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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. You're welcome, Randy! Sounds good. I had a great time and didn't wanna leave. I was just starting to have fun. I started a trip report thread with all the pics over here. Check it out. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=18837
  2. Weekend went great! We only had a few minor issues but got them all handled for the most part. Thursday morning we pulling into Dumont and it took forever to get down that wash-boarded road. It was bad. I pulled into camp and noticed my rear axle leaf spring snapped. Wonderful! Luckily Todd hadn't left town yet and he was able to bring me out a new leaf pack. Terry and I headed out for our first run. We took an easy cruise out around the back side to the North Pole to make sure our cars were ok before hitting the dunes. All was well. At the end of a nice, long run Terry's car popped a main fuse. I checked it out and it seemed to have a short but then went away. We put in his spare fuse and it was all good. We chose not to go on another run until more spare fuses showed up. Raspadoo was bring us some in the morning. It was fine the rest of the weekend so maybe it was just a fluke. Todd showed up that afternoon with my leaf spring and I changed it out with no issues the next morning when it was nice and cool. As the sun went down a very bright, full moon came up. Camp area was nice and empty! Looks like some people doing a photo shoot off in the distance. Home sweet home. Terry & I killed some Apple Pie moonshine around the campfire. raspadoo showed up Friday morning and the three of us went duning Eric's new Extreme. Very nice ride! Some duners passing by Terry was loving his new twin turbo LS setup. Look who's pulling wheelies now! Eric was nice enough to sit this wheelie session out so he could get some pics of me doing the same. Eric's Eco 2 Chillen at comp for a little bit After comp we split and I took off to watch the sunset and grab some photos. Chillen. Reflecting on a great day at D! Bright azz moon! That night we polished off the rest of the moonshine. Terry was feeling it the next morning. lol Friday morning my buddy Randy showed up with his brand new RZR XP1K. This thing was impressive. We went on a fairly fast-paced ride and he stayed up Terry's tail the entire time. Other than the really fast straight aways where we'd pull away, he was right there with us the whole time! I was impressed! We stopped for a couple action shots. (random duner) PUCKER moment! LOL It took it ok! I bailed around 1PM on Saturday to head back to Vegas and catch Monster Energy Cup. It was a great day- duning in the morning and SX at night! As you can see from the pics the dunes were nice; smooth, virgin sand in many areas. Hard to read in the middle of the day, but once they got some tracks they were easier to follow. There's still plenty of sharp razors and a few holes and witches eyes so be careful next weekend. Weather was very nice, slightly warm during the day probably in the low 80's but shorts and a t-shirt made it very comfortable. I only saw one BLM ranger in camp area cruising around when I was leaving on Saturday. I'm sure there will be plenty more next weekend. Overall the shakedown went well. My car is still spitting coolant when warm, but I don't think it's anything major. I think I just need a new, higher pressure cap. It never ran hot, it just fluctuated because of the low level. Terry's car seemed flawless. CBM did good in the install and he's happy with the new setup and power. Great duning, company and grub! Just how a dune trip should be. Until next time....
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