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Everything posted by dumontdude10

  1. Im going on the 20-24 is going to be a sick trip
  2. You dig a big hole in the ground about 4-5 ft deep and rap the turkey in foil and then stick it in the ground put the dirt back in the ground the put a small fire on top of the dirt were the turkey is then let it be in there all day then when ur ready to eat take it out of the ground it taste so good
  3. just tell me what u think about them and what should i do to them
  4. For our chevelle we got the 40s series and they cost us $120 and that was way cheaper than what we were looking for. At any other place we went they had them for 150 and up.
  5. can u people tell me which sand tire is better ether the itp paddles or the sand gecko paddles
  6. Does any body know if the Itp front sand tire the double ribbed ones if they work good if so can u tell me.
  7. We need to get as many people on at once so we can beat the record in Nov 2006 this next weekend coming up on November 3, 2007 we need over 90 people to be loged in. I Needs to be between 1:00pm and 2:00pm. Tell me if you people think its a good idea and let beat the record. :shout:
  8. the best songs are Forever (downset) and All Crews (downset) Epesially All Crews
  9. i like when it was along time ago cuz it wasnt that crowded
  10. yeah becuase last year when we were going to go for thanksgiving we just loaded our quads and i put the loke on the trailer on all zeros and i went out there the next moning and the was cut off but we had the other handles locked and the couldent get in. And we looked at our security system and he got caught and had to got to jail. every one who parks their trailer out side the night befor u leave u need to put a camera just in case
  11. Who has been going to Dumont since 1992 if uu have do u remember this in thanksgiving
  12. no i took the picture on my digital camera and put it on the computer
  13. First u need to and itp c-series rim and v paddles,then u put a FMF power core 4 and jet it then u and a new intake system the that 450 will haul a$$
  14. Yeah and ford has more towing capacity and they look better lifted
  15. yeah it Dumont its when u pull in and ur heading towards the stands the first lil hill to ur right when u pull in
  16. yeah he basicly found everything but it probly took him a while cuz u know hez a chevy guy
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