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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Right on. Keep me posted. I'll let you know where we'll be parked.
  2. I've contacted pretty much everyone who hasn't replied yet and it looks like Dec 13-15 is a go! Now to do a shakedown with the car and make sure she's ready to romp.
  3. As of right now, they say vending is not allowed during the gov shutdown, but if things get cleared up by Halloween I am just curious which vendors plan to be out at D for the Halloween weekend and which ones might plan on going out the weekend after. Post up if you are a vendor or know who might be out there.
  4. Would love to have you join us. Let me know, Eric.
  5. I suggested that already when I announced the regattas are no longer. I got hardly any interest at all. I guess people need official tshirts, banners, and me working my a$$ off in order to have fun. I'm done with that , not to mention the liability it puts on DDR and myself.
  6. There will be no more organized 70 Regattas. Sorry the permit requirements are just too ridiculous.
  7. Ynot and I are planning on heading out to do a little shakedown with our cars. We've both recently done a few things and need to make sure there aren't any bugs that need addressing before the first big trip. I will be probably be heading out Thursday night, Oct 17 and staying until late Saturday morning or noon. I need to be back in Vegas in time to go to Supercross. If there is anyone who'd like to join us, post up.
  8. In his defense Terry there are two different threads now. He might have only seen this one first.
  9. You must not have seen ynot's post yet. It's pinned in this section. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=18767
  10. It looks like the 13-15th works for most. Just waiting to hear from a few more that posted earlier. We don't want to the date in stone until we know it works for most everyone who is interested in going. It should be confirmed within the next couple weeks.
  11. A little wipeout at the 70 Regatta
  12. Videos must be uploaded and hosted remotely. Ie: Youtube, vimeo, etc
  13. You still need a pass and still need to follow the rules.
  14. That is a good idea. Thanksgiving is the longest weekend of the season and the following weekend (Dec 6-8) the dunes still might be hammered. Besides it gives the T-day goers a chance to space out the two trips. I vote for that weekend too unless some can't. BTW that is Dec 13-15. I'm open to either but prefer the 2nd weekend in Dec. What do you guys say?
  15. Dumont isn't normally manned or enforced on the off weekends, but now it will be since most BLM staff is laid off. Doesn't make any sense.
  16. Why and how would it be closed? Dumont is already understaffed and supposedly under-funded. Who is going to be there to stop you from going in? It's an off-weekend anyways. Nobody would regularly be manning the entrance regardless. Go ride the dunes and don't worry about it!
  17. I agree. LVMS is too big for spectators to enjoy the racing.
  18. Anna and I stopped in for a couple hours Thurs and Fri night to check out the show/ auction. Alot of the same stuff but a few really awesome rides. It was cool too finally see the '14 Vette. We still haven't gotten one in at the dealership so it was cool to see. I can't believe that 74 Super Duty Firebird brought in 100K. Then the full on custom drag car only went for 26K. The motor alone is worth much more than that. Here's a few pics I took. The rest are here if you want to flip through them... http://www.actionshutter.net/Motorsports/Barrett-Jackson-2013-LV/
  19. Sorry Terry, we never got a chance to stop by. Just too much going on this weekend between Barrett Jackson, having to work Saturday plus a friend's wedding. There was just no time for me to check out the show this year. That's funny how people ask if you are really able to drive the car. Really? Nah, you just spent thousands to look funny on water street. haha I get that all the time though when non-duners see my car. WHOA, check THOSE tires out.
  20. Awesome. Wish I could have made it. Glad to see that track being used again out at Primm!
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