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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Heck yeah. Not sure why it took me so long to get back up there.
  2. Sunday afternoon: Hog Canyon. Holy crap. We probably only went about 20 miles and it took us about 3 hours. It was very technical; full of sandy switchbacks with rocks and rock face. Nothing like Nevada's terrain. It was quite a challenge but fun. I dropped my bike probably 10 times. lol I was very easily winded after all the duning we did, plus the extra effort needed to ride through the sand on heavy ds bikes, plus the altitude made it difficult to breathe. It was upwards of 7000-8000 feet where we were. The staging area... Looks like a nice jump. BRAAAP Mike went ahead. Oh there he is.... We took the trail up to a really cool overlook that looked down on a section of Kanab. It was a great view. Then we headed out another trail to some really need pinnacle rock formations. Did I mention how soft some areas were? Here you can see the sandy trail coming down from the pinnacles that we were just at. This is a section of rock face along the trail. Fun stuff! You can barely see Mike in the middle/left of the pic. Here is one of my fugg it moments. I had just scoped out a possible route that turned into sand and there was a 2 ft rock ledge I had to get back up from the sand. I was wore out and my arms were rubber, hence the reason I couldn't hold it straight and make my first attempt up the rock face. The sign that you are in some good stuff- bent up license plate. The views were indescribable. Then as we approached the end of the canyon we wondered if it would switchback up the mountain. We came up on this sign. We have a new respect for Utah's trail designation system. Difficult means DIFFICULT. The trail went STRAIGHT up the side of the mountain with only a couple small turns. I waited for Mike to make it up before I even gave it a go. I had to make sure he made it up. This is what it looked like. Lots of dust and noise. hahaaa I thought he made it all the way and I gave it my best. Turns out he only made it 3/4 of the way up! LUCKILY there was a very small somewhat level spot for me to stop and wait. Good thing. I was hot and exhausted. This spot was pretty hairy. It was soft and STEEP! My turn. Time to do this... The first couple attempts the bike would just loop out or kick sideways. I couldn't get enough speed with the 5 feet of run I had. So I decided to start in 2nd gear, rev the piss out of it and dump/ feather the clutch. It worked. I even had to walk/ kick my feet at the top to help it up but I made it. I was pumped. That was insane. Looking back down after we got to the top made it look that much steeper. I don't know if we would be able to go down it. Pics never do as much justice but it sort of shows the steepness I guess. Again, the views paid off. But boy I was tired! We continued on and only came across one more technical downhill section, but it wasn't too bad. A couple more miles of zig zagging through the mountain and we were out of there and headed back to camp at Coral. It sure felt good to ride in a straight line on hard terrain!
  3. What a weekend! Me, Chadwick and my buddy Mike B rolled out Friday night to Coral. We had the 3 quads and Mike & I also brought along our dual sport bikes to go explore. We arrived around 10:30 with no issues and quickly set up camp with vegas style and Jill & Charlie. They snatched up quite a nice spot in the meadow. Saturday morning we wasted no time at all when we woke up and hit the dunes. We rode all over the place, end to end. I think we were gone for a good 2 hours. Back to camp for some breakfast and then back out. Unfortunately halfway through this run Mike's quad had an electrical issue. He just bought a YFZ450 and the LED taillight apparently shorted and melted the battery because it wasn't fused. Vegas Style towed him back with his RZR... ...and we headed into Kanab on the DS bikes to buy a new battery. We weren't so lucky because many places were closed and evidentally the Yamaha dealer closed years ago. Luckily Napa had a smaller battery that would work...for $65. Ouch! Long story short, we headed back to camp, made some lunch and got it fixed back up in no time. Kicking back and chillen before another ride. Charlie sporting his Beavis & Butthead boxers Mike, Chad and I headed out for a long azz sunset cruise. Again, we rode everywhere, end to end. Along the way we spotted a decent sized rattle snake! Good thing too because this time I brought my good camera. The 3 amigos' rides Then we headed to the other end (northeast corner) until we hit fence line. The views out that way are always really nice. That night we made some dinner, watched a movie, and had a little bit of campfire time, then crashed. We were exhausted. The next morning we opted to stay in and eat before we headed out to ride. We burned alot of calories the day before and we were gonna need some fuel to burn. We set up my Go Pro chesty mount and hit the one way trail and beyond out through the trees. Then we rode through some cool new areas I had never been before (south of the campground) and then we proceeded to zig zag all over the place ending up at the northeast corner again. Damn, I love those trails! Then after some lunch, Mike and I hopped on the DS bikes and rode to Hog Canyon. It's a recreation trail system near Kanab.
  4. I may come by to shoot the sh*t and toss back a beer. Depends on if I get my hauler cleaned up and back in storage by then.
  5. We need a couple more and then we'll open the voting.
  6. Looks really good, Bruce. Tempting! I love your builds. Always so clean. I "need" one.
  7. Cheers to that. I agree. Many thanks to those who sacrificed their lives for our country's freedom.
  8. Just got home. What an amazing weekend. I think we duned more this weekend than any weekend of duning ever. We barely had time to eat, drink and sleep! I'm very happy how the trip turned out. I'll post up more in a trip report with some pics later.
  9. We ended up taking it. Cane Beds wasn't that bad at all. A little wash board, but nothing worse that Dumont's entrance road. I kept track of the road and it's only 4.7 miles of dirt between the sections of pavement- barley longer than Dumont's road. We just kept it slow and shaved a good hour off our drive.
  10. Sounds like Saturday the 15th is the best date for most. A few of my buddies who are going can't do the 16th either. Let's nail it down to that day instead.
  11. Halloween
  12. That's what jackets are for. Besides, not many chairs keep your back warm. Haha
  13. I picked up a Coleman suspension chair over the weekend. Super comfortable and looks well built. I'll be trying it out over the weekend and if it passes the test, I'll pick up another one for monkie.
  14. Looks like you'll have the place all to yourself! The nights will be perfect temps.
  15. Right on. Good luck getting it finished up for the weekend. This is probably going to be one of the coolest Memorial weekends in years. It will still be warm, but it looks like under 100!
  16. That would be great! Hoping we will have enough space. Mike B and I are bringing our dual sport bikes as well. I figure when it's too bright to dune during that certain part of the afternoon, we'll go explore a little bit.
  17. The weather for this weekend is looking awesome!
  18. No, with a sandcar you don't need a helmet. A side x side is considered 1000cc or less.
  19. Right on. Seems like with a little more notice this year we have a few more new faces coming out to join us for summer sand therapy.
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