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Everything posted by aceisback

  1. We'll be rolling in 10-11AMish tomorrow. Weather is looking good for some fast times to be posted. Good duning weather too, none of that nasty azz sun to deal with. See some of ya'll there.
  2. Hence the need for the lotion correct?
  3. You sure hang out here on DDR alot for someone who only goes once a year! Post whore. Tell ya what though, I think I speak for everyone here, we sure enjoy the Hell outta having you here. :jester: :jester2: You're one funny MoFo, and provide great links to some of the most useless information I have ever had the pleasure of reading. And some pretty useful stuff too. We'll see you Super Bowl weekend. :chug:
  4. Atleast it wasn't from getting "T boned" fugger! You know, azz, as in my whole freakin' body. C'mon now, you know how us products of the 60's and 70's speak. And for those that don't get the T boned reference I'll let Jason explain. My bad but his fault, good times were had to be sure. Jason, are you getting out to Dumont before our annual Super Bowl pilgrimage???
  5. So if a bunch of DDR peeps are showing up then who is going to organize some of those Hella rides? I went with the rails one time on my DS. Probably won't do that again, I kept up but it wore my old azz out. Hurt for three days afterwards. I'm up for a group ride or two in between races.
  6. Maybe something was lost in the translation there! The 4StrokeChallengeSeries is put on by Planet Sand. Used to be 4StrokeWars, but now it's a series, two races at Dumont, two at Glamis, and one at a site to be determined. Been going on for several years now. You should know this Craig being a former owner of a DS. The King of the Hill the past few years has been one of the almighty DS's. I was poking fun as there have been several threads about this weekend already.
  7. Nope. It's Race 1 of the 4SCS. It will be deserted, just you and the lizards!
  8. Okay, I'm not going to get into the whole dumpster debate here but what has always pricked my intrest is how you can be too fuggin' lazy and ignorant to realize that you hauled in a lot more zhiat than you will haul out. Bring a box of Cheez Its to the dunes, eat contents of said box, determine that the now empty box is too much to haul back out with you and then discard it in my desert!?! FUG YOU :porn: Is it that hard to empty your refridgerator and cabinets of their contents while you're enjoying the dunes, and then after cleaning up the surrounding camps and loading up their left behind trash, to not figure out that you are still hauling out less weight and volume than you arrived with??? :angry2: What the Hey? Anyway, see ya'll this weekend.
  9. Found a little more info after your reply Pete. Kelso is the third largest in America, second largest in California, the largest being in Colorado. What really sucks is that the three biggest dunes in North America are closed. Oh well, we can all dream about what could have been... Supposedly St. Anthony's dunes are the best but I won't be able to verify that until DS Days next Labor Day. I do know that I enjoy the Hell out of Glamis and Dumont, and that Little Sahara, Utah is better than both, but at a 12 hour drive it's an every other year trip. I thought Sand Mountain, NV blew goats. Will never return there. I'll be hittin' up The D this weekend (8th). See ya'll there.
  10. I believe they are the largest dunes in North America, St. Anthony's might be bigger but I believe I read that Kelso is the largest. I drive right past them every trip to Dumont and wonder to myself WHY??? I stopped and did the hike one day, and to listen to a set of dunes BOOM was utterly amazing. I stood there in amazement and thought WTF? Went home and did some research and they actually were BOOMING, one of the few sets of dunes in the world that does so. For anyone that comes into Dumont off of the 15, Keslo Dunes are only 30 minutes away. Just head South out of Baker instead of North. They are worth the trip to visit. And the Kelso Depot is pretty happening too. Google Earth the whole Devil's Playground and see what we get to miss out on. Kelso is juat a very small part of that whole system.
  11. No need to YELL young man. Fix that caps lock. Please review the older thread and you will find what a friendly family environment that the majority of Dumont folks prefer. That pole will get lots of play at Oldsmobile.
  12. Easy on them White F-350 owners, I be one! And for the record I ALWAYS haul out more than I rolled in with. You've seen me in action. Have to agree though that it takes a total assbag to be too damn lazy to haul their stuff home. Has to be lees than what they got to the dunes with. So Jason, Glamis for Thanksgiving??? Or is SuperBowl weekend our next hookup?
  13. True dat. The 4SCS did not race at Glamis last (this) year due to the permit not being acquired in time. They will be back this season though, I believe the weekend before MLK. Having attended several 4SW/4SCS races I can attest to the fact that they are run well, organized, and provide for folks not to trash the area. This past seasons race at Banshee hill probably produced the least amount of trash that I have ever seen with a large gathering. And alot of DDR peeps and a bunch of the DS community folks snagged what the wind caught before anyone made a fuss. Good times and good racin'. See ya'll there.
  14. Thanks for the offer DuneJNKY, and for all of the input from others. Some we'll try, some maybe next trip. Sure it's going to be a good time, might even make it out for a little bit of the air show. Thanks again. Ace
  15. My wife and I have one of those four day three night romantic getaways for couples that have been saturating the airwaves for a year or so now. We finally found a break in our schedule where we can make it this weekend. Unfortunately the Nellis Information, Tickets, and Tours office will be closed while we're there so nothing will be with the Military discount. Last minute plans so they are putting us up in the Tropicana. Not the newest but hey, it's free! I'm trying to find out where we can get the best deals locally for shows like The Amazing Johnathon, Penn and Teller, some good comedy and magic type stuff. Maybe some ZZ Top tix. What are the decent "affordable" dining options around the Strip area. Not looking forward to the traffic at all but it'll be nice to have a few days dedicated to us. No kids, no pets, no work, no dunes, just us and some of the shows we've never hit. Thanks for all input. Vic And NO Jason, I am not taking her to see Celine Dion.
  16. Not to plagarize Woody here but but my thanks go out also to all past, present, and future Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Coast Guard, and let's not forget the Merchant Marines. It's a tough and demanding career choice. And from my heart, thank you all very much for the appreciation. Whew! 232! No wonder my bones and joints constantly ache...
  17. You're joking right??? Roping anything is clearly stated as a no-no. Especially on the finger dunes where people ride. Did you happen to pay more than the rest of us so that you can own your own private little piece of the dunes? The future duners need to be SUPERVISED by thier parents, not roped in like cattle. Please try a search on this subject, it's been covered in great detail and explained. Rebar, engineer stakes, post, poles, all belong on construction sites, not sticking up in the dunes to impale someone on.
  18. Dammit! Time for a new keyboard. Gotta top of the Dr. Pepper agian too. That was just too damn funny. Caught alot of us napping on that one. Don't visit any 450 forums so I was way off guard.
  19. Dammit! Time for a new keyboard. Gotta top of the Dr. Pepper agian too. That was just too damn funny. Caught alot of us napping on that one. Don't visit any 450 forums so I was way off guard.
  20. What the hay!?! That's it, I'm moving to Egypt...
  21. You don't state where you are from but for us here in Cali the two year Green or Red stickers have been $25 for quite some time. Not sure what the non resident fees were or are.
  22. I started out the wife and three kids on a pair of Trailblazers. Very reliable and trouble free. No need to worry about premixing as it does it all for you. They are heavy because they have the steel running boards but that adds to their stability and durability. And safety for beginers. Once you feel she has the skills for a little more power/speed the Ritter Cycle Racing kits are very affordable and add quite a bit to the whole experience. Just normal routine maintenance and you will get many years of enjoyment out of the Trailblazer. They make it easier to make the jump to a larger bike once it is mastered, because of the weight. Probably about the same as most of the 450's out now.
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