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Everything posted by aceisback

  1. Someone please answer how this could be before Pedro shuts the thread down. The only people I can see Osama benefiting is career welfare recipients and gutter trolls. No blue collar red blooded American will prosper under his tenure. Been an entertaining thread so far but I'm looking for some enlightenment on this matter.
  2. Sheesh Mikey, get off the pipe. Don't buy into that propaganda BS. Besides, puppets do this :black: and I haven't seen Osama jig it yet. Those big azz ears would get to floppin' and he would go airborne.
  3. Don't PHAZE me bro! How can there be any home pride when them fuggers are sneaking over here by the millions? And illegally at that? If their "Mother Land" is so damn great I would believe your argument but I don't see them having any pride in it or they wouldn't be here in the masses that they are. Dumont not so bad, but down at the Mother G every third flag is Mexican. If they love America so much more than where they left then maybe they should consider their allegiances. Just a thought, no one has to agree. By the way, Home Pride is my favorite bread Home Slice! :argue:
  4. Do you have a picture of said anti black/racist rebel flag? I can point you towards a Confederate Battle Flag that a lot of folks hold near and dear to thier hearts but these silly azz rebels of which you speak, do they even exist? I beleive you've been misinformed... I'll be out there for four days starting Friday night, I'll keep an eye out for these Nazi flags. Or maybe I'll just dune and have a great time and not get my panties in a bunch.
  5. And the Mexican ones don't faze you in the least? I run the Marine Corps colors and a POW/MIA flag by the way. But what about a Confederate Battle Flag gets your goat? Just curious while we're on the topic, what is a rebel flag? Anything against the grain? I've yet in many years of duning/offroading seen a Nazi flag. Maybe just having too much fun to notice.
  6. FOR??? Al Qaida? The Taliban? Best possible for what? Or who?
  7. Is anyone that's involved with the poker run also involved with 4StrokeWars??? Gonna be hard to fit both events in but I'm going to try. The races seem to drag on forever sometimes. I'll be there through Tuesday though so lots of duning once the races are over.
  8. Barstow looking pretty positive!?! Oh chit I'm 'bout to piss myself. That's the funniest thing I've heard in eons.
  9. Ya'll nuggas jus be wastin' yo time an sh*t yo fo arguing shiatt like dis. Once Borat Osama :flatbiller: takes office this difference of opinions will be all for naught. Better git cho azzes out and ride before they stretch a chain across the entrance. Just my .02 Peace and sh*t ya'll.
  10. Next question would be how much can you pick them up for Pete? Maybe you could snag a few of them for some of your peeps if the price were right...
  11. I thought it was spelled effin, not f'n! Either way, effin Cheese and all of the time you have on your hands. :clown: No matter what kind of day I'm enduring I know I can stroll by DDR for you to put a smile on my face. Ma Facka
  12. 650+ power adder, and duner classes. Maybe more if he gets enlisted for some jockey assistance. Primarily DS650's. Or atleast they started out as a DS650, one of them is a DS800 Turbo on NOS.
  13. Alright, here's the deal. I'm going to attempt this one last time. If she can't jump aboard the bandwagon on this attempt then I throw up my arms in disgust and give up... Long story short for those not familiar with the situation: picked up a KFX700 for the wife so that as she learned and got more skilled and comfortable with it she could go where the rest of us go. Didn't work out so well as the whole time that we owned it she never got it over 10mph. Okay, so maybe it was too big/scary for her. Sold it. Now I need some input from you guys and gals who have owned different makes and models. I'm specifically looking for a sport or dual purpose quad, not a ute. HAS to be automatic (don't ask)! I know they are out there, I've been looking for a good deal on an Outlander 400 but with as little as I forsee it getting riden I'm hesitant to spend a fortune. I needs to be a 4 stroke as well for simplicity sake, and because it probably won't be stretching it's legs like a 2 smoker needs to do. Maybe if it's smaller than the KFX she'll be more comfortable/secure. Wish they made an automatic Predator. So, does Honda, Kawi, Suzuki, Yamaha, Polaris, or Can Am make a fully auto ATV that you would recommend??? Had a couple of Trailblazers back in the day and I'm not getting another. Not bad machines, but not what I'm looking for. I know someone can point me in the right direction. Warrior, Blaster, TRX, or models like those that are AUTOMATIC would be considered. Thanks for the input, I'm looking forward to it. I'm really leaning towards the Outlander Max 400. If she won't go over 10 mph on that then I'll just strap her on the back, gag her, and GO. Really wish she was the Outlander Max 800 kind of woman. Leaning towards just getting her a RZR and calling it a day but they are still pricey. I think strapped in and roll cages around her may open her mind.
  14. Cut him a shred of slack, he got the Mother in Law! :pile: :angry2: I'm just messin'. Times are tough for many but this was extreme.
  15. Welcome to the forum. If you look at the map link for the dunes you will see that there is plenty of area that is hardpacked near the dunes theirselves. Lots of wide open area that suits the taste of many. Again, welcome aboard.
  16. What thef uck is that on Monkie's avatar??? Good Lord that's a scary sumbitch.
  17. I paid $4.02 on base Tuesday morning, went by and filled the wife"s car up last night and noticed the diesel was $3.60. I remember bitchin' when it went up to $2.60, not much more than a year ago.
  18. My son will be racing that day at the 4SCS event but I will take time out to participate in the run. Pete, I kept one of the flyers that you passed out at the meeting and will take it up to Desert Cycle Works here in 29 Palms. Hopefully a large turnout takes place for the educational purposes that the run will provide.
  19. This, my friends, is why I had to bolt and could not partake of the fun times at the Slash. I apologize for not attending as I'm sure it was much fun. Had to haul azz to Riverside and grab this before anyone else got ahold of it. Snagged it for $1700, and it has new Holeshot XCT's all the way around, full body skids, nerfs, AC Racing sixpack rack, and a few other upgrades/mods. I'm sure you understand my urgency! I don't talk with a Southern "twang", Ya'll just hear SLOOOW! :blah: Was good to meet those that I hadn't before and I will not name you guys and gals for fear of leaving someone out. There were about ten of twelve of you though. Good showing everyone, we should increase those numbers for the next Saturday meeting. Whenever that may be. Cheese, bro, you'd better enjoy that early Christmas present. You should notice quite a bit of difference. Call me before you you call Ron Wood, I need to add something to your order and I'll just pay you and pick it up at the kickoff.
  20. How long do these TRT meetings usually last? Is the Slash open by that time? Not rushing, just trying to set up a time to meet someone in Riverside afterwards. Thanks
  21. And this is exactly why farm machinery belongs on the farm hauling shiatt around and not out in the dunes. Who came up with that dumbazz idea anyway? Rhinos as a toy? WTF??? Anyway, I'm glad most of you had a great time. I'm looking forward to hitting up Coral Pink in the future. Just rolled back in yesterday from several days up at St. Anthony Idaho. All I can say about that place is that God got it all right when when he made those dunes. Glamis cannot compare. Maybe Kelso, but we all know the story on that. See ya'll at The D here in a couple of weeks. Ride safe.
  22. My dune season is starting the 27th of August at St. Anthony's :freakin_nuts: but I have this one penciled in for my first D trip of the season. See ya'll there.
  23. All's I can say is that that thing looks like one of the Rutgers womens basketball players! :dance: :flatbiller: :fro_smokin:
  24. I'll just be getting back from St. Anthony's but I will definitely try and make the trip back to Barstow.
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