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Everything posted by aceisback

  1. You go with your bad self boy! I'll be at the Black Sabbath/Queensryche show myself. Ryche Out, Roll On
  2. Not trying to hijack this thread but it's the first place that I noticed it... What the Hell is that in the Vice Pres' avatar?
  3. Welcome to DDR. Please dig up the old post on this issue, there were lot's of good debate and info on there. Sad but true, that card amoungst others is not honored.
  4. I'm not sure what's in the papers or on the news there in Vegas, but here in Cali the story is that the items that Mr OJ went to retrieve were once property of his but that he had given to his friend of twenty years and one time attorney to repay huge debts that he had racked up with him. Indian giver, amoung other things... In our courts of law here in the good old US of A not guilty does not equal innocent. It just means that your peers feel that there was not enough evidence to convict you of the charges. If you are found innocent they will state such, if you are not guilty they will state just that. I understand your scenario and would agree if that were the case but as reported here the items he went to retrieve were items used as payment when he supposedly had no money.
  5. Very rhetorical, and in digust, with a sad heart, I might add. Been sliding down hill for the past atleast twenty/thirty years. People used to take a stand, protest, at the minimum voice an opinion. Now it's just like we've all been beat down and are just going to roll over and take whatever may come. Only going to get much worse before we decide to make a change. The Jihad will not end until the flag of Islam waves over the White House, or so THEY say. Guess we'll find out when that devil in disguise Borat Osama, or whatever the fuggers name is, takes office in 09.
  6. Why does anybody still give a rats azz about this fuggin loser and why are we not focusing our efforts on important things that really matter to keeping this Country intact, free, and safe? He was not found innocent as keeps being repeated in here, he was found not guilty by a group of his peers. Huge difference. Letting him back out on the streets was supposed restitution for years of oppression a couple hundred years ago. Get over it already. His rotted remains should be keeping tension on a rope somewhere. How is it that the media in this Country can so distort what is important to our livelyhood? Have we become just a bunch of fuggin sheep aimlessly wandering? Sad...
  7. Yeah, they said Yoko possibly ruins the Beatles ability to harmonize and look at what happened to them! Fuggin' Yoko. Keep our dunes open.
  8. But they could be the hard plastic ones that Glamis issues vice these little flimsy thick paper ones. More durable and less susceptible to flying out of the window... had to chase one down leaving Gecko one time. Sucked. Old azzed cripled man trying to run down a 4X10 $90 piece of plastic at 15mph.
  9. Well, if that's a serious question then yes, by all means. Watching the campfire flames dance is nice and all, but a big screen would be happening. Slap some Zzyzx in the DVD and mangle a drink or two...
  10. Picked up a used 04 KFX700 for a decent deal but it has an issue or two. The first and foremost being that the drain plug is stripped and won't come out. Just turns and turns. Looks like the compression washer was misplaced so the owner just cranked down on the plug to stop the leak! Didn't work so well. I've got a little mechanical skills so I'm going to give it a shot as my local bike shop wants $80 an hour labor. Probably a 10 minute job but get to contribute to the whole hour. Not going to do that. Have you folks used helicoils in cases like this or tapped it out and used a larger plug? Seems the hc would work as long as I'm careful about the shavings and what not... Clue me in please. Thanks Ace
  11. Looks like Hitler gets the vote. And poor old Beethoven (tie those tubes while you're in there too!), Rammstein goes better with the Hitler vibe anyway, or Disturbed. Maybe a little Godsmack from time to time. Humans need meat in thier diet, keeps the mind clear. Maybe if he wouldnt've been a vegatarian he might of gone about a few things differently. We'll never know...
  12. Sounds like a good time was had by most. Sorry I missed it all but I had to move my son down to Rancho Cucamonga to start UTI here in a few days. Those pics of the dunes look awesome, the "walls" make hella jumps as they have a smooth transitions and usually rollers on the back sides of them. Be seeing ya'll out there soon. Stay safe.
