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Hill Humper

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  1. Here is a pic, of him, first time on anything other than a spiderman bike with training wheels. I figured if he could take down a full grown adult blonde at his first party , he's ready for the high octain petal to the metal fun . Thanks again Larry Ken I will be bringing Woody's sun glasses to your shop for safe keeping.
  2. After unloading the little go-karts, the day after the party. I unknowingly acquired a very nice pair of OAKLEY sun glasses, that someone had so thought fully placed in my box of stuff out by the go-karts. Pleased to announce I have found the owner!!!!! WOODY!!! He was patient with my slow e-mail replies and sent me a picture and description. Hopefully Tommarrow we can work out getting them back to him. Nice to meet you all, I had a great time. Larry Oh BTW I am Ken's brother.
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