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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Those are some fantastic shots, Tim. I love old skool bikes...and chicks a$$es too. lol It's fine.
  2. Got my new lenses the other day. I need to swap it out for Saturday's ride!
  3. I gave the ole Craptor another swift kick last night. It's good to go for another session of abuse.
  4. I thought of trying to merge a couple different exposure shots. After some reading, I realized f/8-11 is usually the best aperture for long exposure night shots. I think I'm going to give it another try one of these nights soon. I took these around 11PM so the light in the sky was long gone. I'll go back there a little earlier next time. Thanks for the tips.
  5. I'll have to pull up the exif data when I get home to be sure, but I went towards the end of 20 to try to prevent overexposure. I've never used a neutral density filter, but I wonder if that could help with the bright sign. Any thoughts?
  6. Thanks, Eddy. That's a great shot. Did you have to create some light on the sign or did it end up getting some reflected light? Very nice website and work! The portraits are very good quality stuff.
  7. This thread needs a . It's long overdue! I finally bought a remote shutter for my 50D. I went out last night playing around with it to capture some Vegas night lights. The Vegas Strip skyline. The welcome sign with some LV Blvd traffic streaks It was a little tricky getting this shot. I wanted long enough exposure for some good traffic light streaks but it ended up blowing out the sign a little. A wider lens works better for these kinds of shots but I didn't have one. I think this was 45 seconds. Taken along the 215
  8. So who's all meeting us at the gas station and who just plans on meeting us there?
  9. This is why you always have a spotter and never assume someone is spotting or waving you on, especially when they aren't in your group.
  10. It was mounted the way it was intended I guess. Mike was standing quite a bit off the seat so it was pointed down a little too much, but not too bad for our first test run with it.
  11. Here's the first video. I think this was our 2nd run when Mike broke down half way through. Because of the length I couldn't upload it in HD but it looks decent enough. Hopefully I have some some more good footage to make a couple more. https://vimeo.com/67675546
  12. I seemed to remember a discussion about the recall on here before. Then I saw your post when I did a search. I have no idea why I remember this stuff. Sometimes I can't even remember what I did the day before.
  13. You posted this 5 years ago. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=9029&hl Did you get a different hauler?
  14. It's not that is was too difficult to do again, but I'm ok with the been there/ done that attitude. We'll explore other areas next trip.
  15. Just wait till you see some of the video. I want to go back really bad now. It has me jonesing.
  16. You can delete your own topics now
  17. You need to old man that thing out. Camper shell, tons of horrible accessories from JC Whitney, running boards, bug guard, window air deflectors, the whole nine yards. Make it a super sleeper.
  18. I own an 05 and I've been a master GM dealer tech for the past 13 years. Most of the issues you mentioned are small and easily fixed. Throw on a set of 2/7 injector connectors, pull the zip tie off the alt/ FICM bracket and you're good to go. I haven't had any issues with mine. Doesn't run hot (that was a certain # of late 04/early 05's) and pulls my big a$$ 35' hauler anywhere I need it to go. I would like to gain mpg and get cooler EGT's for towing. I'll be talking with you soon. I, personally, have seen quite a few more issues with the 06-07.5's than 05's. Lots of turbos, EGR valves and EGR coolers.
  19. 2005's have a ton of issues? What?
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