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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Is everyone done for the 15/16 season or are you going to try and squeeze in any more weekend trips. (When I say season, I mean Dumont season.) This was a great season for us. We managed to get 7 trips in, including Glamis. I have no summer dune trips planned other than maybe a day trip for our usual Dune in June. We're focusing on other things. My car had a stupid little issue that was quickly resolved mid-season, but other than that it continued put a grin on my face all season long and did it's job well. How about everyone else?
  2. Are you on mobile? If you're on desktop, click more reply options and then click Attach Files.
  3. You're doing it right. Might want to include a photo and contact info too.
  4. Another for the DSLR thread. Hard to believe I started this thread 7 years ago. My old 50D camera body is feeling and showing signs of age. It was a cloudy night after the rain today in Vegas so I went out and grabbed a few shots around town. Down at the south end of the strip near the runway...
  5. Great report and pictures. I know exactly what lake you're talking about. It really is like quick mud! As you get near it, it's pretty firm ground, pretty firm, pretty firm, then WHOA you're sinking! Nasty stuff too. Smells horrible. I wish I had a dune-able bike. I love quick, easy trips like these. All I have is my KTM690. Little heavy for the sand but great for adventures and desert.
  6. eww. That's a Vee Dub buggy with handlebars. haha Original though.
  7. You've gotta be getting crazy stoked to drive it at this point!
  8. "Sunday morning cruise", submitted by sand chick
  9. until
  10. Is this post referring to Easter weekend? Like this weekend?
  11. Can you believe Easter Weekend is already here? The season has flown by! Easter is the last official holiday of the season. It's never a crowded weekend and don't expect many vendors, if any, to be there but it is a great weekend for duning. The forecast is looking like the weekend will have great weather with highs around 80 and lows in the 50's. Everyone be careful and have a great weekend.
  12. Thanks dude. Yeah we got some crazy wind but it was in the middle of the night. I don't remember if it was Friday or Saturday night.
  13. Hey Jeff, great to hear man. I meant to get your phone number on Sunday before we left your camp but forgot. I'm glad you found us on here though. I wanted to be able to check up and see how they are doing. I am glad it wasn't worse. I have a good feeling Jon will be walking again. Thinking positive thoughts for all of them for a full recovery.
  14. It was a great weekend of duning out there with some nice, warm weather. It got a tad warm during the middle of the afternoon, but it was too bright to dune that time of day anyways so we just cranked the AC and took naps. Other than then, it was perfect temperature in the morning and at night. We were up and at it both days though getting in 2 morning runs before noon. It's nice to drive the buggy in shorts and a t-shirt and not freeze your butt off. Then we got 2 more runs in later in the day, 1 late afternoon and 1 sunset ride. Almost every dune run was a really good, fast one. Leading most of the rides, I tried keeping things interesting by switching things up from my normal lines. The dunes were pretty smooth on Friday with a small amount of tracks and then Saturday they became fairly tracked out. They weren't rough though. They were fast, easy to navigate lines. My car ran great all weekend and we only had one breakdown on Saturday. Steve B busted a lower heim on the front of his (or his wife') buggy. No other issues to report other than the sun in our eyes at times and a few beers got warm. haha The pics Friday we arrived around noon and relaxed for an hour or so. Lou & Lindsay B and I decided to test the dunes out even though it was a tad bright out. Anna stayed behind and read a book and relaxed. We drove by Banshee Hill on our way back and notice things were getting set up for the FSA races. Back at camp a few more arrived: dentboy & family, Tom, Ben, and we were waiting for raspadoo to get there after fighting traffic near Barstow. A motorhome rolled over and slowed traffic for a bit. It was a lazy afternoon We headed out for a cruise and found a nice spot to sit for a while as the sun went down. The temperature was perfect and it was really nice to just kick back in the sand and hang out. Friday night around the fire we all agreed to a 7:30 driver's meeting and 8AM dune run so we decided to call it a night about midnight. 7:30 happened and only a few guys thought I was serious! Wake up fuggers! Sophie & Turbo got acquainted We finally got everyone up about 8 and managed to hit the sand shortly after. Again, it was gorgeous out. Duning snapshots by Anna Late morning came around and we decided to squeeze another one in! By the time we stopped it was after noon. The sun was high and the shadows were getting short. It was getting warmer and warmer by the minute as you can see us trying to take advantage of every inch of shade. More duning snapshots by Anna On the way back was when Steve busted a lower heim. He was done at that point because it also put a hole in his sidewall. Bummer! So he 3-wheeled it back to camp and packed it up. I barely grabbed a pic of the drag racers at Banshee as I drove by. Not much of a turnout over there on Saturday. Back at camp, everyone retreated to their RVs, cranked the A/C up and took naps for a couple hours. It was much needed and felt great to do. Saturday late afternoon we jammed out and hit the dunes again, this time with crazy legs Lou B leading. It was a great, fast run but at that hour it ws still warm and a few of our cars needed a little cool down. We took a short break and headed back to camp. I was running low on fuel and raspadoo hooked me up with a few gallons so we could cram one more good one in. His buddy Tom gave me a 12 pk of BL because his wide bought him the wrong beer on accident. So I left his place with race and and beer! Not a bad deal! haha Sophie & Anna played around for a few The sun was going down quick so we hopped in our cars and went for one more quick one. The skies were incredible. It's like Dumont was blessing our last trip with one last badass sunset. It was actually well past sunset when we left so it was like a night ride with a colorful sky. We stopped to watch the last bit of light fade to the horizon. It was at that perfect moment we watched that RZR jump at Banshee Hill and crash badly. The details were already discussed in the other thread so I'll leave it at that. It did hamper our mood a bit that night seeing that, but we still managed to have a good time. We cooked up some carne asada and had some drinks around the fire. It was a pretty late one when we finally called it quits...probably about 3AM. That's how you close out the season! So that's gonna do it for me for the season. We managed to squeeze in a ton of awesome trips and I think this one included some of the most consistently fastest buggy runs of them all. I was in 4th gear alot. Thanks to our awesome group of friends who made it out and it's too bad the rest of the crew couldn't make it. Next trip...Dune In June!
