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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Here ya go. It took forever to process. It's pretty long (12 minutes), widdled down from over a couple hours. The crash is towards the end at about 10:20.
  2. Looks like I can just buy a new lens kit. Sweet
  3. Yesterday my buddy Steve (desertdweller) and I did a night ride through some single track at Nelson. On the way back we were side x side on a double track road and we came up on a nasty washout. It was much worse on my side and I stuffed the front end pretty good. Luckily I had the camera on and caught it on video. So I was watching the video and right after my crash the picture looked pretty crappy. I just walk over to my Go Pro which I had on my chest mount and found this... Funny how I didn't even realize it was like that last night. I must have taken the camera out of the case so fast to see if the video came out I overlooked it. Anyone have a used one they want to sell me?
  4. 4am? We leave town at 4am! You need to get up around 3.
  5. Call Dana at Allstate Crane Service. He is independent and runs his own crane/company. Fair prices too. 702-371-3730
  6. Like sandseeker said we usually ride a pretty fast pace, but the dunes can be a little sketchy in the summer. It's the razorbacks that usually hold people back. They can be very sharp in June. Being that this may be a larger group this trip, I can keep it fairly tame. However, we are there to have fun and summer dune run groups are experienced riders. Just don't do anything you aren't comfortable with and never ride above your limits and always wear boots!
  7. It doesn't hurt them to haul with the paddles on. Put them on at home. So you haven't ever ridden a quad at Dumont then?
  8. Yeah I know. It's because I was trying out the "narrow" FOV setting. On medium or wide you can see much more but I forgot to set it back. I'll be experimenting with it tonight on a ride.
  9. http://cvjags.com/home/ That looks pretty trick! Hmmmm maybe.
  10. Here's a quick video clip. It was the hill climb we had to overcome climbing out of Hog Canyon. It was super steep and soft so I had to start out in 2nd gear for enough wheel speed and slip the clutch half way up to make it.
  11. Thank you, Vic. Coral is, by far, one of my favorite places to ride. Like you said, the place has so much variety. I love that. Dumont is my home, but it does get a little old after a while. I am more of a technical rider and Coral offers quite a bit of that. Little Sahara kinda has it all. That place is also one of my favorites! We're talking about doing Labor Day weekend up there. I'll probably just post up a couple videos clips since my computer can't handle a video editing program very well. It tests my patience every time too. Can't stand sitting here for a couple hours working on a project only to have the POS lock up on me and lose everything. I need a Mac one of these days.
  12. Oh yeah I almost forgot to ask. Hey Jill, who put the paper plate sign up along the cane beds road that read "CHARLIE SUCKS 4 CHEAP"
  13. We're glad to have you guys aboard as a site sponsor. There are quite a few diesel guys on here that could benefit from the work you guys do!
  14. Couple dune go pro shots. I have a bunch more but have lots of video to go through.
  15. Judging from the interest thread it looks like a good size group. Looking forward to shredding some virgin sand with everyone!
  16. June 15th, it's on. Details posted in a new thread. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=18508&hl=
  17. OK everyone. It's official. As per this---> thread , the date is Saturday, June 15th- early morning summer run to Dumont Dunes. When to leave town In the past I have found the very latest you want to leave Vegas is 4am. The sun rises at 5:30 in June at Dumont. I'm not sure about the best time to leave for those coming from CA. Depends on where you are coming from. When to meet at D 5:30 AM at B4 on the grid map below Have your stuff gassed up and ready to go. Hell, wear some of your gear there if you can to save time. It gets hot very quickly so time is of the essence in order to get a few good runs in. So don't be wrenching on your bike when you get there. Be ready! carpooling For the Vegas people, whoever would like to carpool- post up. Maybe we can work something out. I'm sure we can manage to bring just a couple trucks and flatbeds to make it as cheap as possible. So far I know I am pretty full with 4-5 quads. Me, Mike B, Sand_YFZ, Chadwick and desertdweller. There were others interested but not 100%. So additional trucks/ trailers will be needed. Post up and let's figure it out. Time and place to meet leaving Vegas if you'd like to carpool: we'll be leaving the Blue Diamond Travel Center (located at the 160 and 159/ Red Rock turnoff) at 4AM sharp. Get there 3:30-3:45 AM. Let's ride!
  18. How was it out there? Any pictures or trip report we can look forward to?
  19. Ha! We ate alot in between rides and I still don't think it was enough. Like I said earlier, we burned LOTS of calories on these rides. They were usually full throttle rides through whoops, trees and jumps with a couple mid throttle cruises when we got tired. It was a blast. Thanks Jill. You guys were great company and thanks for having my back numerous times with the Aleve, spatula, seasoning, and Whisky! haha Looking forward to riding with Charlie once he gets cleared.
  20. Once back at camp, we headed out for another long a$$ ride. Chad was waiting for us and started to think something might have gone wrong since we were gone so long. On our ride we stopped at "dead man's cliff", the hill that years ago Abbott led Anna up and she fell straight off. Luckily she only suffered a fractured tailbone back then. Looking south from up there... Love these hills and trails We headed out south again and played around at what I now call the Talladega of Coral. I snapped a few pics on the way back. Mike Chad Then we stopped to get some action shots Then we decided to hit the one way trail and south end fence line again. RIDE RIDE RIDE! On the way back, I snapped a photo of the meadow. Wasn't busy at all. Plenty of space. Mike played ball with Jill and Charlie's football dog lol Ritchie's a-hole dog sh*t in our camp on our bush Charlie walked around some more in his underwear (South Park this time) Then we grubbed big time and made a huge fire. Jill and Charlie gave me a shot or GLASS of Fireball which tasted delish. Chad zonked out pretty early like usual (big tired). Jill, Charlie, Mike and I stayed up for chatting around the fire. It was the perfect day! Monday morning we decided not to go for one more ride. We were spent. So we made a pile of pancakes instead and enjoyed our morning. Charlie had a little friend so he thought. Damn bug pissed on him! "Sons a b*tches!!!" We took the cane beds road home again. A little wash board but not bad at all. I clocked it. It was only 4.7 miles of dirt- pretty much the same as Dumont. On the way home we saw this guy swaying like crazy through the gorge. Scary stuff.
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