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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Same here but how do you look before cresting a razor??? Sometimes you can ride the ridge and scope it out first, but some of the steep ones you have no choice but to just flop them and be extremely alert and ready. Luckily the couple close calls I had I was able to get a glance over the edge and 2 times it would have been ugly if I had gone over.
  2. We're back home from Dumont. We pulled in Friday around 6PM and rolled out tonight (sunday) around 7pm. It was a great weekend out there despite a little cold weather every now and then. I had a couple very close calls due to the crowds. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again...I really hate holiday weekends. I swore I was done with them, but this trip was an exception due to extra good company to camp & dune with. On a positive note, nobody in our group got hurt and we had a killer time shredding those tore up dunes. We avoided the congested areas (comp hill) and never even went over there at night to party. We stayed in camp, cooked a ton of food, and had some good laughs. On one of the last runs today Jason (JVZ) busted his trans. Time to upgrade to a Mendi I suppose. I'm just glad I didn't break mine pulling him out of the dunes. I had to drag him around the dunes for a little bit before we made our way out. haha At least it broke towards the end of the weekend. We got alot of duning in and burned through plenty of race gas. It was hard to see Smokin Als buggy out there without him and then see the urn of his ashes that Brian & Nicole planned to spread. I wish we could have stayed longer to be part of it. Overall we really enjoyed our weekend and it was great to run into some DDR people too. Holidays are always good for that.
  3. Better hope there is some wind soon. That place was tore up this weekend!
  4. My brake pads have shipped and overnight delivery should have them here tomorrow morning according to the tracking. So I should have time to throw them on, load up then head out as soon as duniemonkie gets off work. I'm super stoked to get back out with the crew. RANDOG is finally making an appearance!
  5. Thank, Dale. Hopefully they'll get here in time. The cost of next day shipping was more than the damn pads themselves! Nice! Live it up, Saul. Were are you camped? I'll try and make it by at some point throughout the weekend. I'll be along the 2nd finger south of RR 6. (B8 on the grid map) Feel free to come by any time.
  6. This weekend is looking better and better for us. I'm trying to get some brake pads for the buggy so we can make it out. Hopefully Kartek has some so I can hook up my front brakes again. Over the last trip, the left inner pad literally ripped off the backing plate when I was chasing Lou B around. So I rigged it up for now so I can still run with just rears. Just no crazy fast runs because I am used to having front and rear brakes.
  7. Merry Christmas to you and everyone else as well. Hope you're all enjoying the day. :xmas8:
  8. Wow! STOUT is an understatement. Those are some hefty components so far. Good luck with the build.
  9. How could they get rid of that? That's all Baker has going on other than the Mad muddbutt Greek!
  10. Badass bike, Bruce. One of these seasons I'll build one.
  11. I might pick it up from you, Vic. I'm just not 100% sure I have 3 more trips planned yet. I have alot of other stuff going on this season. I'll let you know soon.
  12. Same to you and Charlie!
  13. Looks like we're all still here and the world is still kicking as we know it. Wait, maybe not? It's been rather quiet in here lately. Chime and and say something so we know you're alive! I like pizza.
  14. Right on man. Thanks! I'll hit u up if we end up going. Dumont or Glamis? because I posted this in the DUMONT Happenings.
  15. Hey, ATC 70 guys and girls. Most of you are already are aware of this, but we felt with it getting closer to the annual regatta date we should reiterate about the future of the event. Due to stricter regulations and rising associated costs with obtaining a special recreation permit on BLM lands, unfortunately there will NOT be an ATC 70 Regatta this year. We are unsure at this time if we will host another one in the future. We thank each and every one of you for your interest, participation and support over the past 4 years. Together we created one of the largest ATC 70 gatherings in the world and had a blast doing it! Many hilarious memories were made and we even made it into Sand Sports Magazine twice! Be sure to check our forum regularly for upcoming informal trips to meet up with some of the ATC 70 Regatta "regulars" out at Dumont. We'd still love to meet up every year (just in a less formal fashion) to tear it up on the 70s. Thanks again for your support. With that said, we should try and get a date set for a dune trip soon and get together.
  16. Anybody headed out for New Years? I know some of our crew will be there so I'm trying to swing at least a day trip since I had to cancel our annual New Years Glamis trip. Looking forward to getting back out to D with the crew!
  17. Christmas is always dead out there. New Year's doesn't even bring much of a crowd either.
  18. Great video. Pretty much sums up our weekend of duning! I'm ready for a day trip on the Raptor after watching that.
  19. You guys rock! Looks like a blast. Very good job with the video.
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