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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. That's fine. I am more than happy with the price, it's the quality I was curious about. I won't be buying them in bulk anyways.
  2. Thanks guys. Just trying to look at the most commonly made mistakes in hopes that we could make those things even more common knowledge in the community. Every time I see a fatality happen out there it is always caused by something so easily avoided. I didn't want to post this in the last fatal thread, but a simple seat belt would have saved that kid in the RZR. He wasn't strapped in and wasn't wearing a helmet. That is info directly from the CHP. How anyone could get into one of those things and feel safe without wearing a belt is beyond me. Heck, I even buckle up just to drive over to a friend's camp or vendor row. I mean no disrespect in any way to the fallen duner(s). I am not afraid to admit that when I look back, I have made some stupid choices in my earlier days of partying at the dunes and have been very lucky to return to camp. I'm just trying to take what experiences we've all had in the dunes and turn them into something positive that might help others. Keep the tips coming.
  3. When you look at the bad accidents and fatalities that have happened at Dumont, they are almost always very easily preventable. Usually it's just one simple mistake that was made like not wearing safety gear or making a very bad judgement call. With the season upon us, we could all use some safety tip refreshers so let's get a list going. Always have a spotter when jumping in areas where you don't have a clear, wide open view of your landing. This goes for everyone. Stay alert and stay alive this season, everyone! They may sound redundant, but these things should never be overlooked or forgotten about. I'll be making sure these are posted on our social media pages as well.
  4. It should be pretty empty. Don't expect any vendors or large groups.
  5. In this case I think he means V-day = Veteran's Day
  6. That is a smokin deal for alot of car. That repair seems like nothing compared to some of the things I've done to a sandcar. LOL Good luck, J.
  7. Who's going? We'll have our haulers out in the back corner before and after tailgating. Hit me up or swing through for a beer! The track looks sweet this year.
  8. I bought a handlful of heims from these guys as recommended by a good friend in the racing business. They came in the mail the other day and look like quality stuff. Not only that, they were less than 10 bucks/ each as opposed to the 45 dollar heims I've been buying (Auroras) from Chassis Shop. I seem to replace mine about every season or two either from noise or wear so I hope these work out. It will save me a ton of bucks. http://www.ruffstuffspecialties.com/ direct link to the heims- http://www.ruffstuffspecialties.com/catalog/RODENDS.html
  9. Yep those lil guys can rip.
  10. That looks like a nice, strong setup. Thanks for posting the pic, Billman!
  11. I never even fixed this. haha It still leaks and I just deal with it dripping if I fill it up more than 3/4 full.
  12. It's looking like Saturday will be the day, but I'm sure some kids will still go out Friday night. I'm sure they'll be taking every advantage of 2 trick or treating nights. haha That was for Fastony. "Big dune Party?" hahaa
  13. Whether its a holiday, non holiday, friday or saturday- every night people go to comp to party.
  14. Asswipe! lol I know that. I was asking how people with LARGE TV's hung theirs up. Your isn't large. I know how to hang a TV, but when it comes to heavier and larger TVs and toyhaulers, it requires a little more engineering. I'm probably still going to pick up a tripod stand. That way I can use it inside or out.
  15. My cabinet doors come loose and fall off on their own. No way I'm bolting a big a$$ TV to it to help it out. LOL Looks like it works for your setup though. That TV looks pretty light, This 42" I have is pretty heavy.
  16. Has anyone mounted a large flatscreen in their toyhauler? I have a 42" I was thinking of using in my trailer but it seems a bit too heavy to mount on the wall. I was thinking of getting a tripod TV stand and setting it up wherever. That way I could also use it outside when we watch supercross or UFC. Any other ideas or has anyone mounted one in their hauler?
  17. It's time. In fact, it has been time for many years as you can see by the pics. My outside speakers have been blown for years and the factory China CD/DVD/radio/TV tuner/coffee maker piece of crap has been working off and on and required a good punch in order for any sound to come out of it. Then when it did work, the volume controls would sometimes not. It was very frustrating so I've had a Kenwood receiver and speakers being used in the meantime. Well that's annoying because I have to run the generator if I want tunes. Not only that it was a mess of wires and I am over it all. Time to get with the program and install something from this decade. The China CD/DVD/radio/TV tuner/coffee maker piece of crap. Note the tape that is holding the DVD door closed. lol To cover the giant that the old unit occupied, I cut a piece of aluminum and wrapped it in Weddle swag for now. It's temporary until I decide what to do with it, but I kinda like it. lol Then I installed a Pioneer deck. Technology has come a long ways over the past few years. For not much money, this thing came with Bluetooth to sync to my phone to listen to Spotify, XM, mp3s, Pandora, etc. Then it also has a USB port that allows for a flash drive mp3 input and it has a mixer built in. I installed an audio cable to the front AUX jack for the TV/DVD audio so I can make use of the speakers when watching movies or whatever. The outside speakers were toast...literally. The sun had baked them beyond crispy. I replaced them with some Pioneer 6-1/2's. Nothing fancy but they sound damn good. New speakers
  18. Wow really? I even offered my condolences to the friends and family of Justin in my first post about the accident. Maybe you missed that as well as the part where I posted "Not sure how accurate the info is, but this is what a friend of his sent us." I was just relaying information that was given to me by a friend of his. I can't see how you would think how I meant any form of disrespect. Glad you are ok and I am very sorry for your friend.
  19. Great pics. Keep em coming. I was working on my toyhauler yesterday thinking of you guys out there. It was pretty warm. I didn't think the day would last very long. Glad you guys got some good early runs in!
  20. Just got word that it was a rzr accident. He had been to Dumont before, but this was his first time out with his rzr. He rolled and was ejected. CPR was performed until flight for life arrived. Not sure how accurate the info is, but this is what a friend of his sent us.
  21. Just heard from Kayla (Girl with Horns) that a friend of hers lost his life in a fatal quad accident out at Dumont today. Does anyone know what happened? Dude was way too young to die. So sad. Thoughts and prayers for his friends and family. Stay safe, duners.
  22. Terry if you've had your policy for some time now, it's probably a different policy like mine. I asked Mike & Ron about mine because mine is $695/ yr for just $25k coverage. I thought I was getting screwed! lol They told me the type of policy I have is no longer offered and somehow has a different type coverage (more) than Newly's so it costs more.
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