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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. It's looking like it's warming up a bit so we'll see some mid 80's temps during the day. That just means multiple morning runs and maybe even some night cruises. During the bright hours of the day I'll be under my awning.
  2. Great pics and report! Looks like some fun adventures. I never thought of doing a Death Valley loop ride from Dumont on the bike. Might have to plan that next season. Good job on that hike! Wow. Nice view. Thanks for sharing, man.
  3. Hey Jason, we'll be in our regular spot B7 on the grid map. You guys are welcome to park with us.
  4. How the hell can you go to sleep when you first arrive at the dunes? No matter how tired I am when I pull up, this always seems to be me....
  5. Don't forget we turn our clocks forward an hour tonight.
  6. No fuel odor here. Even when I had a small fuel leak on the buggy once, I just left the doors open for 10 minutes after unloading and it aired right out.
  7. Sweet. Tribal Whips shower curtain hooks!
  8. It's looking like we'll be closing the Dumont season out with one more trip on March 18-20. I thought my season was done as of last trip, but I'm not finished yet. I'm having too much fun out there lately to shut it down just yet. Who knows, we may still do another weekend in April. haha With that said, is anyone else going out that weekend? It's looking like we'll have a good size group of buggies for this one. If your interested in joining us, let me know. Doesn't matter what you drive or ride. If you like to dune hard, let's do it.
  9. Here's video of how the RZR rolled. Pretty crazy.
  10. Glamis actually has a written rule or law about coning off areas and putting stakes in the ground. Dumont should do the same.
  11. So in the end this was purchased to save the government more money or to keep the road maintained more frequently? As I have heard, there is money left over every year as it is.
  12. Took a couple pics on the way back from Dumont last weekend. So far the only K rails or construction are from the gas station on 159/160 and it ends around the first big bend going up the hill. Didn't seem to impede traffic at all but then again the project will be completed early 2017 so we'll see if next season gets affected for those that take the 160 and Mt Potisi.
  13. Fixed. Thanks for the pics and update, Jon. So for those that don't know, could you fill us in on the story behind this contraption and how it will benefit us the duners? Is this to replace the grader or to be used in addition to it?
  14. That's gotta be a great feeling seeing it roll. I know how it was for sanddunesaddict when he was building his SCU to finally get the suspension and wheels on. Good looking car. Can't wait to see it completed and in the sand.
  15. Thanks bud. I wish you and the rest of the crew could have as well. I hope it doesn't get much hotter before the next planned trip.
  16. Couple GoPro shots. PainterJoe caught me boostin & roostin! Garret going big while on a dune run! hell yeah. Luckily Anna just so happen to have the GoPro stick pointed that way when we were messing around grabbing videos.
  17. Sunday morning we went for an awesome dune ride, then explored the blooming desert. I snapped a few pics of Michael, painterjoe's son, hitting the whoops near South Pole. Then we headed through the dunes for one last dune run and checked out the north end that was blooming.
  18. I took my friend, Janyne, for her very first buggy ride. She had never been to Dumont. She was blown away! We all chilled for a bit on the south end. We headed over to Little Dumont and explored the mines. @@painterjoe arriving The mines After the mines we played around the Little Dunes for a while as the sun went down. I spotted this puddle over there and the reflection caught my eye for a photo opp. It was a bad idea to try to get real close. lol I sunk in that nasty clay! Good thing I have an outside shower. First time I've used it...ever! Time for some campfire and a drink after a fun day A little more moon Sat night
  19. It was a super chill weekend at Dumont with some good, fast runs through the dunes and a little side adventure to the mines at the little dunes. The flowers were in full bloom and the weather was nice & warm. We even got to show a couple friends the dunes for their first time. This was going to be my last trip of the season but I don't think I'm done yet! So much fun. Here's my pics. Friday night were got set up and waited for painterjoe to arrive. The moon came up but quickly got covered by the clouds. Gearing up for a dune run Cruising We stopped at the North Pole to take a break. The colors off in the desert were great! We hit up the jump by comp so Michael and Garret could get their fix. oops. My buddy, Matt's friend, rolled his RZR. Luckily he and his his dog were ok though. @@RUn2it playing around on his Quadzilla
  20. Great job on those pics. What an awesome weekend out there. I'll post up some more pics soon.
  21. Congrats on the new ride. Looks like a fun car. Hope to meet up out in the sand.
  22. From the looks of things we will have the place all to ourselves! woohoo
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