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Everything posted by dumontdude10

  1. that thing is cool :shocked2:
  2. ice chest :shocked2: Sign sink
  3. i saw them practicing on the track thursday i was thinking of pulling out my quad and see if i could ride
  4. put one in drive one in reverse and drive off
  5. glad u signed up brian im fine and it wasnt ur falt i was a lil banged up from that but im fine had a great week out there. :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts:
  6. it was nice to meet u to and all the other ddr peeps :eatdrink021:
  7. i was there when they were setting everything upon wednesday and thursday they were practicing and i was watching
  8. the wheelie before that he almost fliped it. it was like a 95-100 degree angle. it was sick.
  9. My video of the buggies wheeling http://s155.photobucket.com/albums/s308/du...gbrasdfgndf.flv
  10. This week was a great week alot of great buggie rides and the weather was great. The dunes were the best when i got there. Saterday was an alright day like at two o'clock i rolled my bike end over end by the north pole then i get back to camp and my tyrod was bent, my rim was cracked, my frame is cracked, and my six pack rack got wasted. randog, mark, lou, and other people helped fix the tyrod and the rack. Besides all that it was a great week. My riim :chug: 6 pack rack partly fixed tyrod after fixed for the rest of the day the fire randog trailer :argue: randog gave me my own pool table :boyyy: bikes :dance: lou my cuzin i have videos of the buggies but havent up loaded them yet was a great trip..
  11. go to were u bought the shell they should have it or online
  12. i wunder if there going to be there for the rest of the week
  13. thats cool paint goes flying everywear
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