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Everything posted by aceisback

  1. Can maybe a teenager explain then what this whole "heh" thing is all about then since the twentysomethings aren't privy to it yet? Inquiring minds want to know. No name calling Prez, keeping it civil from this end. Curious how Mr. Junkie assumed that I have nothing to offer the dune forum community just because I don't share his enthusiasm for a child molester? Anyway, this thread is about Willie Mays, and this crazy little thing called "heh" that some of us seniors are curious about... Good day.
  2. Nope, not knocking him at all. Have never seen him in action that I know of. Just sounds like a great salesman from what others are saying. I just figured thta with your little love affair with the Micheal that maybe you idolized this fella too. I could be wrong. Just curious as I'm way out of date with you kids nowadays being as to how I don't text and all of that silliness, what exactly is this "heh" deal that you end your sentences with? Is that your signature or is it an acronym for something or another? Never seen that before so you had me wondering... Don't know why I have to be an idiot, weren't you the one professing that we all should be able to carry on a debate over on the other thread? Didn't know it took name calling in light of facts. One of you twentysomethings care to enlighten me on the whole "heh" thing please. Appreciate it. Just trying to keep up with the times. Ace
  3. Well after all he was the greatest musician on the face of the earth. The mostest bestest entertainer ever to have lived. We should all have been bowing down to him being that we're all just insignificant little fleas and whatnot. I mean according to smokin flunkie junkie and all, you know. I figure Mr. Mays sold the junkster his life size blow up doll of the Micheal to place in the shrine room right below the velvet Elvis poster. Atleast Mr. Mays didn't go to his grave broke from paying off the families of little Honduran victims...
  4. I'm on my way to see Yes and Asia right now, otherwise I would pull up the proof that you are so vehemently denying. Google that nasty little bastard and you'll find it yourself I'm sure. Of cousre I'm pretty sure you don't think OJ killed his wife either. Not convicted so it can't have been so. And there's your proof of this so called great justice system of which you speak. I can sing, I cannot play an instrument, therefore I am NOT a musician. My band would be musicians, not singers. But hey pal, whatever helps you sleep well at night. I could care less about him, or those who try to defend him, we have some whack a$$ Muslims trying to interfere with our way of life at this moment and how this ignitassmofo made the news says a little something about our society today. Sleep well my friend, we've got your back while your boy is snuggled up with his hand down some little angel baby's britches about right now. Facts are found on snopes and factcheck.org
  5. I hope to God that you are just stirring the pot and not in the least bit serious. Nobody on here was sucked in by the media, it's common knowledge that he was fuggin' little boys from very poor backgrounds and third world countries. The victims parents got millions which was more than the GDP of some of the countries they were from. What the hell rock were you under 20 years ago. Like I say, I hope to God you are just trying to yank chains here. When this assbag has given one second of his sheltered little insignificant life to his Country, or his Marine Corps then he will have earned some respect. Otherwise it's just sheep blindly following this clown. And freakin' Christ, you even defend him as a musician, can you please point me to some of your proof that he did anything but sing like some raped ape with her nutts being squeezed? I never saw him play an instrument and I grew up watching him on Sunday mornings before church when he was a little black boy and not some feakazzed weirded out white biatch. Insignificant flea all of us are? I know quite a few former, retireed, and current Military members on this board who really appreciate your graditude towards us non Michelle Jackson types...
  6. Well if I don't screw little boys before I die then I don't think I have that to worry about. This freak a$$ mugfo should have died from AIDS along time ago. Rest in peace my arse, I hope he burns in the hottest parts of Hell. He contributed absolutely nothing to society and ruined many young lives along the way. AIDS-Kills fags dead...
  7. Not true. Yet. We've got one right here in 29 Palms. Smith's Ranch, two movies 5 bucks. Can't beat that. And if I'm not mistaken Barstow still has theirs. It was nice after 15 years of not being able to find one to get stationed where there were two drive-in's with 25 miles of eachother. The one in Yucca Valley closed several years ago but 29 is still going strong, even with the economy being screwed. My three kids got to grow up doing something that is culture lost in most of America. Been utilizing it for fifteen years and will continue to support them as long as the gates are open. Lasting memories of snuggling up with the children in the back of the truck under the stars with some hot cocoa and a desert breeze blowing through our hair... Transformers at the IMAX today before the Yes/Asia show tonight.
