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Everything posted by aceisback

  1. Jason, you gonna swing by Barstow and pick me up? I'll cruise down there with you, split a room or whatever.
  2. They are raising the fees for next season and they forgot to double bill us for one of the least crowded, best weather weekends of the year. Not necessarily off topic.
  3. There's no doubt that Harvick is a bad dude. Us hard core Earnhardt fans pull for him. He was hand picked by Dale to replace him when he retired so he's got skillz. But I'll stick with my 3's. Thanks for the offer though! Don't you have some yard work to be doing??? I'm heading out to look at a Hauler up in Yucca Valley. Laters
  4. Nah. most of them are from that rich azz Vegas crowd, not easily impressed by a small town white boy just tryin' to make ends meet scoring a F-350 7.3 PSD 4X4 Crew Cab! And I don't want to see one of these :freakin_nuts: in reply. It is White just like 10 bazillion others out there on the road. I worked very hard for it, paid cash, and am very pleased with it. Only thing missing is some o' dem bad a$$ DDR stickers in the window. Tell ya how busy I've been Jason, I haven't evan gotten an Earnhardt 3 in the window yet! Normally that is applied before I pull out of the lot...
  5. They've been my fav since way back in the mid-late 70's, but I have never seen them anywhere near as small and intimate as Soboba Casino. Been trying like Hell to get some tix but with them starting on freebay at $250 a pair it's looking kind of grim for that particular show. I did hint to my daughter that a pair sure would make a nice Birthday gift (Aug 6)! She just graduated Cal State San Bernardino last month, allot of it being on my dime so I think a set of tix for the old man would be a small favor to repay... I've been good. Finally got back to work but it's in a town 2 hours away so I'm having to pay for two domiciles. Still cheaper than diesel. Come home on weekends to see the wife and kids. I'm allot closer to Dumont now though so when it colls down a little bit I'll be there more often. I lived smack dab in the middle of Glamis and Dumont so the decision to head South was much easier then. I see many more DDR trips on the future.
  6. Seems a Teacher would know to hit the SHIFT key to produce an @ symbol. Unless "2 Pismo" has some underlying meaning!!! effin with ya Jason. I'm still hot and heavy in my search for a toyhauler and just taking a break from the browsing.
  7. Jason, aren't you glad they don't consider Super Bowl weeknd a "BIG" one!?! Seem to remember that it's one of the best duning weekends going but we'll keep that secret to ourselves. Are you gearing up for DS Days? Doesn't look like Casey will be able to make it. Football...
  8. Outstanding! Nice to see that small communities still stick together. Hopefully everything was in decent shape upon it's return. And may the thieves burn in Hell. Fuggers...
  9. Well folks here's a little update for you all. First of all I would like to tell BigWaynester and JohnnyAirtime to never lose hope, and anyone else that has had thier DS stolen from them. They may yet turn up and I very much hope that they do. The wheels of justice are very slow but they are turning. Here's how my deal ended up at 1030 this morning. The guy that stole my DS back in August of 06 was arrested during a sweep in December. Arrainments here, postponments there, hearings some other time, it was all vey frustrating to say the least. Very long story short the sentencing was this morning and he recieved 180 days in County jail, 3 years Felony probation, and ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $2261. A word from experience, if you ever have a bike stolen and recovered take as many pictures from as many angles as you can. BEFORE you touch anything and try to start getting it back to it's former condition. Keep ANY and ALL reciepts from items, parts, supplies that it takes to do so. I handed the District Attorney 53 pictures that I had taken and she took probably 30 or 40 more herself. I had it pretty much restored when she took hers but it helped prove the shape it was once in. Reciepts go a long way in the court of law. At this point I would like to thank all of the fine folks here on the forum who sold me or donated to me some of the items that it took to restore her to her former glory. A very special thanks goes out to monkeyinajar (phil, and his dad Shaun) for without the motor everything else would have been for naught. I hope anyone else that has to deal with this has the fortunate outcome that I've experienced. Karma is a good thing. See ya'll back in the dunes soon.
  10. Whew! Those are pricey. Great idea though.
  11. aceisback

