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Everything posted by aceisback

  1. I'm tryin' Pete. We're in the middle of a bunch of remodeling and the house in is a total uproar so I need the break. May try and make a day trip out of it but I'd rather stay overnight and just roll out Sunday afternoon. No hauler for this trip as it's full of everything that was in the garage that's being finished. Roughing it like the good old days. Oh wait, that was like two years ago! Hope to see you there.
  2. Oil filter cover nuts??? Two bolts hold the oil filter cover on. Whachoo talkin' bout Willis? Are you using the extended cover that came on the 03 and newer models? Most folks switched because the longer filters were easier to find. If you're wanting to come down I can overnight you a cover, or you can bring some oil and I'll have a cover in hand. Strap it on, pour it in, and go. That didn't come out right, but, well, you know...
  3. Below is just one of the many leters that I've recieved concerning Johnson Valley. Takes less than a minute to sign the petition if you feel so inclined to do so. I know alot of us use JV along with Dumont, Glamis, and various other OHV areas. Let's all do what we can to keep our recreational areas open. This one may already be a lost cause but we can try. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/SaveJoh...y-SpecificPlan/ Hello Folks, As you know, AAPL supports the Partnership For Johnson Valley (PFJV) in their efforts to save one of the best OHV areas in the California desert. They have created the petition above to convince Marine officials of the sheer numbers of JV users who will be harmed by the loss of JV to OHV use. They have collected 1200 signatures in the first days of the petition and let's double that amount for them! This one is brand new and reworded from any earlier petition you may have signed, so please sign it. This will also be used in a letter generator campaign to contact congressional reps. Its very important and we are told it carries the weight of a written comment, even if you have already submitted a comment and/or signed this previously. If a page pops up asking for a donation, Ignore it, its a software issue with the free petition site. If you have not made a scoping comment, please also do so visit http://www.pfjv.org/ for information, sample letters and comment instuctions. Wayne Nosala http://www.pfjv.org/ Thanks Wayne and all who sign this, Greg Weirick www.access-advocates.com
  4. WTF? Now we can't even say wigguh? :?:
  5. Don't know that I would condone putting my phone number on a letter to santa in the mailbox at the North Pole but my son's girlfriends sister did just that a few weeks back. Got a Merry Christmas text from the North Pole last night. Cute and welcome surprise from whomever sent it. She got a kick out of it, as did we all. Explained to her that in the wrong hands her number to lead to some nonsense and cautioned her against it in the future. Rant over... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year muffhuggas! See ya out there soon.
  6. "Idaho has been a thought also but really we want the big stuff if we are coming cross country." St. Anthony are THE BIGGEST. And it will only be in the 90's up there. Dumont hits triple digits by April, 110's actually from personal experience in 03. Little Sahara Utah will be nice that time of year. Coral Pink will be iffy. Oregon and Pismo will be nice and Coastal. St Anthonys are the best open dunes in the US by far.
  7. I'd hit that. I mean c'mon, 234mph has to be a hella rush! :xmas8:
  8. Is this problem solved? Just found the thread, sorry.
  9. Feb. is awesome weather at Dumont. Only Jan. is better. I've seen three Renegades in the dunes so far and all of them were running the stock tires aired down. With the power that they have they had no problem getting anywhere. And fast at that. For such a heavy beast they sure can haul some azz. Nowhere in the dunes that they cannot navigate. CanAm rocks!
  10. Miramar USED to be out in the country away from any habitation. The Navy, then the Marine Corps, did it that way for safety purposes. Urban sprawl moved people right up to the fenceline. This brings to mind the people that sprawl out towards airports that used to be out of the city for twenty years then complain about the noise. Freakin' tards. We've got folks who've lived here in the High Desert for five years starting to complain about the noise generated by the Marines training at a base that has been here since 1940! It's simple-If you don't like Africans don't move to Zimbabwe! :B If you don't like the sounds of Freedom don't move outside the gates of a base...
  11. Hopefully he'll meet the same fate as Jeffrey Dahmer...
  12. I would look like a circus bear on a tricycle on a DS450. :clown: Kinda like Mr. Cheese on the 650! :ah: I'm thinking maybe you have ulterior motives here. :black: I'm just saving up for a RZR S. Could possibly sell two of the DS's to speed up the process. Might you be in the market for one? :flatbiller:
  13. Glad to hear that you're well on your way to a full recovery. Ride hard but be safe when you get back in the saddle. Kudos to those who assisted.
