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Everything posted by quad~dizzle

  1. how did you even find a picture like this? is it in your spank bankattachmentid=19968
  2. you caught me..... im a gay gaybasher see you tomorrow after work and i will bring the new playgirl :assrock:
  3. i would agree power house.... even if it does sound like a male brothel
  4. anybody going? :rainbow1:
  5. i just got one. all i need is a antenna we should desiganate a channel for ddr and the dunes got a copy, over :whacky101:
  6. not to ask a stupid question but other then the garbage bags what else should one bring to help out? tools,supplies etc. :moonwalk:
  7. i put up high pound test fishing line :angry2:
  8. i know alot of people already got the sand fix but im headed out sat for a day trip oh four stroke wars to
  9. well lets see.... on v-day i usually slip my lady some x in her and pop a viagra and like stoned rabbits :north_pole:
  10. with dumont season coming to an end, when does everyone start hitting up coral pink
  11. im not racing but im going out with some buddies for the day. hope to see you guys there
  12. is the race the saturday after pres weekend
  13. im giving a 10% discount off a bag :fro_smokin: and i invented chicken flavored bubble gum :afro:
  14. the road is probally in better shape then most roads in hendertucky
  15. I will be out with a couple of buddies for a day trip saturday. I ride a black lt500 if you see me stop by.
  16. sorry wrong nugget. that's sweet :beer_bang:
  17. quad~dizzle


    jerry's nugget on the home page...... :afro:
  18. ya know the water crossing why didnt blm build a bridge over it. i hate getting my tires wet
  19. i was on reserve so i had to split. when's your next trip? :freakin_nuts:
  20. thanks isbb, ya brit and his guys seem to stuff a 500 motor in anything that has two wheels :freakin_nuts: my bike seems to be running better but there is a couple of bugs to work out still. when's the next trip?
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