  15. Sunday morning I spoke with his buddy, Jeff, the guy in the other RZR. They said after surgery he still had some feeling but no movement. It's going to take some time before they know.
  16. Post one pic. The winner's dune pic will be posted on the homepage after the contest is over. The member's screen name will be posted up with it as well as your caption or description included with the pic. Dune Pic of the Month- Rules 1. The picture must be YOURS. Do not go surfing the internet looking for one to submit. You cannot post any copyrighted pics. 2. The picture must not have any watermarks or logos on it. 3. The picture must be at least 600 x 600 pixels. It will be displayed on the home page if it wins the most votes so therefore we would like it to be a decent size picture. 4. The picture must abide by the terms and conditions (rules) of this board. 5. Post only ONE picture per contest 6. By posting a photo, you allow DDR to use it on our webpages & post it on our social media.
  17. Saturday evening we went for a nice sunset cruise and stopped at the top of the dune to watch the sunset. Two RZRs were playing around on Banshee Hill and jumping the hump at the bottom. One of them, a 4 seat turbo RZR 1000, went up Banshee Hill, turned around and made a full throttle run at the jump. It sounded like he maybe realized he was coming in too fast and let off the throttle. He was probably going 60 mph or so when he hit the jump. The RZR launched and bucked the back end badly. I think it landed nose first them rolled about 3-4 times. Their friends plus a few guys that were at Banshee Hill were first on the scene. Dentboy drove down to check on them and he signaled us with his lights that it was bad. We all rushed down to see how they were. There were 3 people in the RZR. An adult male driving, a 10 year old boy in the passenger seat, and another adult male in the back seat. They were all pulled out and laying in the sand when we arrived. The driver was sitting up in pain with a broken collarbone. His son was hurt and complaining of stomach pains. It looked like he hit the passenger grab handle because it was bent. The rear passenger was in bad shape. He was going in and out of consciousness when we first arrived but they managed to keep him awake. His forehead had 2 or 3 big goose eggs and his head was bleeding. He had no feeling in his feet either. He was in the worse shape. Dentboy ran back to camp to get his wife who is a nurse. He and I both called 911. They dispatched an ambulance and the SB Fire Dept plus a helicopter was on it's way. It took forever. I waited at the ranger station for them to arrive. Baker EMS showed up first, but they needed SB Fire Dept to show up with the 4 wheel drive Expedition truck. They finally showed up. I was pretty frustrated how they seemed to have no sense of urgency. They didn't seem to be moving very fast at all. These guys in the accident needed help like now. Just as I thought they were all going to hop in the truck and follow me over to the hill, they started airing down the tires which took another 10+ minutes. We drove over to the accident scene and they got them all loaded up and brought them to the ranger station. We planned on dragging the RZR back to their camp that night but it got really late by the time everything was handled. Once we were back at camp I saw the helicopter land. Sunday morning we went over to check on the RZR. Luckily all their stuff was still there and it wasn't stripped or messed with. Oh and by the way, the RZR was a rental. Dentboy hooked on to it and he managed to drag it back to their camp which was just a few camps down from us by bathroom 6. Jeff, the driver's friend, was the only one in camp and was very grateful for our help. He couldn't even leave camp because he was watching his buddies kids. Some other guys came over and they helped him get it loaded on the trailer. Jeff informed us the boy was ok, the driver had a broken collarbone and was on his way back out to bring the motorhome & RZR home. The other guy wasn't as lucky. He went into surgery for a broken C5 and C6. Everything went well in surgery, but they think he may be paralyzed. He still has no feeling in his legs. I think he said no feeling or movement from the neck down, but I am not too sure. It was a horrible sight to see. Those stock RZR cages are junk. It didn't do a very good job protecting them, but then again that was a very bad crash. The seats didn't even stay secured in the vehicle. They all had helmets on but his friend said the 2 adults didn't have their's strapped and the helmets went flying out of the RZR went they crashed. It was the driver's first time to Dumont and, as mentioned earlier, it was a rental. He should not have hit that jump like that., Everyone I have seen jump that lip at the bottom of Banshee Hill gets bucked really bad. I hate seeing people get hurt or killed out there especially when it can be avoided. I hope they all heal and recover ok. I walked it out and they ended up about 250 feet from where they jumped. Towing it back to camp...
  18. So a couple guys are unfortunately out but I think we'll still have me & Anna (I hope if she doesn't have to work), Lou B & Lindsay B, dentboy & family, Ben, and raspdaoo +1. There are a couple other maybes plus some day trippers on Saturday, but it should be a good group and good weekend. Hit me up if anyone else wants to join us.
  19. Google Earth can tell you as long as you can find the exact peak you climbed. Shouldn't be very difficult I'm sure.
  20. I've got Verizon too and the service is usually great out there. I'm just trying to shop around. I pay a ton for our cell phones.
  21. Looking at new phone carrier plans and taking all things into consideration. How is AT&T phone/text/ data coverage out at Dumont? I've heard it's not great or spotty at best.
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