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Everything posted by dumontdude10

  1. i like the orange one but the black one looks sick
  2. Is any body going it the June 14-15 im going to take lots of pix
  3. There was atol of cool cars out there but i left my camera in the car so here are the ones i got.... my dads :moon: :flowers: it was fun alot of people...
  4. in about 3-6yrs itt look like this
  5. I did this on the computer but it didnt turn out great this is what my trucks going to look like.
  6. i was going to elmirage or the D but it started to rain hard here and we never packed up..
  7. what lift kit brand??? fabtech, rancho, etc.
  8. im thinking about a 2007 f-150 extended cab 4wd has any body seen one lifted 6in. im thinking about doing that.??? does it look good or no
  9. im getting an F-150 this year and i need to know this stuff to on whats good.
  10. Next thing you know we will see him with that and doing wheelies across the wall. :dance:
  11. Does any body know some good companies to buy heel guards for a 2002 400ex?? like these im thinking about these but if u guys think there good or if u have a dif. companie u think is better -----
  12. if i had diesel i would buy at least 4 cans of gas.
  13. WTF http://www.ebaumsworld.com/flash/play/360951/
  14. go to uninstall programs uninstall the Outlook that u downloaded and redownload it. the viruse protection somtimes will not find that kind of stuff.
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