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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Dumont Cleanup - Saturday March 14th at 8am. Friends of Dumont Dunes will not be there this year to do a raffle, nor will the BLM be supplying lunch, but I don't think that is why we all go out for cleanup. The BLM is supplying trash bags and a dumpster. Hopefully we get a good turnout. The camp area firepits and some areas of the dunes that seem to collect trash from the swirling winds could use a little help. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/index.php/news/_/articles/featured/dumont-dunes-cleanup
  2. Saturday, March 14th at 8am http://www.dumontduneriders.com/index.php/news.html/_/articles/featured/dumont-dunes-cleanup
  3. We are getting some awesome pics sent our way this year.
  4. I agree but see 2 sides. I feel that if there are emergency personnel on site, they should be available, BUT we all have to responsible for our actions. We all assume a bit of risk when we hit the dunes out in a remote area. We can't expect someone to pluck us out of the sand and make everything better just because we pay $ for a pass.
  5. This is what was posted on our FB, "The man you are referring to is a friend of mine. He had three fingers amputated, a fractured sternum, fractured elbow, and a fractured femur. He is in good spirits and wants to thank everyone who helped that night."
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