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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. My group will be out there but I won't. Gotta work that weekend.
  2. If you are registered in your home state, you do not need a non-res CA sticker. This is straight from the BLM wesbite: So if you are registered in NV, it is honored in CA just like NV registration on your car is acceptable on CA highways.
  3. @@metalalien Good to see you made it out to D and back on here, Eric. I miss you're amazing videos. You Tube sucks. I use vimeo for all my stuff.
  4. We got a handful of great pics sent to us this year.
  5. haahahaa good times that night. I'm never drinking again either. Ever. Cheers. Ah crap. Nevermind.
  6. yeah, for sure! You weird fugger! There were no bees at Dumont that night!
  7. That's the problem with the south pole. It has become too popular. Back in the day nobody knew about it. We put it up and created it thinking only DDR people would know about it, but of course word spreads. Maybe we should start doing meet & greets back along the stretch past the south pole. Ya know, make it even farther out where nobody ever goes. Maybe at the base of the memorial hill or something.
  8. Empty? Looks like it was pretty decent. Then again the difference of going over there at 9PM and 10PM could be huge. Sometimes it clears out really fast at a certain hour.
  9. dunefreak


    "Dumont as the night starts to creep up," submitted by jw06trx450
  10. Friday night was the original consensus too. I even had that on our home and news page but changed it because all the CA people who swayed towards Sat night. Make up your mind, mafackas. lol
  11. Better than hundreds of people actually showing up at the south pole and just staring at each other's groups instead of introducing themselves. lol That's what seems to happen most the time.
  12. That was awesome. Thanks for posting it up! I think the turnout was pretty good. Alot of people are saying it looked empty. Of course it was compared to 2008, but it seems it was more people this year than the last few Halloweens.
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