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Everything posted by aceisback

  1. According to ME??? So now we have sheep roaming around with blinders on. Do you not see the uprising taking place in America? This fugger has caused a racial divide that had long since been closed, just to start with. I work with an a$$load of colored folks and your head would spin if you knew how many people voted for him for nothing else but his color. No agenda, no platform, just because of color. How low have we fallen? I won't lay it out for you, I'm assuming that you are an adult and can watch some news or do some research, maybe even have some discussions with your co-workers, if in fact you do work and are not one of the tens of thousands who are expecting their handout from Mister Change. I'll just put it in very very simple terms for those who may still be confused. This great country of America has lost hundreds of thousands of young men and women across the globe freeing and liberating those less fortunate from dictators exactly like Mubarrack Hussein Obama. We've had government takeover of banks, the housing market, the auto industry, working on health care as we speak, education will be next, and then recreaction. Have you not noticed that legal immigration has come to a screeching halt lately? Not what it used to be here. You may continue to turn a blind eye if you please, I will lose no sleep at night. I reload by daylight. Maybe he's the next Jesus, maybe Satan... "Last jerk off"? Cute kid, nice respect for the Commander in Chief. We've actually been sliding down hill as a society since the Honorable Mr. Reagan left office. And it has only been seven months in which he has inflicted so much damage, not ten. Utterly amazing.
  2. Sorry, I'll be at Little Sahara, Utah for DS Days. Coral Pink someday. It looks magnificent.
  3. Too bad that white folks can't get out and vote for Uncle Ted like the black folks did for Borat Osama. Alot would get unf ucked during his time in office and this great country of ours could return to the once most respected and most feared Country on the face of the earth. We've become such pissy little sheep.
  4. You girls need a pants down group hug! It works at work, don't ask... As for the tips, I tried the sheets to block off the unnecessary areas but all of the heat just escaped through the eye holes.
  5. Have a safe and enjoyable day of celebration Nick. You're about at that age where they start coming quicker and quicker.
  6. So lets hear it. Not a peep from anyone. Hopefully aliens didn't come down and snatch everyone up. If they did then I'm glad I couldn't make it.
  7. Post up some pics when you return. I'm going to make it to CP someday. It looks like a really fun time with several different things to do and different styles. Just such a long drive from 29. Am leaving in a couple of weeks for Little Sahara UT but CP is a little bit off of the beaten path to make the trek over there on this trip. All of my research has shown that Utah is probably the most OHV friendly state in the nation. Looks like every National and State Park has designated trails for us. Now if I can just convince my wife that I need two or three more like her and do the conversion maybe we can fit in and get employment and housing there ...
  8. Entertaining as always. I can't imagine the faces of those who were watching this go on. Must've thought you should have been in a straight jacket. Good Job!
  9. Well, while we're on the topic of getting/being involved, when is the next meeting at Barstow? It would be nice like last year to get together and hash a few things out, get our passes at a discounted rate, and do the SlashX dealyo. I had to miss the Slash to go pick up another DS but I'm down for hanging around this time out. See you folks there...
  10. Hell yeah! Archie for President. But no dip, I raised the chilli's a little better than that. We all uppity Rednecks and shiatt! :hatdance:
  11. Best solution to your (OUR) problem is to visit the Dillon Precision website and pick yourself up a Square Deal B. The ammo you have on hand will only be limited by your imagination at that point. The press, powder, casings, and lead will set you back a little up front but will more than pay for itself in a couple of short months. And it provides for some good bonding time with the kids and/or the wife, loading and practicing...
  12. All that video and noone had the time to call the popo... Hopefully there was some follow up from law enforcement but in this day and age the kid doing the wailing is more likely than not to be the one prosecuted. Poncho lost a bunch of cool points from his homies dat's fo sho. In L.A. that fat azz gansta would probably be shot by his own gang for letting some skinny assed little white boy beat the living caca out of him.
  13. There are millions of them and the majority of them voted for Obama. This ain't your Gandparent's America. It'll be down in no time.
  14. Holy Jesus! That couldn't have felt good. Seems a little chain guard wouldn't have slowed it down too much.
  15. Well while we're at it let's not forget the Mena Tapes or in translation, how some teenage boys ended up commiting suicide by hogtying themselves to the railroad tracks after having witnessed on numerous occasions small planes flying into the airport late at night and not landing but just tossing out bales of what was later found to be cocaine to fund all of the hush accounts for his many hoe's and the Arkansas State Policemen who protected the Clinton's from getting outed. Lot's of folks died on his run up through the ranks but he was the "first black President" and just as we've seen from the second one morals are not required in order for one to recieve "the black vote". Just ten bottles of Mad Dog from ACORN in exchange for 10 voter registration cards. :smoker: :ogp: :B :dumbass: :flatbiller: :drunk2: :B :drunk2:
  16. As are about eight other post in this silly azz thread! :dumbass: The thread basically sucks so we're gonna pretend it's the water cooler and hang out and discuss water cooler stuff. Just to get to to seven pages and whatnot...
