800 turbo running hard too. Little bit of spray will help that heavy azzed pig up the hill. Somebody post up some pics so those of us trapped at home can see what we're missing.
  2. Are you fuggin' kidding me? Here we go again with your homosexual tendencies towards this fuknuts. I swear you must be ate up with him to not be able to realize the damage he has done to this country, yes, in only nine months. We've been sold out to a point that we may never be able to recover from. Just look at the company he keeps. Everyone was afraid of Clinton ushering in the NWO, this cat may actually achieve it. He has greased the skids for dragging this country so far down that we may have no choice but to become sheep and blindly follow the herd. You really must not get out often. You should round you up ten negros that voted for him and pick their brains now, yes, only nine months later. You will be lucky to find two that still support him and more than likely you will find two or three that want to get all ghetto on his azz. You had your same arguement at the six month mark if I remember correctly. Still haven't seen your sign yet huh? We'll patiently wait for you to post all that he has accomplished for peace and prosperity. Normally you've accomplished something along those lines to be even considered for this award. Real men like Henry Kissinger deserve and do win the Nobel Peace prize, not some limp wristed sissy trying to appease anybody who's thrown a dollar his way. I'm just hoping America wakes up enough from the nightmare that Obama is creating to actually get Duncan Hunter or someone along those lines who may actually be able to unscrew it all, in the White House after this debacle. For the first time in my life I am not proud to be an American... Just kiddin', 26 years and counting doing the Marine thing will keep me from ever bowing my head and giving up. Ragdoll and OGP spoke for the vast majority here and the way most of us feel. How can you claim to be a duner and support his ilk? They damn sure don't support you. Peace Bro, because when the Islamic Shitheads come rolling into your neighborhood you will be praying for it.
  3. True dat. I forgot they were running the six races this year. Normally they finish up up north where it's cooler in the late spring/early summer vice starting there. Oregon was first, Dumont, Glamis, Dumont, Glamis, then probably Fallon /Sand Mountain.
  4. Yep, race 1 of the 09/10 4StrokeChallengeSeries. I usually make them all but NASCAR is in Fontucky this weekend so I have to skip my first one since 04. Sucks but I'll catch them for the next one in Glamis. Lots of fast bikes. Some of the conversion bikes in the exhibition class top triple digits. A good time if you can make it.
  5. Is there no cleanup associated with this event? I'm sure we'll all do our part along the way, just seem to remember last year coincided with a clean up. Will there be all of the drawings and give aways like last time or is that on attached to the DD clean up weekend? Sorry for MY confusion...
  6. Yep, every Fri, Sat, and Sun off. Just can't handle it! It is nice to roll into the dunes Thursday evening and have the dunes all to yourself most of Friday. Your schedule would get tiresome after awhile I imagine. Doesn't it atleast rotate every few months?
  7. There's a little black spot on the sun today....
  8. Like father like son! :ah: That's exactly how you looked right before you T-boned me on the DS a couple years back.
  9. Thanks Pete. Just can't see $5 for a 3 cent envelope and a 44 cent stamp... All about the principal of the matter. $2.50 is doable since it's the ASA giving thier time, but not double that even with it being $10 off for the Dumont pass. Guess I'll have to get it for $90 from Habib at Valero. Wish the TRT meeting would've been a Saturday, easy transaction there.
  10. Congrats on the new addition. Mine is in the near future but I HAVE to put a Jacuzzi in for the boss lady before I can take the plunge. Tons of great info over at www.rzrforums.net I've been studying up for awhile now over there. There is a RZR S specific area but lots of good peeps and info all over the site. There is a big get together at the northern end of Glamis the first weekend of December where you can get four days and nights of camping for over 50% off. Good thread on it over there. Check it out. What are they going OTD for there in Henderson?
  11. I got my Glamis pass from ASA for $40 off and just an additional $2.50 for S&H. I can't find where to get the Dumont pass mailed to the house and get the September discount. Anyone? Thanks
  12. It's coming. What Bruton wants Bruton gets. It will be a package deal along with Kentucky getting it's first date. Vegas supports the sport and needs a second date. Fontucky can barely get the stands three quarters full, even with a Chase date. Vegas should host the final Chase race and then have the awards banquet a couple of days later. New York most definitely does not deserve to host the banquet. I'll be at Fontana in two weeks but it's against my better judgement.
  13. I found a bunch of stuff I would like to get for the RZR S. After I get it of course...
  14. That's not it Jason but it is a continuation of a big problem that we have in this area. I edited my post with the gentlemans letter included at the bottom. I think with all three letters most folks will be able to form an edjucated opinion on the matter. Thanks for digging in to it. I'm sure there will be much more to come. The anti-OHV Nazis in this area will stop at nothing to ban the whole community instead of pushing to have the perpatrators prosecuted. We do have our share of crack/meth heads that ride any and everywhere without regard for the black eye they give us and they vandalize and steal to support their habit.
