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Everything posted by dumontdude10

  1. thats funny but sad at the same time
  2. I bought it at Mountian Motorsports in ontario, Ca
  3. 1.its a trx 450r 2.stock 3.stock jetting 4.it brand new off the showroom floor
  4. thank u, and i will give it more gas and i will clean the carb. if any body esle might think differant than tell.
  5. I was writing fast. I didnt have time for periods.
  6. Ok on my 450r i just bought it like may and it ran bad when we got it but the guys at the deler ship said thats how they run at first but i just started it and the header is glowing orange and the bike is keap on poping and i dont know if thats how they are or if thats not whatt there supose to do and if i need to fix it can any boy tell me if its supose to do this or what and how do i fix it?
  7. Im with marks and randogs crew i will be out there cant wait (mark we will probly be out there on the 28 or 29)
  8. i got an Hmf exhaust for my 400 and gum and tools and more tools and money
  9. that looks sick at least u went with the right brand and truck.
  10. I hope that d gets better thats so sad what happen stay strong and it will be over sooner than u think. :xmas1: :praying:
  11. i dont own one right now but my cuzin has one and i was riding in that then i was riding in a rhino and the ranger was faster
  12. yeah unless u make them ur self you will never find them
  13. we should also meet on the 2nd at the north pole like at maybe 10 or 11 am does that sound good to any one?
  14. that happened to our trailer too but it was also shorting out
  15. I need to find one because we are thinking of buying a new trailer
  16. Any body that lives in vegas or near it can you tell me what the web site is for the weekend warrior places are? please and thank you.
  17. Ranger is the Best for two aduts and two kids goes faster too
  18. Does any body here have a 71-72 Blazer that they might want to sell
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