  14. True that Jason, but I was specifically refering to the DS450. Out of the crate it is ready for the MX track, and slap some paddles on and it's dune ready with no mods whatsoever. Their 09 models are even more so with the X version. And when Can Am's SxS hits the streets in 2010 it will eat the RZR S for breakfast. They don't joke around when they unleash their beast upon the public. R&D goes a loooong way for those guys. I get your point though, and hope you see mine as well.
  15. From the 20mph bumper to bumper traffic on the 91 both directions, shoulder to shoulder crowds at Knott's Berry Farm for Thanksgiving, steady stream of Haulers, Diesel Pushers, and trucks loaded with toys heading to Glamis yesterday, I would say all is well in America. It's just a matter of perception and priorities. Sure there are some out there that get set back due to matters not of their own making, but the majority is self inflicted. Trying to keep up with the Jonses', second and third mortgages to buy toys they couldn't afford to begin with, the list goes on. It's real simple, live within YOUR means and things like $5 a gallon gasoline are only an inconvenience. Pretty hard to lose a house when you just recently lost a job, banks will work with you to ensure that you don't forclose, they don't want to lose money either. Unless you are Freddie and Fannie and financing the wrong fuggers to begin with just to make a quick buck. There are millions of jobs out there, just depends on how bad you want one. Might not be the exact one you'd prefer but they are there for the taking. I see hiring taking place on a daily basis. If you are seeking a handout Obama has one waiting for you, if you are seeking employment someone is looking for a hard working individual. Just have to want it. Anyway, ain't America great! Happy Holidays to each and all.
  16. When I see the grandstands at NASCAR races, NFL games, NCAA sporting events, NBA games, etc, empty then I'll believe this nonsense about the economy. Diesel has dropped to $2.48 here in the middle of the Mojave and I don't see any lack of offroading going on in the immediate area. Times are good if you're not a dumbazz and already living beyond your means. Credit will be the downfall of this great Nation.
  17. So nobody else that rolled out on Monday saw or heard anything huh? Pretty amazing for the amount of traffic that was backed up and the amount of us pulling out at the same time. Guess I'll go to my grave wondering...
  18. Sheet Nuggah, I do that on the old DS650 everytime I hits up Glamis. And I toy with them foolios on the two wheelers just like he did, 'cept the way he got all up in that hangar is the way I parks my shizzle up in the toyhauler. And shiatt YO. Seriously though, good find Wingy. I used to take my boys to the D1 stuff at California Speedway and Irwindale. It's alright for those with ADD I guess, I like my races a little longer...
  19. Sounds like ya'll are listening to the wrong stuff! The Bone Yard went off of the air on Wednesday but will be back on January 19th. I can deal with that as long as both providers are not making us buy new equipment. I tried both and XM in my opinion blew Sirius away. And coming from a diehard NASCAR fan that is saying something since NASCAR was only on Sirius. It cost extra with the new setup and I can do without, but for those long hauls up to St. Anthony's Idaho and Little Sahara Utah, and the three hour trips to both Glamis and Dumont it's nice to have the Bone Yard and some of the Classic Rock that's offered by XM. Sounds like you guys are from the younger crowd so I may not be getting where you're coming from, but we'll all get used to the new format in time. Rock out, Roll on. Ace
  20. Rolled out of The D Monday afternoon around 4ish and traffic was stopped Northbound on 127 a hundred yards or so past the entrance. No Southbound traffic either. About a mile and a half from the entrance was some hella bright shiny object in the middle of the highway. Dark storm clouds were to the West so it wasn't the evening sun shining on a tractor trailer or anything like that. Looked like some spacecraft or something. :?: Didn't see the National Guard roll in so I'm assuming that I've got it all wrong. About half way between the dunes and Baker an ambulance came blazing by with no lights or siren so I'm guessing it wasn't good. Nothing up yet on the SB County Coroners site, so I was just curious if anybody had heard anything about it. Couldnt've happened too much before 4 because there were only a dozen or so vehicles stopped and I past 12-15 more before I hit Baker.
  21. Another awesome job Alien. But who's going to man the camera when The Beast is back up an running???
  22. Is anyone staying past Sunday? My crew will be out there until Tuesday afternoon/evening. If there's a bunch of peeps to hit up some rides with cool, if we're out there all by ourselves even cooler. Gonna be a fun weekend regardless, the races, the poker run, DDR camp, NMR camp, awesome weather, does it get any better???
  23. C'mon dunkfan, throw out a rebuttal. :black:
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