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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. It was an amazing turnout last night in honor of Bert. Thank you all for coming out, sharing some old stories, and doing milk shots. That was classic! I'm pretty sure Bert heard us loud and clear when we all yelled BERRRRRRRRRRT one last time. There was ton of love in that place last night and it reminded me how much we all need to get together on a regular basis like the old days. There was a handful of friends who, unfortunately, could not make it but like Bert, were there in spirit. I was really happy to see that Ashley was able to make an appearance. The look on her face brought tears to my eyes. Bert loved his friends and family and I could just picture that big ole smile on his face had he walked through that door to see us there for him. Cheers buddy. It's not going to be the same without you, but we'll sure as heck keep your traditions and spirit alive.
  2. That thing looks stout! Very nice car.
  3. Not one reply on here yet, but we've got over 40 people coming tomorrow night.
  4. dunefreak


    Very cool. I will pass this along to a few buddies who are into the mini bikes.
  5. Let's meet up at 6:30 at PT's on Horizon Ridge near Horizon in Henderson. Everyone is invited to come share stories about Bert and talk about the good times. Let's do a shot of ice cold milk in Bert's honor. Maybe even order a zookie.
  6. Me, crazmexeddie, Bert & Anna (taking the pic) out on a cruze in Black Beauty. That car was so fun.
  7. Jumping right there to help out OGP with his Tatum Helping rebuild the north pole mailbox Bert with his old Raptor and the group Sitting in his uncle's rail I believe Black Beauty Black Beauty's last day the the dunes
  8. The first day he brought his new SCU out Last June. I think this would have been his last quad ride. He was in alot of pain after that ride but he said it was worth it. He loved riding. Playing with RC stuff The famous sweater back in the Trim Spa days. Thanksgiving at the dunes Bert back in the day on "Bobby's" 3 wheeler
  9. Bert, helping his buddy with his dragster over President's weekend. Not sure why, but these 3 pics really make me tear up.
  10. Jakster & Bert chillen under the Red Bull tent at the Renner Freeride tour. Bert doing what he did, 80% of the time. "resting his eyes" Bert & David, Halloween 04 Bert standing on the fire Bert falling over Bert, "factory spy" lol and Leah Bert and possibly Terry B. Not sure
  11. ^^ July DPOM it is, per Bert's request. He always flew the American flag on every one of his rides. I liked that. He was a great, patriotic guy.
  12. Bert in his "Rhino" We had so much fun that day. I kept telling him to jump it.
  13. Please post any and all pics you have of Bert in this thread. Tiffany (his sister) and Ashley would like to get as many as possible. They are doing a slideshow at his services. Speaking of... Bert Coe services Saturday June 14th Viewing at 9am-10:30, services at 11AM - Chapel at 400 S Water St. Laid to rest and with quick grave side service at Palm Mortuary to follow. 800 S Boulder Hwy
  14. For anyone who would like to help out his family, we have set up a donation account for Ashley and the 3 kids. Any amount helps. http://www.gofundme.com/bert-coe-family
  15. DPOM postponed. Homepage updated. Click refresh if it doesn't show up yet. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/
  16. Homepage updated. Click refresh if it doesn't show up yet. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/
  17. Man, it's been a rough day. Just one of many to come too. Things are not going to be the same without Bert around. He is pretty much the reason I got addicted to duning. I feel like it's the end of an era.
  18. Yes, June DPOM will have to wait and June will be a tribute to Bert. Please post up any photos you have in the thread about him.
  19. Bert (sanddunesaddict) passed away this morning. That's about all I can type right now. Keep his wife Ashley, his 3 kids, mom, sister, family and hundreds, probably thousands of friends in your thoughts and prayers. It is a very sad day!
  20. Then please just update your original ad rather than starting a whole new topic. Only one listing (topic) per item is allowed.
  21. Didn't you already post this up for sale?
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