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Everything posted by aceisback

  1. Just finished loading the food, wood, fuel, and bikes. Hitting the rack for that five o'clock alarm. Should be there between 9 and 10 in the morning. I'm with ya Pete, almost anytime is a good time to ride, but what is out there now is one of the reasons that we have made SB weekend a tradition. No crowd at all, awesome weather, and almost always perfect sand. Let's ride ya'll.
  2. Just talked to him again. I'll just leave it at he mentioned "EPIC conditions". Guess I'll have to go check it out for myself. See ya'll there.
  3. Just got off of the phone with Jason, he said the dunes SUCK! Said that they're sopping wet, all rutted out, the weather is insanely terrible, sand is the worst he's ever seen. He's packing up and leaving right now. EVERYBODY STAY HOME THIS WEEKEND....
  4. I think I've discovered the problem here. It's all lost in the translation. CHEESE is grated. ROADS are graded. NERVES are grated, which is what's happening to Pete. Some folks want the road grated, which is the condition most think it's in anyway. Others want it graded so it will be smooth. Cain't we all just get along???
  5. The one in the banner looks totally different than the one Jason posted a picture of in this post. Different front bumper, different color skid plates, no radiator scoops, no aftermarket lights, SMALLER rider , etc... And by looking at the flag, the one in the banner is going faster than Cheese has ever gone! :beer_bang: Just wondering how the stator holds up with those lights. I'll be seeing it early Friday anyway so I'll ask him then. Hope somemore peeps can make it out. Looks like good weather is in store.
  6. Yes sir, we started this thing as a sort of DS gathering a couple of years back and it has taken on it's own personality. All are welcome though and it'll be fun. You bringing your car, quad, or both if you show? By the way, I like that DS in the banner. Who is that? I need to talk to them about the lights he's running...
  7. C'mon out Pete. Gonna be good times. I'll be hanging around til mid afternoon on Sunday, unless it's just unbelievable weather and conditions. Gotta three hour drive back to 29, have to unload and clean up, then a two hour drive back to Barstow immediately following. Damn a Super Bowl, there are 18 days, 19 hours, 36 minutes, and 43 seconds until they drop the Green flag at Daytona!
  8. Jason, the wind has been hella ridiculous around here the past couple of days. Should be smooth as a baby's butt when you get there. Save me some o' dat soft stuff! Hopefully it was already smooth before all of the rain moved in and didn't just hard pack all of the ruts. Gonna be good times fo sho. See ya there early Friday morning.
  9. Hit up Little Sahara, Utah on Labor Day 2006. The dunes are awesome and the weather was in the 80's. The locals all were complaining about the heat and had their AC's running. We left behind 115 in SoCal so it was a great break from the heat. Good peeps and great dunes up that way. Can't beat it. St. Anthony's is supposed to be the best open dunes in North America but I won't be able to give a personal account until Labor Day this year... July temps in the 70's doesn't sound too bad.
  10. Not sure what Tuaca is but the Pie calls for a fifth of 190 proof pure grain alcohol to only 1 gallon of the other ingredients...
  11. WORD! Any time you see a group of DS riders camped together stop by and say hi. They will offer you a chair around the campfire and some tall tales. More often than not everyone will have a Red 24oz Dixie cups in their hands. You will be offered one. And the Red Cup racing will commence... Good times fo sho.
  12. Sorry man, it's an insider thing with the DS riders across the globe. Can't let the secret out or I'll be lynched by my Brethren. Let's just say it's something that taste just like Grandma's apple pie, is very flamable (as in 190 proof), and knocks you out worse than anyone the UFC can conjure up...
  13. Jason, I'm going to try that with Apple Pie instead of lighter fuel. It only ever makes a blue flame so it shouldn't be hot at all. According to these instructions anyway. If you don't see me next weekend you'll know it didn't go quite so well...
  14. That was kind of cool in a "I just wasted 30 seconds of my day" kind of way. Interesting to say the least.
  15. TMZ is full of it. He died from BLUNT FORCE TRAMA.. to the a$$. What kind of idiot would make a gay COWBOY movie? They were some of our last heros, definitely not gay.
  16. Windier than ten mothers here in 29 right now. Hopefully it's doing the same down at Glamis. Be rolling in around noon tomorrow for a five day extravaganza at the Mother G. Back down there for 4StrokeWars VII the following weekend then I'll make it back up to The D. Our annual Dumont Super Bowl blow out with a bunch of great peeps from B'Field and Utah. Everyone have a safe and happy new year. See ya'll in the sand.
  17. The Valero on the South end. Dump is $5 and they have Hella water pressure so filling up and cleaning is a snap. I quit going on major holidays with Halloween a year ago but I normally roll through there around 4 in the afternoon and have yet to have to wait on somebody in front of me. Diesel is your first born and a left nutt though!
  18. As long as the snow wasn't too deep.... have to be able to read the contours to ride safely and we all know snow is lighter than sand so you might have some optical illusions making for a harrowing ride. And tracking all of that nonsense into your hauler... NAH!
  19. Robot Sheep! Now that's funny. And sort of perverted...
  20. Not hijacked, very much right on topic. This same debate has gone on for years about the infield at Talladega. God has destroyed cities for less than what takes place there! No place for the young un's. If I would have hijacked the thread I would have something alongthe lines of "Only 63 days, 19 hours, 2 minutes, 21 seconds til DAYTONA!" WOOHOO :chug:
  21. Called no one ignorant, just stated that not fully knowing is no reason to bash. But I do know that you're just kiddin' when you threw F-1 into your reasoning. The F-1 drivers even realize that it's just an open wheel sissyazz series. If you've not kept up with NASCAR recently the Champions from almost ever major racing series are coming over to NASCAR in droves. Stewart, Montoya, Carmichael, Almendinger, Pastrana, just to name a few. They all know it takes a helluva man to sling a 3400lb car around at 200mph for three or four hours. And as for your argument about short tracks, just how short are we talking about here? A little study will enlighten you to some of the best racing across the globe, at places like Martinsville, Richmond, Bristol, Rockingham, Darlington, Milwaukee, Memphis, even the BullRing in Vegas, the list goes on.... Go fast turn left, hmmm, that will get you lost in the sand traps at places like Watkins Glen, Infineon, Montreal, Mexico City. I see it's a futile effort, everybody doesn't get it. So, peace bro, no harm no foul. Now back to our regularly scheduled stripper pole debate.
  22. Are you fuggin' kidding me? I see you haven't attended a race in the past twenty or so years. That stereotype died with the 70's. You don't pay $130 for a ticket to witness carnage, you pay it to watch the skills the drivers have to avoid any carnage. For general knowledge it is NASCAR, the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing. Go enjoy a race, it will open your eyes to what the crowd is like and what really goes on. Ignorance is no excuse...
  23. Very very little trash left over after the races and what was there I picked up. Lots of older stuff unearthed from the traffic but I didn't mind getting it at all. The forecast kept alot of folks home but they missed one helluva weekend.
  24. I thought that we just left a half gallon or so in them and tossed them into the campfire! The 116 octane anyway...
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