  13. Did you kiss and cuddle afterwards??? :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts:
  14. Come awn Pete, you know "Buckwheat" was said in jest! You gotta remember to read in the accent that I talk in. And all I did was ask him if he was a preacher. Is that really name calling??? :rainbow1: Okay okay, I'm sorry. :no_no: Now let's get this party started back up. :no_no:
  15. Go back and read the whole post Buckwheat. I believe that I said there were a whole multitude of awesome machines on the market nowadays. I even mentioned specifically the Raptor 700. Killer machine. Just for little folks, not those who are taller and heavier of weight like myself. But, no, Yamaha's will not stand the test of time like the Bombardier's. Most reliable, dependable, bulletproof machines ever manufactured. Not saying Yammy's aren't worth their cost either. So take your little mentalitly and shove it up your . Take the context of the WHOLE post and don't try to twist one sentence into something it wasn't intended to be. What are you some kind of Southern Baptist preacher??? As you can tell the majority of the post in the thread are leaning heavily to the Yamaha side of the house, hence my "in crowd" comment. There are not a million Yammys at the dunes because they are the best product, it's just like the Rhino's, by far not the best SXS, but Joe and Tom have them so I'm going to run out and get one too. Can Am if that's what you wanted me to say. Go Honda. :freakin_nuts:
  16. Study up on the Can Am DS450. By all accounts it is the baddest out of the box ATV built to date. So far nothing has been able to keep up with it and it is so technologicly advanced that it may never be caught up with. Look at what Can Am has done with the Renegade, has any other manufacturer even won a GNCC race since the release of the 800??? I think you can see where my loyalties lie but truth be told there are a lot of quality machines out there on the market now. You can't go wrong with a whole multitude of them, the TRX450R, Rappy 700, Outlaw 525, etc... Best thing to do is hit the dunes with a bunch of your friends who have a wide assortment, ride them all and then get what suits you the best. But why be like every other Tom, d*ck, and Harry and grab up a Yammy just because it's the "in thing"? Set yourself above and apart from the norm. Can Am/BRP.
  17. Yeah, he let's me do it all while stands back with a tall cold one and watches.
  18. Fuggin Sissy, a real DS rider would park his truck 30ft from a 4ft high dirt ramp, hit that bad boy 4th gear pinned, then grab and hand full of those badazz DS brakes. With all of that world renowned travel that the DS has it would be a nice, smooth, gentle landing. Don't be such a little b*tch. And while we're on the topic, don't act like it would have been the first time that the old Sand Pig mounted you. :porn: Remeber some of us witnessed it first hand. :dunce:
  19. My all time favorite Pnik Floyd song. Enjoy that trip.
  20. I've got your back Jason. You know where I'll be. I leave at 4 or 5pm and still get home in time to hit rewind and see it all before bedtime. I'll remind the Utah folks, Scott, and Chris a little later in the season. We'll get Big Ray up there this year too.
  21. You don't want to know! I have found about eight of the exact hauler that I am looking for between Victorville, Beaumont, Banning, and the Inland Empire. They are brand new dealer leftovers and they are still trying to get unGodly prices out of them. Apparently here in California the term Out The Door has a different meaning than what it does in the rest of the Country. Where I come from OTD is what you pay to drive off of the lot, including title, tax, and fees. These fuggers agree to a price and then start tapping away at the calculator and say "everything else" ONLY comes up to $2664. WTF??? Am I a retard or is it in the water here? Anyway, I'm looking at the 2006 25ft Sierra/Sandpiper front bath, kitchen sinks on the left, with the sofa sleeper as the bottom of the two queen drop downs. Not asking much I don't think, like I said there are several of them to be had. I have my set price and explain that right off the bat and then they come back with all of these crazy a$$ counter offers. I don't have time to play. Been 40+ years without one and am in no great hurry at this point. If they can't use my $20K then fug 'em. I'll just put it into remodeling the kitchen and some landscaping.
  22. Nice report and pics. I remember going as a kid and a teenager and being taken aback by how magnificent it all was. Took my kids for the first time this past April, camped for a week. Awesome family time but was thouroughly pissed at how dirty, nasty, and commercialized it has become. I think out of the 30,000+ people there that we were the only English speakers. I wish most of all that they (we) could do something about the air quality there. Was never like that when I was growing up. A little info for those who may want to book the mule ride to the bottom, if you weigh over 200lbs you cannot go. Sometimes they forget to ask you and you're assed out when you get there. You do get your money back though...
  23. We'll see. I'll probably be doing overtime then anyway. We've got a ton of LAV's to get modified and sold back to the Corps but the manufacturer is having trouble getting us the mod kits. My luck they will all come in at once. Overtime is not so bad though... $$$
  24. I can't find it anywhere for less than $3.18. Is Barstow way out of the way for the route that you would normally take? I could meet you somewhere along the way, no use in everyone driving seperate....
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