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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Hasn't ended yet. I think she said the 23rd or something like that.
  2. A Texas Highway Patrol trooper pulled over a gas tanker to perform a routine visual inspection and discovered the tanker was carrying 3.9 tons of marijuana. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/3-9-tons-marijuana-confiscated-texas-highway-patrol-191437976.html
  3. SST is coming to Vegas November 9th at the Silver Bowl. I plan on going for sure!
  4. That means you had too many cocktails. Try again in the morning.
  5. I'll stay on top of it and continue to post the link every couple days, Kathy. I hope she wins.
  6. What is she at now for votes? Is she still leading?
  7. Ok, the link has been posted on DDR's FB page. We have over 1600 followers on there so that should help. I posted the pic of her as well. That in itself should get it done. People can't resist clicking on a hot girl.
  8. Sorry to hear about the buggy issue, Pat. Sounds like you still had a good trip regardless. That's great Chris's new motor is up and running good. He's been fighting some small but frustrating issues with it lately. How were the daytime temps? Upwards of the 90's I would guess?
  9. yes http://www.dumontdun...showtopic=18392 You and Aaron think alike today. haha
  10. Rick makes some very valid points and I share his frustration about the crap it takes in order to obtain a permit or open a small business these days, however I am sure his company was missing something required for the permit such as the 180 day minimum requirement. The media always puts a twist on things and makes them out sound ridiculous. I'm sure the BLM didn't just say, "eh, we don't want to give you a permit". There are rules they must play by in order to issue a permit. It's not a matter of personal discretion or opinion.
  11. Yep, I got it. I'll set it up tonight when I get home from work.
  12. Kathy I'll post this on DDR's facebook page. That'll definitely get some votes for her.
  13. Congrats. It's funny how far we will drive to buy our toys. I did the same thing for the last couple buggies and bikes I have bought. One thing I would highly recommend adding is a B pillar to that cage for safety.
  14. Lol yep... April Fools Turns out the joke was on BLM. Their phones were ringing all day yesterday. Hahaaa I can't believe so many people fell for this ON April Fools day.
  15. I tried to vote from my phone but it just brought me to facebook. No particular page. If its still open voting I'll vote when i get home.
  16. ^^^ I miss that crazy guy!!! hahahaa
  17. Well they are stuck there forever now! One of our members snapped this pic this morning when a duner was trying to get out over the new perimeter fence.
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