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Dune Food
Everything posted by aceisback
I bought a 2 smoke chainsaw at Home Depot about three hours ago. Beats the electric alternative.
I agree with Don on this point. They do a Helluva job, especially being able to keep up on the big weekends. We've all seen what kind of mayhem and disrespect is played out in the shidders during the holidays. Pathetic to say the least. But when I head down shortly after sunrise each morning, there they are in all of their shining, spotless glory. Cheers to Don & Ellen. :mc_smiley:
LOL, Victor Sanchez. Now that's funny shizzle right there Jason. By the way, we're doing Buttercup on the first weekend of May, C'mon down. No Pismo yet for me, but if they are a State park then they would honor the pass. Hopefully I'll get to find out in June. Or whenever the Hell 4SCS is going to be there. It's a CA BLM problem going on here. Even the Western Maintenance folks were perplexed. Hopefully for the sake of everybody who has either purchased or earned one of these various passes everything will get sorted out. I'm not holding my breath however...
Okay, it states early on that "fees will be nationally consistent" and also "be consistent and similar among agencies". So, are the other states out West here in non compliance with California or vice versa? Maybe I'm reading it wrong but where is this "intensive management of OHV recreation areas"? I've been to both Glamis and Dumont during the week and on off weekends and have gone many trips without seing any LEOs, any BLM personel, of anyone else who be construed as managing anything at all. I know that's not the point of this thread, but just a thought. Still confused as to how all of our bordering states can offer this benefit that so many of us have earned, but the Socialist Republic of California can't give a rats azz? Oh, life would be so much easier if I had just been born South of the border, came here illegally, and then had all of you hard working tax payers foot the bill for my education, my medical expenses, and allow me so kindly to drive on your Hiways and Byways with no insurance.
Vicki, I can see you will make an outstanding bureaucrat someday. Your way with words and the whole thought process of making it another wrangled mess of red tape and political BS is astounding. What I'm trying to get across as a simple question is not that hard to purpose to the powers that be. It's quite simple actually. Just like EVERYWHERE else that these cards are accepted, all that would be required is to show your ID along with the card and presto, situation takes all of five seconds. It doesn't require different colored this and thats, no two mile back ups while Western Maintenance tries to decipher the whole ordeal. Just a one time shot when you buy your annual pass, hand them your $90-120, well half of it anyway, your Golden Eagle Access Pass, your Military or other valid ID, they hand you your cute little dangly pass and you're in. One time a year just like now. I have addressed this with BLM personally in Barstow on several occasions over the past six years and it's a big shoulder shrugging/head scratching ordeal that ends up with the supervisor invariably saying "maybe you should call Sacramento". Sorry I brought it up. Just looking out for my fellow Americans. Can you do me a favor when you get sworn in? I'd really like a hook up with Barbra Boxer and for my good friend Jason maybe a hook up with Nancy Pelosi if she happens to be in town.
It is good for free entrance and 1/2 price lodging/camping expenses.
Vicki, I see your point to an extent, however: ALL National and State Parks honor the benefit, and MOST other state BLM agencies do likewise. The ones (BLM) out West anyway, haven't used any East of the Mississippi. Would only go to reason though that they would, should, be on the same sheet of music. Just a thought. Not looking for a hand out.
Boy if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black! Oh! There we go again, hafto use the race card don't you!?!
Actually it's still sitting at $90 for the year, but that's not to say that it won't go up. So, if you buy this Dumont season pass for $90 vice the $120 one that includes all of the Holidays, and then decide to show up for a Holiday period, do you just pay a $10 surcharge? Or what? Anybody clear on how that would work?
I'm taking it that none of you have ever driven down Wash road to get to your campsite!?! The road into Dumont is like the road into the Playboy mansion compared to Wash road. Seems to be alot of people out ot impress the Jonses rather than enjoy the dune experience. Dust and sand are kind of what the whole duning experience is all about. Seems we could just live with it. Looks like they didn't even spray down tack before they dumped the chunks. WTF? I mean, I'm just a small town white boy trying to make ends meet but I do know that the gravel/asphalt has to have an agent to adhere to. Common sense would tell you to grade, saturate, pack the surface, then apply some sticky sh!t to keep this stuff in place before you put it down. Even back in Arkansas after they prep a dirt road they drop some tack, then some pea gravel/chat, and after about three or four days of people driving on it it turns out just like the I-15. Not rocket science...
I can't say that I agree or disagree with doubling the fee, but I can say that I will be paying it. It's still a fairly decent price considering that I used Dumont about 12-14 times since Labor Day. And when you look at the fact that ONE decent seat at a NASCAR race is $120 for four or five hours of entertainment then the fee increase is still a bargain. It's all about where you place your priorities. My question to Terry would be: has anybody ever brought up the issue of CA BLM honoring the Golden Eagle Pass? There are those of us who are older, disabled, older and disabled, that frequent the dunes. BLM in NV, AZ, and UT all honor the pass and you pay half of the posted fee. UT will even goes as far as to ask any vehicle with a DOD sticker if any of the occupants have the Golden Eagle Pass as alot of folks returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are missing parts and pieces but still like to get out and kick up some sand. Looks like Cali could give a ratsazz about some disabled American Vets. But boy if you're a YabbaDabba or from South of the border they will hand it all to you on a silver platter...
