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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. What is that one thing you like to do or squeeze in on a dune trip? Ok, let's face it. There is more than just one thing, but let's start a list. Post one at a time. Repeats are fine. Add a pic if you'd like to help describe what you mean if necessary. Lately for me, it's been getting in a good long dune run and finishing it off with sitting on top of the big dune just before sunset watching the sun go down.
  2. ngoodey, you're welcome to join us next weekend. We camp at B7/8 on the grid map along the finger.
  3. Mike there won't be a raffle this year.
  4. Well it depends on how you splice it to begin with. I separate my clips before I get to the editing step so when I get there it's already a separate clip on it's own in order to speed up. You could split a clip in the editing stage too. Make sense?
  5. yeah Go Pro Studio 2.0. It's really easy. Just choose whatever % of speed you want for each clip.
  6. Ray, you need to either click "Follow this Topic" (top/ right of the topic) or click the little box in your post screen. The topic currently says there are 0 followers. That's why you're not getting any emails.
  7. Yep. Randog should be getting there Thurs night I believe. I am shooting for late Thurs night, probably around 9 or 10.
  8. Who's all going out that weekend? I've got my buggy all together and looking forward to 3 nice days of duning. Any other buggies wanna join us? So far we've got probably 5+ in our usual crew.
  9. I think they have that one here too. It's probably alot like the color run. The biggest thing is that you're doing it. Keep it up, Jackster.
  10. Anna and I did another 5k obstacle run on Saturday. It was pretty fun and hilarious at times. It was alot like the old TV show Wipeout. Check out the video I put together. I was wearing my GoPro the whole time. I almostjacked myself up on the first obstacle. I think I landed on my head. A friend of a friend actually DID break his neck that day. I'm guessing on the same obstacle. When we were leaving the were also loading up a woman who go hurt! Theyad her in a neck brace and on a backboard. Pretty crazy!
  11. another beautiful sunset
  12. Snake? Like sand snake? Rain or shine, extra weather always makes great Dumont memories. At least those are the weekends I remember most. Go for it!
  13. I guess we should vote now! I forgot...short month.
  14. Weather forecast looks sketchy! Hopefully it dodges Dumont. Have a good, safe weekend.
  15. Well the plan was to get together with the crew and they changed the dates since Mark's daughter's wedding is so close the 8/9th, so the 15-16th it is. I can't change that. Anna already put in her time off request too. Just go out the 14-16th with us. You don't have to be involved in the cleanup if BLM has everything under control.
  16. It's looking like March 14-16 will be our last trip this season unless we decide to do a day or morning run on the quads. Those trips never end. (year-round) How about everyone else? How late are you planning on hitting D this season?
  17. I'm guessing BLM probably isn't offering a free day or weekend admission with participation in the cleanup. Can you confirm that, Terry?
  18. Glad to hear. I'm hoping I can make that weekend instead of March 7-9.
  19. Glad you got it back. I honestly didn't think you'd ever see it again. haha
  20. This was posted on our FB page. Shoot this gentleman an email if you can help and are interested. This is compensation involved. Contact him for details. I know no more than what is posted here.
  21. Your pics are probably too big. The uploader won't work with very large size attachments. Try sizing them down then uploading.
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