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  • Name
    Brian Wells
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  • Occupation
    Fire Department

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  1. This is a Yellow/Black 2005 Honda 90, its in great shape and runs perfect. The quad comes with new dirt tires and a set of sand tires/wheels. The Honda has a pull start with front and rear shocks, centrifugal clutch (which means you can the quad in any gear let off the gas and the quad goes to idle). I have pink slip and the quad is reg green sticker. #760-792-9213 Had trouble uploading pic can send by email.
  2. First who is the maker of the trailer, becarful not to buy junk. Second for a 20' (key 8.5'w) with a 48" side door? that would be a good price. Best thing two do is hold your change and buy used. I think there are a few on glamis.com under trailers for around $4500 to $5000
  3. The pusher is back on the road. Check this out, first I had to pull it out of the drive way. Once on the street I filled the fuel canester up with diesel, second cracked the fuel injectors and last took the fuel cap off, placed an air hose in the fuel neck with a towel and tried to start. After doing this two times the hog started.
  4. Need some help, I had air get into the fuel line of my 5.9L cummins diesel pusher. The question is it is in my drive way on an incline. I have tried just about everything to get it primed with no luck. Herre is the question, can the coach being on an incline be part of my troubles in get it primed? Any ideas.
  5. Just want to give the peeps a heads up on VV motorcycle center. I bought a suzuki in Sept of 08, took the quad home, all was good. The problem statred 30 days after getting the quad, when I got the monthly bill. The terms paper work showed 0% inst. which I had asked for the promo rate for 12 months (low % low paymnets) which I was told I had. After many phone calls to the dealer and Ge money, Ge money stated the dealer would have to change the promo code to get the deal. Long story short, the dealer stated they would not change it, they have been paid for the quad, and I would have to deal with Ge money. The payment was to be around $80-90 dollers and the monthly bill the dealer set me up for was $172 a month and no ware was it noted on the paper work. It is now Feb. and I have just been able to work with GE money and got the lower rate, 6 months later. I tell you this, so you do not go through what I have been through, Victorville motorcycle center has taken the fun out of getting a new quad. Oh lastly they did not top the oil off and the quad seized after three hours of riding. BE CAREFUL
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