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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Great shot, Lee. I didn't see you all weekend dang it. Thought you'd be camped with us. Oh well, catch ya next time.
  2. I have been waiting to hear on something first before I can confirm, but yes that is the weekend it will probably land on.
  3. Well another Halloween weekend is in the books. This year's attendance was up and the camp was even fuller than last year. Despite the large crowds, there were no major accidents reported other than some non-life threatening injury type accidents. It seems everyone was looking out for one another and that's great! Friday brought in some nasty winds but eventually died down around 4 pm allowing for everyone to finally get out of camp and go enjoy the sand. The dunes got a little grooming from all the wind too which was good because there was some recent rain over the last week causing some funky sand in some spots. Saturday was some very nice weather other than it being a little warm (mid 80's). The wind stayed away for the rest of the weekend though. Saturday night was the big night, Halloween! As a group of us sat and watched the sun go down you could see the flow of traffic going from comp to camp. Everyone was wrapping it up and going back to camp for dinner and then of course...trick-or-treating time! The kids were out in full force. Vendor row gave out candy as well as most camps who came prepared. The trick-or-treat mobiles were very impressive this year. Trailers covered in decorations, usually fake body parts and other scary stuff, were pulled into camps to show off their Halloween spirit and bring the kids in. Trick-or-treating is always such a great way for the dune community to have fun together. It's always a very positive and happy vibe. Comp Hill was pretty full Friday night, but nothing like Saturday. It seems everyone was saving it up for the big night. Duners in costumes, hundreds of lighten whips, the famous McFlurry, decorated buggies...you name it and it was there. Halloween was very alive at Dumont. As technology advances, it's crazy to see the changes that take place at the dunes over the years. Many people are familiar with the quadcopters and drones. Well this year there was a floating Grim Reaper putting the scare on everyone thanks to a very skilled drone operator. He had it attached to the drone and would fly him all over the rows of duners taking everyone by surprise. And of course let's not forget the Flintstones. These friends of ours killed it with their costume setup. Oh and if that wasn't enough, the same group as the drone guy dragged a lighted coffin lit up in LEDs up and down the rows of comp.
  4. Sat night low lying dusk dust We got a ton of trick-or-treaters. Lots of cool decorated trailers and stuff too. That was fun to watch. We had some great costumes among our camp and friends as well, Vegas Style... Christina JVZ Krusty Our neighbor's cemetery and then Howard, Walter, Trish and Laura. Just amazing! Comp Hill was insane Saturday night. Our friend's buddy brought out his drone and flew it all over comp with the ghost attached. That was great! Never got a pic, but I have video I'll post. By Sunday I was out of gas. I bummed some 91 from dentboy and we took a nice non-boost cruise. I spotted lvnalolife pass by. Camp area on Sunday. Solid line of rigs leaving SUnday afternoon. I'll get some video posted up eventually too.
  5. Great weekend for me. It's been 4 years since I've done Halloween at Dumont. It seemed like there was a really good turnout this year and alot of fun Halloween spirit in the air. I recently swapped my paddles to #1 instead of 2's and holy crap it ran amazing. It pulled hard up comp and still wheelies with ease. Very happy about that. My buddy Walter (@b370), Howard, Trish and Laura absolutely nailed it with the Flintstones costume! My buddy Chris joined me this trip and brought out his mini buggy for the first time. He had no paddles and has a few things to dial in but he had a blast camp hopping and cruising around. I went for a ride with him. I barely fit but I pulled it off. haha I cruised vendor row a few times. Sorry I never stopped to say high. I was just cruising. Friday's wind Friday late morning the camp area started to fill in. I stopped over at comp and was happy to see some buggies in between the flocks of side x sides. Oh, they're my buddies friecracker, white rhino, quadrockets and the crew. Some die hard 2 wheeler guys racing at the hill. Superman sighting That Friday wind sucked but it finally calmed down late afternoon enough for a nice dune run. There was nobody in the dunes. They were all staring at each other at the north pole. lol Back over at comp we spotted the helicopter flying over. I heard of a couple semi-bad accidents, but nothing life threatening so that's good. Pics from comp on Friday Then we squeezed in one more run at sun-down. It was a great dune ride. Sunset from N Pole Friday night I threw some Halloween lights up to get in the spirit. Friday night at comp was pretty busy. I've never seen so many lighted whips. Saturday morning we woke up to amazing weather in camp. This guy was having fun Lou B getting his ATC fix. Saturday's morning run was nice. The dunes were tracked out enough to have plenty of lines to choose from without thinking too much but they didn't seem too rough at all. Banshee Hill was busy! Lindsay B's new puppy, Sophie. JVZ's boy, Austin, was having alot of fun. Krusty & Dawne going out for a ride. My buddy Chris C's old 250 Chris was loving his new little buggy. Saturday this guy buzzed the North Pole. We stopped by the McFlurry camp to visit friends for a bit and do some weight lifting. lol Ultralight guy was having a blast I bet. Sunset hill time.
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