  15. Alright you stalking MoFo, why don't you post the letter that inspired my letter!?! :ah: I waited several days to make my reply so as not to get thrown in jail for terroristic threats. What an assbag the guy was, saying it's only fair that WE pay for criminal activity from our contributions. With your madass computer skills I'm sure you can find it in a timely manner so nobody is left scratching their heads and wondering what the hey I was ranting about. His was in last weeks edition. The editor did cut out about half of what I had to say... Thanks for the props Jason. Here's the gist of the portion of my letter that was edited: All groups have their unfortunate 10% but to assume that the law abiding 90% of any community should absorb the cost and scrutiny of any damage done by it's unfortunate few is no way to approach the situation. Hopefully this person is caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law but in the mean time we should all police our own and not pass judgments, or unnecessary cost on to others. Teach you children well. Victor Heiser Alright, here's the letter that prompted my response, and it's about us as a community: Your view: What a sad decision to make Published: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 5:10 PM CDT D.S. Wenzel Twentynine Palms Dear editor, How sad it is that an off-road vehicle driver decided to destroy the new shade structure at Sky’s the Limit only hours after it was installed. One can easily imagine an unsupervised child on a high-powered vehicle trying to climb the structure — thank goodness he or she did not flip over and die crushed under the vehicle. If the perpetrator is like 90 percent of off-road drivers who destroy and damage the private property of others he or she will never be held accountable for the damage that was done and the heartbreak that was caused. The right thing for the off-road community to do would be to step up and follow the example of Hutchins Motor Sports who has begun to help restore and protect areas which have been badly damaged by illegal off-road vehicle use. If the off-road community were to pay for the damage one of their own did to Sky’s the Limit they would not have to bear so much shame for members of their community who seem bent on using off-road vehicles as instruments of destruction. Short of that, the laws should be enforced so that the pot of money that funds off-road vehicle parks and recreation areas acts instead as an insurance fund to reimburse those who are unfairly absorbing the huge cost of off-road vehicle damage. It would only be fair.
  16. My trailer is actually at Don's house where the rail is. I was going to buy the rail but it's too little for my CroMag a$$. Cole would be more than welcome to the trailer but it is not wide enough. It will hold a RZR S perfectly though. Now, where are those screaming deals???
  17. Is anyone besides the sub group planning on attending this meeting? Are passes going to be available again? I'm leaning towards heading up if there is going to be a group like we had last time. Slash X afterwards or are they even open during the week???
  18. Heading out Wednesday for DS Days and just read through all of the post. I started this thread for anyone to chime in that has been there before with trip info such as where to fill up with water and fuel before straying off of the beaten path, where to dump at, places for emergency repair items such as tires/batteries/ etc, any good places to grub in the area, particular sights to see in the area, and so on. Just like what has been done for Dumont and Glamis except a beginners guide for Little Sahara. Simple enough I think. Lets hear it, the good and the bad. Thanks
  19. Mubarrack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank. Oh we can only wish...
  20. DS Days! Just our little annual rotating get together at St. Anthony's Idaho/Little Sahara Utah/Sand Mountain Nevada. Gonna be in Utah this year. No matter what you do or where you go everyone be safe. Next on the list is the SSSS, then kickoff weekend. See ya'll there.
  21. Just a left one and a right one. I figured two of my spawn was more than enough to unleash upon the earth. Low and behold a surprise appeared quite a few months later. Funny, he turned out the best of the three.
  22. Used to be a diehard but in the last 15-20 years it's gotten to be nothing but nuggahs and thugs. Could care less about it now. I love Super Bowl weekend though, it's one of the least crowded and best weather weekends of the season at Dumont. And incase you're close minded and think the I'm prejudiced I also hate the NBA and MLB. Give me some NASCAR and some NCAA football and basketball and we can talk all weekend... Go Raiders!
  23. C'mon mang, I figured as a President yourself that you could appreciate a good joke! I gotcha though, it can go nowhere fast. Killing is my business and business is good.
  24. Everybody's getting their vehicles in top notch shape so that they can all leave the country after Obama effes it up beyond repair...
  25. Well, I was fine tooth combing the hauler yesterday and finishing up preperation for Utah here in a couple of weeks. I normally do this before each season, making sure each and every nut, bolt, screw, and washer is in place and tight. I was tightening the bolts for the tie down anchors and found three out of the twenty four had worn enough to be stripped out. Quick trip to the hardware store for 24 nuts and 24 lock washers and a fast slide up under the hauler and all is well. Shouldn't have to worry about anymore of them ever stripping again. I will add that to my list of pre season checks though. On a side note, the store I went to was having a customer appreciation sale and drawing and called the ticket number I had while I was there. Won me a 1Gal. 1HP ShopVac. Mounted perfectly above the cabinets in the hauler. Can't beat that...
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