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Everything posted by dumontdude10

  1. nice truck wrong brand though :assrock: :jester:
  2. what would go wrong if i put it in with out it being a star
  3. i bought it at mountian motorsports in ontario
  4. I bought this jet for it a 148
  5. Is this what u do?? "its pretty easy to do. takes about an hour, mainly time to take off the fenders and the gas tank and put it all back together. if you dont have to adjust the needle its pretty easy. once you loosen the hose clamps on either side of the carb you just flip it over, take off the four screws on the bowl, take off the bowl, and then switch out the main jet, and/or the slow jet if you need to. anyone who is mechanically inclined can do it. just takes a little time and patience. if you ask me, the diagram and instructions in the dynojet kits sucks. oh, before you remove the tank be sure to shut off the gas, otherwise it will keep running out of the tank. good luck!" (Atv Connection)
  6. OK I'm taking my 2002 400ex apart and i was wundering were the jet is on the carb???
  7. u have some cool toys :dance: :moonwalk:
  8. :6pak: :boyyy: :boyyy: :moonwalk: :moonwalk: :moonwalk: :assrock: :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics: :6pak: :kissass: :kissass: :foshizz: :foshizz: :foshizz:
  9. :assblast: :6pak: :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics: :worthless_without_pics:
  10. I read that entire artical and i cant believe i didnt see that thats cool that ur in it though
  11. "On the can am 450s the good things are :Light, looks unique, light steering and thumb throttle, soft seat. bad things are: Notchy transmission, poor bottom end power, noisy clutch and engine, no reverse." (Dirt wheels Magazine)
  12. My spring break is between March 28 and April 6
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