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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I'm not doing Halloween weekend this year. I was just curious who was. I might shoot for the weekend after. October is all booked up for me.
  2. Welcome to DDR, Will. Looking forward to hooking up this season for some rides.
  3. Welcome back, dude! Damn, it has been while.
  4. You should start a thread instead of posting it here.
  5. Who's planning on going? BTW: Halloween weekend is the weekend (Oct 27-28) before just in case anyone was wondering
  6. I'm working on some site updates and need a picture of a season pass. Could someone who has already purchased a season pass take a pic of your pass and send it to me via a pm or email? pete@dumontduneriders.com Thanks!
  7. Looks like a double-post http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=17814
  8. Well how was it? Any pics that those who went could share? Anything that was a must see? The main raffle prizes looked badass this year!
  9. Gotta love smooth transactions and a good deal. It's great when you pretty much don't have to think. Just walk in, say you want that one, sign a few papers and take it home! haha That's how my KTM purchase went too. Congratulations, Steve! What perfect timing right before the new season. You're going to love it.
  10. Saw this yesterday. Badass. I want to see the trial and error jumps.
  11. LIVE with Honda power? You must not have ridden in my car. Terry's is a bit faster than mine, but a turbo Honda is no slouch. And no. Once you have the power, you can't go back.
  12. No thanks. I'll just be running the Rebel 100 this season. Worked just fine for me last season.
  13. So does this mean your sandcar is no longer for sale?
  14. It will wheelie easier. That's for sure. Sometimes a 10 can be a little much but if you have the power to spin it and stay on top of the sand rather than dig in, it will work great for you. Give it a try! Should be fun.
  15. It's not that it outweighs the dunes. It's just an additional passion I have acquired. It definitely costs much less and I get to see and ride alot more. There's only so many weekends to do it all though. I still love the dunes just as much, but this season the trips will be a little more limited with everything I've got going on. I'll still be going out every chance I get! As far as the house, we're just doing some much needed updating as it's already been 11 1/2 years since I bought the place new. We'll be redoing the master bath, adding a bar on our half kitchen wall, new flooring throughout the entire house, new appliances, some more painting and new moulding.
  16. Out of the dunes? How dare you talk like that! :ohmy: I've definitely taken a larger interest in the dual sport world lately, especially since the purchase of the KTM. It's grown into an addiction like the dunes now. I don't think I could ever give up the dunes, however this season I will be making less trips than usual due to a couple reasons. We're starting soon on our partial remodel which will consume some time and money. I also have many more multi-day dual sport trips planned and we also have a trip to the Bahamas in March! Unfortunately I probably won't be able to make my first trip to Dumont until early November. I have to work the weekend of the 20th and we have a friend's Halloween party on the 27th.
  17. So Mike, do we need to buy tickets or can anyone enter the RV parking area where you'll be? I'd love to come kick it with you guys.
  18. Can you believe it? Only another month / month and a half left to go. Is it just me or does anyone else "smell" dune season" approaching? What I mean is those evenings where the temperatures are starting to get a bit cooler. You'll be out in the garage doing something and the cool air has that distinct cool smell of dune season. You can almost hear the sound of RV generators in camp around the fire or quads & buggies out on the dunes. I've been dreading the maintenance and things I still have to do to get ready for the upcoming season, but I can't wait to get back out again and see my dune family and friends. My sandcar has been waiting very patiently. I've sat in it a few times over the summer and I miss driving it real bad! It won't be much longer now!
  19. Does this mean it passed? http://leginfo.ca.go..._chaptered.html Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  20. <-- Possibly interested but I have been cramming so much into my weekends lately I may need a weekend for doing nothing. I'll know as it gets a little closer. 23rd would be the best for me if I'm in. I'll let ya know.
  21. hahahaa! Awesome. Congrats on 10 years to you two!
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