  8. Michael Jackson has Died - to commemorate his musical achievements Mac Donalds has released the " MAC JACKSON BURGER " its a peice of aged 50 year meat shoved between two 8 year old buns. Undertakers have announced that now Michael Jackson has died he's going to be melted down to make toys, so the kids can play with him for a change.
  9. What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a plastic bag? One is white, plastic, and harmful to children. The other one holds groceries.... And he was NOT a talented musician as stated earlier. He sang. Might have played a little skin flute in his day but surely that doesn't count as musician.
  10. So then Mike should round them up and bring them down to the city and rid you of your rodent problem! Rodents are nasty and kill people, snakes would just as soon not have to deal with people and will defend themselves only when effed with by a person. I know we've all got our own fears, I'm scared of asparagus, but snakes I'll take anyday over some nasty azzed rats... A few more years Mike and those would have been some good eatin'. I understand your plight though with them in your yard chillin' with the dogs and whatnot. Maybe a .22 pistol loaded with ratshot would be less conspicuous than a 12 guage shotgun around the neighborhood.
  11. Uh, I meant dune season in Utah! :dumbass: Not saying that there might not be SOME leftover and ACCIDENTALLY forgotten about in the hauler when I roll into Glamis or Dumont, but who knows?
  12. Flying down to Gulf Shores Alabama, just outside of Pensacola. In-laws have a house for ten days and the wife and I are going to crash thier party. And buy an a$$load of fireworks in Mississippi for dune season!
  13. Damn, ya'll are forgetting one of the best movies he ever did. Actually one of my favorite Westerns of all time. The Long Riders. Had all of the Carradine, Keach, Quaid, and Guest brothers in it. Told a sympathetic portrayal of the James/Younger gang. You should check it out next time it's too hot to venture outside.
  14. Check out the CanAm/BRP forum over at the Connection. This has been covered several times there and the measurments for the float adjustment are in the thread. Might as well do the OMR stock carb mods while you're into the thing. FREE horsepower. Can't beat that....
  15. We're not pervs, just red blooded all American males! Except for the few girls who want to see them puppies too. And that also is fine with some of the guys!
  16. Newest reports state that the rope was around his neck and his nads! Didn't this fad go out in the 90's when all of the teenage boys were hanging theirselves accidently while masturbating???
  17. Man I wish I was still young enough to do this kind of stuff.... Thanks for posting and extra thanks for donating to the cause. Semper Fi Ace
  18. Be sure to post up some more pics as you're enjoying your stay. And be safe. I was just there this past Labor Day and several very serious injuries took place. The place is beyond awesome though. Wish it was closer to SoCal. Hit up that ice cave if you're looking to do something really COOL! Don't forget to snatch up a pizza bomb out at Big J's. If it's good for Napolean it's good for us common folk...
  19. Congrats Bert. I always enjoy looking at pics of little people looking at even smaller people. All the joy and wonderment in their hearts and faces is priceless. But boy when those girls hit 13 watch out. It's like an overnight transformation into Satan!
  20. I am sooo glad that I left the dating scene 27yrs ago. The 22nd of this month matter of fact. Can't imagine what it's like out there nowadays, especially after being thrilled by this article!
  21. Lola's off of E. Main street is the shiznit. Not a big refried bean eater but Lola's will make you ask for seconds. And the place is always crowded so that says something. Best Tortas I've had anywhere. There are four or five Platas and they are all okay, just don't get thier guacamole. How the hell can Mexicans not know how to make the guac???
  22. Betta get cho azz well. And soon. :B
  23. Oh Hellz no, it'll hit 8 pages before it even tapers off a little. Some folks haven't even chimed in the first time yet. News will spread and they will drop by.
  24. Freakin' criminies! I read this and after I picked myself up from flipping over backwards in my chair I now have fuggin' Weezer's hash pipe stuck securely in my head. Were you hittin' it hard to come up with that or was it a true life experience??? I know you're playin'. And I really can't believe that with all of us racist bigoted pigs on this forum that some of you have chosen to have a reasonable adult conversation that actually may educate a few on here. Carry on, I'm enjoying it either way. Good job X-5, you're raising them right. Have you taught them to haul out more than they took in? Makes me proud when we're breaking down camp and I'm getting things loaded and stored to look out and see my kids policing the area, of others.
  25. You said petering! Just been a long time since I heard that term...
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