    Sad News

    That was almost as funny as penguins in Alaska. Good one.
  12. Awesome pics Jason, now post up the other 990 so we can see just how sweeet the rest of Alaska is. Did you see any Orca's? Silly Kayla, penguins?! And just what did you catch your buzz from??? I hear they grow some mean green up there. Freekin' Penguins! Oh my eyes are still watering. Thanks GWH, I needed that.
  13. Well Jason, with you being a good friend of mine I'll just have to bite my tongue on this one. Good luck to ya...
  14. I'll be tearing up Buttercup come Friday. Looks like some decent winds to keep the sand smooth as glass too.
  15. Easy with the Pete, next thing you know Don will be wanting a handout. Thanks for your service Cole. It takes a certain breed in this day and age and you are made of what it takes. Keep your head down and come back safe. Here in 29 Palms we have these care package drives every so often and send truck loads of geedunk and whatnot to our guys over there. I'm sure us DDR peeps can throw ya some goodies in a box and get it over to ya. Keep us all posted with the goings on.
  16. I nominate d*ck, OOPS, I mean RichardCheese for president of Greenpeace. Just kiddin' Bro. Yep, that's the one. And if I was a little faster and the terrain around here wasn't all sand and rocks I would take my shiny new chain saw to some of these damsn ZippyDos. Little rat bastards have the whole place dug up and my old frail ankles are tired of the earth collapsing under my feet. I was shooting the little fuggers the other day with .22CB caps so as not to disturb the neighbors when one of them asked me 'Why don't you just poison them?". Guess he doesn't mind his dogs or mine eating a poison infested little rodent...
  17. TALLADEGA! :mc_smiley: :mc_smiley: Need I say more? Oh yeah, and I have to break in that chain saw that my wife made me buy. Honey do's here and there, but for the most part my fat arse will be watching the best racing NASCAR has to offer. And getting rested up for a Buttercup trip the following weekend...
  18. Check the garage thread at the Connection. There's a guy parting out an 03. Ray and I are trying to swing a Coral Pink and St Anthony's trip for this Summer. And 4SW in there somewhere. Hell, before you know it we'll be buying these new, improved, and more expensive passes we're all fretting about. Leave your calendar open for DS Days. Sand Mountain, NV. Labor Day.
  19. HMMM, I had to go back and read all of the post again to see where that came from. I didn't think that I had recalled anyone asking or looking for a hand out. I think it's been clearly stated that you can even purchase some of these passes. Others you don't even have to be "such a good American', you can just lay back and enjoy life and when you hit a certain age, walla, they up and give you one. Some of the others all you have to do is bust your a$$ so much that your body breaks down while providing Civil Service, Federal service, or be broken and busted up while serving in our most outstanding United States Military. It's actually very easy to get them nowadays with the mission being performed here and there. And most certainly you don't have to "rant and rave and b*tch and complain and argue" to recieve yours. You live just a short five minute drive to the National Park headquarters where they have them for sale. I'm pretty sure that Pete and Terry got this thread going as an information sharing tool. If you didn't sneak up from below the border then you get no hand out of some sort. Has to be earned or purchased for us law abiding citizens. Just fair and equitable treatment across state borders is all anyone is seeking, atleast the way I'm reading it. Maybe Vicki will clear it up for us.
  20. Speaking of Super Bowls... there are some mighty big ones down at Buttercup. Are you going/coming next weekend or not? It's only got to be a 6 or 7 hour drive for you. Surely your gas is cheaper up there than ours here in the High Desert is.
  21. It used to be that way. An area called the Badlands near Beaumont where the 60 and the I-10 meet. All of the manufacturers owned it and it was open for riding for a long time. Now it's nothing but roof tops as far as the eye can see. I don't really care if they buy up some land, I'd just like to see them support US like we support them. Atleast a voice in the matter you would think would carry some weight.
  22. Great new movie coming soon to a theatre near you: Must Love Turtles
  23. How are the people with the money involved in this whole process, Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, CanAm, Kawasaki, Artic Cat, KTM? If you look at the most powerful lobby in the history of our Nation, the NRA, God bless them, they don't mind spending a few dollars to protect OUR rights. They are not all about lining thier pockets. Can the same be said for the producers of the products that we enjoy so much? Do they have our backs or are they just out for the sale? Seems they would be very involved because if the access to ride is taken away then the demand for things to ride dwindles? Just curious and thought you might know. Thanks for your service Vicki.
  24. The one I hold is a Golden Access Passport, a lifetime admission permit. What the rules say and what is actually allowed/permitted is what's at issue here. I am in no way denying what has been presented and laid out here. I am just relaying MY experiences in my travels across this great Country of ours. Many State and National park entrances will ask you once they see your DOD sticker if you posses any of the above discussed passes. They will honor them at the State level even though it is a Federal pass. It does clearly state in the fine print on the back that "pass is not valid for any special recreation permit fee". The bone of contention here is that it also states "agencies administering Federal recreation areas where the Golden Access Passport is honored: Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Services, Bureau of Reclamation, National Park Service, Forest Service, and Tennessee Valley Authority. Entrance is free to these areas, use fees are 50%, eg, camping, cave tours, etc. Again, my experiences are that the passes are honored everywhere that I have been, just not with BLM here in Cali. Others experiences amy have differed.
  25. Beaumont, Banning, Yucaipa, Coachella Valley. Lots of serious off roaders in those areas.
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