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Everything posted by dumontdude10

  1. CONGRATZ randog :hungry: :hungry: :hungry:
  2. he go his a$$ kicked :hungry: :hungry: :hungry:
  3. thnx randy i got this done to day 35% on the front and limo tint on back
  4. that cat is pissing me off just shoot it then circle it
  5. I just got the metal mulisha one today and about a few weeks ago i put a ddr one on
  6. how did they get it up there lol
  7. u should come over to my house and make me a light bar for my F-150
  8. i did it at the rancho dmv. but there were a few people there. thnx everyone and it dosnt matter were u walk ill still find u ill be as carefull as i can be, always on gaurd. i start driving by my self tomarrow and drive to school tuesday
  9. Went right after school today to the dmv waited 2 hrs then the lady comes out took the test in my truck and i passed only got 3 things wrong. :mog: sorry i havnt been on in a while my mom broke her ankle so everythings been crazy
  10. how about ZUKISUX for "suzukis sucks" :B
  11. haha thanks i probly pick one of them. alot of good ideas
  12. I want to get presonalized plates for my truck and i want it to be like sand related or something to do with the truck and i need DDR's help trying to figure one out. :beer_bang: this is the truck im going to lift it soon and put 35's on it. its gunna sort of look like this
  13. :beer_bang: crusty and his dog.. the dog decided to pose for my pic when i was taking a pic of the clouds
  14. i know what u mean i hate pozers thats were all the stuff and they dont ride probly never touched sand besides the beach or the sand box in there back yard. and if u ask them what they ride they say something stupid like a yamaha CRF 315 R or a honda raptor 500ex. :?: ive heard these before and trust me its so funny to hear that from someone that "suposidly rides". everytime i ask someone that weres the cloths and i know they dont ride they always come up with something stupid or say i cant remember. :pile:
  15. it is tonight this morning was like my earth our. :?: my power went out for 2 hrs this morning right when i woke up. i couldnt take a shower no lights, couldnt open garage no power lol, so i decided to wash my truck lol that took 2hrs almost. pissed me off no power for 2 hrs so i did my part already lol. i might still do earth hour thats all i had to say lol
  16. here you go otis goes kinda fast but this is how to change the time. :?:
  17. well right befor i recorded my camera fell and almost broke and the mic on it got mest up
  18. thnx everyone turned out good for my first box and i will make a new vid today or this weekend
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