  17. What's up Jason? Hey Bro, what are they doing with you guys up there in Bako? The Morongo Unified SD is making the teachers take a 2% pay cut, and just today they found out that the emergency funding will only be able to pay them through the first two months of the school year. And then it's IOU's! Going to do some checking around to make sure the grocery stores, gas stations, hardware stores and whatnot are cool with IOU's. Looks like Borat Osama is going to have to print some more of his Monopoly money to bail Cali out next. Yo Pedro, can you combine this and this :B , kinda Rodney King style, so that we don't have to type out Borat Osama, or Barry Soetoro, or Mubarak Hussien Obama, or whatever thief uck he's calling hisself this week. An emoticon would be nice. Lots of hijacking going on in here so I'll call seven pages before it peters out. Who's in? :clown:
  18. Yep, 108 here in 29 today but the humidity has been terrible for over a week now. Time for some thunderstorms.
  19. What a freakin' DWEEB. I'm so senile that I forgot me and old boy were enjoying eachothers company over on another thread. My bad bro, I owe ya a frosty brew one next time we meet up. :porn: We just carried on from the MJ thread to the Willie Mays thread. Who's next? Chi Chi Rodrequiez?
  20. Traumitizing??? Cars turning left in front of you while cruising down the highway on a motorcycle is traumitizing. :ah: Verbal annihilation via the internet! :porn: Now there's something your grandkids will get a kick out of around the old rocking chair. They're gonna be so proud. Me angry? Shiatt, everyday I awake to see a sunrise I am glad to be alive. Strokes and open heart surgery will make you appreciate some of the smaller details as we travel through life. Someone who doesn't see eye to eye with me over the internet only makes me proud to have given 20+ years of my life to the good old US of A that we can even have such a privilege as to play around on our computers. Ask some of the folks over in China or North Korea if they would appreciate the same liberties. If thinking you affect my attitude/moods/outlook brings you such joy then I'm glad I could help out. After all a smile a day keeps the doctor away. Only thing that truely does make me angry is this Borat Osama character taking my hard earned retirement pay and giving it to some damn crack head's baby's mama with 7 kids from 19 different fathers. Basically if you ain't affecting this fleas paycheck it don't matter to me. I'm just a small town white boy trying to make ends meet. Thirtysomething??? Who woulda guessed it?
  21. You bass tard, now get over here and clean all of this Snickers mikshake off of my screen and keyboard! That was funny stuff right there. But seriously, do I come off like that? Oh God, now I have a complex. Thanks alot mang.
  22. Oh boy! You young 'uns never cease to amaze me. Didn't think many on here would understand but I know there are some who would appreciate where I was heading. If you had a radio or unfortunately, MTV, back in the early 80's you couldn't help but be hooked on ASIA. Some of the best musicians from Emerson, Lake, and Palmer, King Crimson, Yes, and the Buggles formed one of the true "Supergroups" of our lifetime. Their music is timeless and can't help but rock your very soul. They all came from very top notch bands of their own but when these four gents, Carl Palmer, Steve Howe, Geoff Downes, and John Wetton got together it was simply amazing the art that they made. Other than Micheal Jackson I'd say no other group came close to ASIA for video rotation on eMpTyV. They ruled the airwaves From 1981-84. I'll agree that you have to be a fan of Yes to sit through their two and a half hours of ProgRock, and even then it's probably best enjoyed after having dropped two micro, oops!, I mean two vitamins. Anyways, it was a helluva time and the crowd was way into it. Saw folks from 10 to 65 rockin' their arses off. Now back to our debate about freakboy...
  23. Sorry Pedro, I just assumed. A handful just simply vanished. Maybe one of the other police will chime in as to if they were inappropriate or not. I didn't really think so. It was all civil with a little bit of verbal jabbing thrown in. I don't know where they went, maybe it was just all a figment of my imigination...
  24. Yeah, it lost all of it's pizzazz when three or four of the post just up and vanished! Was fun while it lasted but i guess the Pres thought it was fixing to get out of hand. It's all good, there are much more important things going on in America than this freakshow. Man I can't wait till dune season. Keyboard boxing sucks...
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