It's simple. Farm equipment should be on farms. These things are for hauling manure, wood, tools, sod, rocks, dirt, you know, farm stuff. NOT PEOPLE.
Honey, come here, you've gotta see this... And I normally only say that during a NASCAR race! Good stuff Bob. Short, sweet, and to the point.
WOW! Mr.Dickchees? I believe he said that you might take what he said wrong. Guess you're not man enough to PM him to clarify his meaning. And yes, if i ever see some little sh!t giving a fellow DDR member a hassle I will provide back up. No matter what you think of him. I myself was wondering what kind of arrogant azz would waste $4500 on paint on a toy designed to be played with in the sand. Now I know. Welcome to the DDR forum by the way. Semper Fi Ace
I am very anal about where my money goes and the quality and service that I recieve for my dollars spent. So much so that I've had my $8K down payment sitting in savings for two years now. I stumbled on American Freedom sort of by accident and am glad I did so. After much research I will probably be going with them when the time comes. They don't advertise which is why alot of people haven't heard of them. And also why their prices blow every other manufacturers out of the water. I will state though that once you get into the 24'+ range that they are close to the same range as other makes, but I still feel you get more for your money. Factory is in Riverside and they are more than glad to have you tour the place. Searched many forums high and low and have found only a handful of people with any problems and they were always the normal descrepancies associated with toy haulers anyway. Have found no one so displeased that they wouldn't own another. I'll be taking the plunge hopefully this summer when the prices drop a little.
WHEW!!! There is some crow eatin'and back peddeling going on here. First of all, welcome to the forums donutz&dunz, and thanks for posting your side. I think a lot of eyes have been opened here. Still looks like some folks just don't get it though. Still lots of punkazz attitudes and comments being displayed. All I would like to add is that Law Enforcement, much like the Military of today, is just a cross section of society to where you have an element that just doesn't respect others property or space. It comes from home trainin' and that just doesn't hardly exist anymore. Everybody's too busy trying to keep up with or impress the Jonses to sit down around the dinner table and find out what's in their kids heads, or lives. D&D thanks for your service and I for one appreciate seeing you guys out there giving it your best. From an old crusty retired Marine to a young stud LEO, Semper Fi.
Ah! JOUST!!! I used to kick my girlfriends (now wife) azz at that all of the time down at the old bowling alley. The only kind of sticking/poking I could get done with her back in the day! Good times for sure.
On what? A Big Wheel??? Maybe form the . The old Dune Sport 650 can make it there in a third of that. It has small gentle whoops and no rocks big enough to worry about dodging. I've made the trip several times and the paddles looked none the less for wear. Not too hard to go WOT down the path. If you have the nads. Just remember to and be merry.
Possible to post a map, kinda like the one Pete did, to show where these mines and such are? Can't make it this weekend (Glamis) but I'll be there the 24th-25th and would like to go further up the wash than I've done before. Gotta bring the dirt tires for a trip like that. How much water do you go through to get to the mines you guys are talking about? I've gone up to the Y before, crossing back and forth as you have to, but I'm running with no air box and can't afford to splash too much water up on the air filter. Input appreciated.
Even better in what sense? And what thef ckdid these mugfo's say? :ahhhhh: :jester: :angry2: Couple of them sounded like they had a mouth full of marbles and rinds. And where the hey are their helmets? They are obvious role models :mc_smiley: to the little children in the Hood. Atleast wear some protective gear.SHEESH
My azz! I want to know where the White guy came from? :ahhhhh: Used to be stationed just North of Baltimore, White folk are a rarity in those parts. Lots of to the left and :jester: to the right, stuck in the middle of that joint. :dunce: Looks like they were cruising Malcom Lucifer King Blvd. right off of the 95. I'm curious why nobody eased in front of those whackass crackheads :angry2: and had to slam on their brakes for an invisible dog or some such object??? :shoot: :mc_smiley: :fro:
Pretty much anybody and everbody with a DS650 West of the Mississippi will be there. Defending that crown, I mean those crowns! :mc_smiley: King of the Hill, Duner class, Power Adder, Stock Bore, etc... :mc_smiley: Go Bomb :mc_smiley: Just look for the Red Cup Racing or No Mercy Racing crews. We'll all be at the hill on our Sand Pigs.
UMMM, breading, with lots of mushrooms and gravy, with a tad of onions. I just breaded my pork chops last night matter of fact. Just kiddin' with ya man. And it's "you're" by the way...