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Everything posted by dumontdude10

  1. had a great week i was glad i got to go out we got there wednesday morning road on the way in was so messed up we unloaded i went riding was ruff out in the dunes wed :moon: then that night we had to pull bryson (sp??) out cuz he got stuck in his big rig . then on thursday had some turkey :black: ate alot, not as bumpy in the dunes then went to the wall that night watched the trophy trucks run standing with most or the ddr peeps and watched ragdoll in the mini mog doing stopies . then friday was the same but we went to the wall around 3pm i was racing people on my dads 450 beat all except 1 person :dance: . then we came home sat morning.
  2. i just put a jet in our 07 all stock put a 45 the jet that u use a screw driver
  3. i was waiting for someone to say something i saw that i was to lazy to fix it
  4. ill post some up here in upland and in rancho if randy misses places.
  5. imma drive my rc car and my quad up and down the street then go to the off road expo
  6. yeah i prob wont lift it now but it runs great i got it for free cuz my grandpa died idk why i put this i just pushed it just because lol i might sell it to get a f-150 or sumthin and my quad does fit in it and randy i like ur smiley
  7. yeah i do have a 1989 ford van but its wide enuff for my quad a car is a car any thing toget to the desert and go riding.
  8. any one know were to get a lift kit for a 1989 ford e-150 econoline 2wd..?? would it be the same as a 1989 ford f-150 ?
  9. i got this email the other day :black: :black: :black: :black: I am a manager of one of the leading banks in South Africa, I am seeking for your Cooperation to present/front you as the beneficiary to one our late Client. Before his death, he has in his account a total balance of ($14.5M) belonging to Mr. Morris Braddock, an American businessman based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Who was involved in auto crash along with his family in the year 2005. Please note that no other person knows about this account other than myslef. The strategy is to use my influence as his account manager of the make all necessary changes in your favour so that we can apply for the payment of the funds on your name. So if interested please write me on presleydavis2@live.co.za for further clarification. Regards. Mr. Presley Davis
  10. naw i didnt get it im just going to wait till i get the truck next month and see what i want to put in. eleventybillion.0384958
  11. yea the only prob is that i need the measurements lol
  12. yeah im going to put 2 12's and a 1600 watt amp with a sony head unit and i need to know the mesurements so when i go to get my truck i can put it in. its going to be a sick system
  13. anyone with an 2005 andup ford f-150 extended cab can u measure from the floor tothe bottom of the rear seat. plzz if that doesnt make sense of whati said then post i guess.....plz
  14. im sorry i couldnt help my self but nice head lights transformers
  15. i already tryed toget it befor and no one went on
  16. i had bad day first we went to autozone to get a starter for our blue truck so we get home and then pull the old one out (that still worked but was about done) and then the batery cable brakes. then we go back down to autozone and take the old starter in for core charge so then they dont have the right cable cuz its special order.then we get home with a new battery cable then put the starter in and it doesnt work. they gave us a defunctional starter.then we go back down there and get a good one. but the bad part was that we were driving the chevelle and we hit every single stop light and waisted about a tank. had to fill it up twice. since it gets 4 miles a gallon. but today was a better day got my rc car going and ripped up the hilll of dirt in my back yard.
  17. It was a great show as always alot of nice trucks. Hategoingthere because its tempting to buy stuff for the truck. :dance: :dance: i had a great time.
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