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Everything posted by aceisback

  1. I'm confused here. Doesn't cooler temperatures equal higher horsepower? I'll be camping with the DS crew since I'm a card carrying member, :monkeedance2: and we are the reigning King of the Hill champions. Any DDR rides planned for Fri-Mon? I'll definitely be down for one or two. See you guys there, it's not as if the perfect storm is blowing in. Cool temps, a little wind, and slight chance of precip. What's the problem?
  2. How about somebody post a satellite image of the dunes and place arrows where everybody thinks this stuff is? I'm a computer dunce or I would do it... :jester:
  3. :ahhhhh: is finer than a MoFo. And I won't go into detail of just how fine or Pete will my silly azz. I'll just put it like this, she would when I was done.
  4. Please, no fireworks. We wouldn't want to burn down our beautiful California dunes. :laughoff: is HOT!
  5. The first one, MLK weekend. The permit request for Glamis didn't get submitted in time. It will be back there next year. I'm doing some recruiting on the Bombardier forums to get some folks to join over here. Gotta spread the news on keeping our dunes clean...
  6. Well, redfaced as I speak, I missed a shift and lost momentum so I had no choice at the moment. I am glad that I caught your bike though, it was headed right for you. That big old heavy pig would have stuck in the sand before it reached you though. I think. So, Saturday night at Glamis during the Hella storm that rolled through, I'm behind my buddy and see him launch what looked like straight up into the air, not wanting to land the Sand Pig on him I backed off ever so slightly. When he landed a huge wall of sand 'bout knocked me off of my bike, enough so that I didn't make the jump. Rolling backwards in the dark at about a 45 degree angle so I can build up some speed to make a second attempt I got to far into the edge of the bowl and befor I knew it over we went. The DS rolled three times while I scurried on my hands and knees like a little beotch to get out from under that thing. Never any need to have a 500 pound machine pummel you into the sand. Especially in the dark, in the middle of Glamis. We were between China Wall and Gecko road, on the way back. Could have been gnarly but I came out with only a slightly bent fender support. Can't beat Bombardier's durability. That sorm this weekend made for some the best dunes I have ever encountered. Not one track to be found in all of Glamis, I swear. Smooth as water.
  7. Pete, you have one dirty mind! You know what I said was about duning and only duning. I guess maybe it could have been misinterpreted though. Or was it really that obvious??? Gotcha though, I won't do that again. Peace Bro. :whip_em: is still hot though.
  8. AW C'mon Pete. I kept it PC and clean. What is wrong with a ".........(edited).........."? Isn't that what we all go to the dunes for? Sheesh, some people...just kiddin' with ya man, if that's not within the forum rules then by all means. She is kinda hot though for an, ahem, older woman. Most of us on here are adults though. Atleast leave it for a little while.
  9. What in the hey is this all about??? :jester:
  10. "We can get aftermarket and OEM parts for Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, Kawasaki, KTM, Dirtbikes, ATV's, Streetbikes, V-Twins (Harley, Big Dog, American Ironhorse, etc) Snowmobiles, PWC's, Rhinos, and the list goes on." So how about Bombardier/BRP/CanAm??? Is the DDR discount worth what the S&H would be to CA?
  11. DAMN! I would hate to have one of those dogs hanging from each arse cheek. Can I borrow those fellows for a day or two? I know where the CSer lives. Funny how fast these things (don't) work. Just last week I had a detective call me up and say that a warrant has been issued and asked if I'd like to compile a list damages along with cost to repair and replace. Of course I would, it's only been three months! I'm pretty sure that actually recovering the $1448 in just parts, no labor, is just a fantasy. If his parents were worth a rats a$$ they would bring me a nice round wad of cash, wear his a$$ out, and call it a day. He's only 20, I'm sure they can instill some respect and discipline into him. TURDS...
  12. "well by the time she finished decumming the egg's " Can someone elaborate please? And while we're on the subject of good food, I'm heading back to Arkansas on Dec 26th. Catfish galore and buffets on every other corner with deep fried dill pickles, deep fried snickers, deep fried twinkies, you get the idea... If they can run a stick through it and dip it in batter then it will be fried. And my favorite fast food joint of all, SONIC. Man they need Sonic out West. (I know, besides Bakersfield)
  13. Arby's, Arby's, Arby's! That's the chant I hear from the kids when rolling thru. I must say that I love ethnic food but after reading nothing but bad things about the Greek I have never partaken of it.
  14. Do they make chips that big? I can't see this Moose getting lost in the dunes, maybe riden, but not lost...
  15. My point exactly, I just don't have that much air in my lungs! Thanks for driving my point home.
  16. I rolled in 10ish Saturday morning and upon buying my season pass I was handed two different flyers. Both nicely done and informative, for first time vistors. No earthshattering news or new rules, regulations, or guidelines. It's a simple concept that is just lost on this generation, RESPECT OTHERS. And lost on us as a Nation unfortunately.
  17. arguing on the internet is like the special olympics, you may win, but you are still retarded!!! Damn, Jason! Pretty hardcore words there. I'm feeling your intent though and concur. Tbones, didn't you used to be the lead singer for Suicidal Tendencies??? See ya'll in the morning, but probably not in time for the quads and bikes ride.
  18. Before the crack of Dawn on Saturday. Was going to be Friday at 1400 but the Homecoming game is Friday night against an undefeated rival. We're sitiing at one questionable loss. Should make for a good game... See you guys Saturday.
  19. Haven't met you yet Woody, I don't think, but I'm sure we'll run into eachother at the DDR camp or somewhere out in the dunes. Had a good buddy up at Barstow for a long time. We were on the Rifle Team together. GySgt Tim Brooks. Motor T/Heavy Equipment guy. Lost contact awhile back, he's probably retired by now. SimpliFy--- as my Army and Navy buds tell me.
  20. If you ever see a White F-150 with a Black Marine Coprs Rifle Team sticker on the tailgate, a big Earnhardt 3, and a DDR logo in the back window, stop by and say HI. It will more than likely be me, unless someone is copying my style. Maybe BLM will let us set up a range out past the North pole. You can coach and I can shoot. Give the Bastards that keep tearing up the pole a little something better to do.
  21. Ragdoll, ever hear of the Marine Corps Rifle Team???
  22. Recovered DS pics Can't believe how long it takes the law to respond around here. I called daily for six days straight to let the deputy who took the initial report know that I had recovered the bike. Day 7 another deputy shows up and takes all of the information on how I got it back and says he knows the parents of the guy who had it. Going on four days now and no word. He says if any of the missing items are recovered at the home then prosecution should be easy, if not it is my burden to prove cost of replacement and labor. Tomorrow I am going to try and load it up and go for a ride to see if I can determine if there is any internal damage. Didn't seem to be when I picked it up but it was 1130pm and I didn't get to ride it long. Here are a few pics to let you see what a thrashing she took. Remember, I had it showroom clean and ready for DS Days. And no, the rear tires did not look like that when it left, reason I'm concerned with the ride tomorrow... I'll update as info comes in. Thanks again for the offers of rides and the many words of encouragement. Long nights ahead to get her fixed up but I'm just glad she's back.
  23. Been hactic since returning from six days up in Utah's Sand Mountain. I will fill in the gory details soon. I did get her back and she ain't pretty. Just waiting on the detective and the kids folks to figure out which way to proceed. Lots of work to get it back to the pre theft condition but that's much more luck than some folks have in these cases. Living in a small town surely helped out in this situation. Be seeing you guys soon.
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